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Basic verification tests that cover installation of the 1E ITSM Connect app. These tests should be run in series. They start with basic functionality tests. Depending on the decisions you have made during the design phase of your project, you may need additional tests to verify your Tachyon implementation.


Please ensure you complete all verification tests. They not only confirm your system is operational, but they also introduce you to concepts and tasks that you will use later when using Tachyon.

To run these tests, you need:

  1. Tachyon Server installed and verified.

  2. A working ServiceNow instance with the 1E Core ServiceNow app installed and verified. Please refer the 1E Core 2.1 - Preparation and 1E Core 2.1 - Installing for more details.

  3. A working ServiceNow instance with the 1E ITSM Connect app installed. Please refer to Preparation and Installing for more details, including post-installation tasks.

  4. Two ServiceNow User accounts, Test User 1 and 2

    1. must not be existing 1E ITSM Connect app users because they will be assigned specific roles for the purpose of these tests.

    2. must have email addresses and be able to read emails.

  5. The product pack file containing the Tachyon Verification instructions, if not already installed. In these tests this file is referred to as the Tachyon Verification product pack.

  6. At least one test device on which the Tachyon Agent has been installed.


The following 1E ITSM Connect app verification steps also assume you have already performed the Tachyon verifying steps and fixed any issues found, for more details please refer to Tachyon 8.1 - Verifying.

Verify Tachyon Instruction Synchronization with 1E ITSM Connect

To run the following tests you need:

  1. A 1E ITSM Connect app ServiceNow user assigned to the x_1e_connect.Tachyon_Admin role. This user is referred to as the ITSM Connect admin user

  2. The 1E ITSM Connect app proxy account has been created as a Tachyon user account, in our tests this is called ITSMConnectUser

  3. The 1E ITSM Connect app App Configuration page has the following properties:

    • Tachyon User Name: set to the name of the 1E ITSM Connect proxy user account, in our example this is set to acme\ITSMConnectUser

    • Tachyon User Password: set to the password of the 1E ITSM Connect proxy user account

    • Other properties, for example Enable Approval, are explained in 1E ITSM Connect post-installation tasks

  4. The Tachyon Verification product pack should be installed in Tachyon

  5. A Tachyon Verification instruction set should be created containing the two instructions from the Tachyon Verification product pack

  6. A Tachyon Verification role should be created with the following properties

    • Role name: Tachyon Verification

    • Assign Instruction Sets: Tachyon Verification

    • Permissions: Actioner

    • Assign Management Group: All Devices

  7. The Tachyon Verification role should be assigned to the proxy user ITSMConnectUser



Expected Response


  • Login to ServiceNow as the ITSM Connect admin user

  • Go to the 1E ITSM Connect→App Configuration page

  • Click on the Retrieve Instructions button

After clicking Retrieve Instructions a success message is displayed on the App Configuration page and the two Tachyon Verification instructions are displayed on the 1E ITSM Connect app Instruction Definitions page.

The purpose of this step is to confirm the basic communications between Tachyon and the 1E ITSM Connect app.

  1. The message Server connection test failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details is displayed on the App Configuration page if the credentials used for communicating with Tachyon are not valid. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon User Name setting on the App Configuration page is correct and provided in the domain\username format

    • The password for the account is correctly set

    • The Tachyon User Name has also been added to Tachyon with Actioner permissions to access the Tachyon Verification instructions.

    • All settings are correctly defined in the 1E Core settings page.

  2. The message Instructions retrieval failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details. is displayed on the App Configuration page if the Tachyon instructions could not be retrieved. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon User Name has also been added to Tachyon with Actioner permissions to access the Tachyon Verification instructions.

Verify ServiceNow users can run instructions on Tachyon clients

This is an end-to-end test to verify that a ServiceNow user is able to run a simple instruction on a specific device.

To run the following tests you need:

  • Tachyon Server installed and above CNCT01 verification test has passed - depending on whether your Tachyon system is available to ServiceNow on a local network or over the Internet.

  • A target incident has been created in ServiceNow for one of the test devices, that has 1E Client installed with Tachyon client enabled.

  • Logon to ServiceNow as a 1E ITSM Connect app user account that is assigned to the x_1e_connect.Tachyon_User and the ServiceNow ITIL roles.



Expected Response


  • Login to ServiceNow as the ITSM Connect app user

  • Navigate to the 1E ITSM Connect→Incidents page

  • Open the target incident for the device by clicking on the incident id link in the Number column

  • Select the 1E ITSM Connect tab on the Incident page

  • Type verification into the Instructions field

  • Select Tachyon Platform verification stage 1 from the list of matching instructions

  • Click Run Instruction

When the Tachyon Platform verification stage 1 instruction is run an Instruction History link appears under Related Links on the Incident page.

You may need to refresh the Instruction History Responses page.

Verification stage 1 tests communication between the Agent and Switch. Any issues will appear in the Agent log.

Check the status of each test device is online.