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Resolving error messages and warnings

Basic troubleshooting to remediate errors that may occur while implementing, configuring and using SGC for 1E Tachyon.

Sl. No.

Error message/Warning




A message displayed on the API Configuration page:

"Access is denied due to invalid credentials. You do not have permission to perform this action using the credentials that you supplied."

This error message is displayed when the user clicks on Test Server Connection/Retrieve Instruction on the API Configuration page.

This message is displayed when the credentials used for communicating with Tachyon are invalid.

Verify that the Tachyon User Name (should be in the format domain\username) and Tachyon User Password given on the API Configuration page is correct.


A message displayed on the API Configuration page:

"The MID Server is not responding. Please confirm the connection details and that the MID Server is valid and online."

This error message is displayed when the user clicks on the Test Server Connection/Retrieve Instruction on the API Configuration page and Tachyon is not hosted over the cloud/internet, instead the MID Server is used to communicate with Tachyon.

Check whether the MID Server name given on the API Configuration page is correct.

Ensure the MID Server used for the communication with Tachyon is Up and has value Yes in validated column.


A message displayed on the API Configuration page:

"Some mandatory API configuration settings are empty. Please provide all the required information before testing the connection."

This error message is displayed when the user clicks on Test Server Connection/Retrieve Instruction on the API Configuration page.

Ensure every field available on the API Configuration Page are completed correctly. The MID Server field is optional when Tachyon is hosted over internet.


A message displayed on the API Configuration page:

"There was an error while retrieving Tachyon instructions. Please check the configuration settings and try again."

This error message is displayed when the user clicks on Retrieve Instruction button on the API Configuration page.

Ensure every available field on the API Configuration Page are completed correctly, and verify the Tachyon Server URL.

Ensure the Tachyon server is up and running and reachable over the network.


A message displayed on Tachyon Settings page:

"Connection test failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configurations."

This error message is displayed when the user clicks on Test Server Connectionbutton on the Tachyon Settings page.

Ensure that all the fields available on the Tachyon Settings page are filled properly.

Also ensure your Tachyon server is up and running and reachable over the network.


After executing the Schedule Imports job, CIs are not discovered.

This issue occurs when SG-1ETachyon is not registered as a Discovery Source.

To overcome this issue, go to Fix Scripts and execute the script Register SG-1ETachyondiscovery src.

Also ensure that in the cmdb_ci table SG-1ETachyon is added to the Discovery Source and is available in the Discovery Source dropdown list.


A message displayed during an execution of Scheduled Import:

"Did not get a response from the MID server."

This error message is displayed when an import job runs for five minutes without any reply from the MID server and thus times out. This may happen when Load All Records is clicked in a JDBC data source.

JDBC requests times out after five minutes due to these default settings for system properties:

glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry = 60
glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry_millis = 5000

The five minutes timeout is calculated as -

glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry (60 retries) x 
glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry_millis (5000 milliseconds 
(5 seconds)) = 300 seconds or 5 minutes

To overcome this issue, extend the timeout from five to thirty minutes by creating the below systems properties. Adjust these properties with different values as it fits you.

Name = glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry
Type = integer
Value = 360 and

Name = glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry_millis
Type = integer
Value = 5000

Now the new timeout can be calculated as -
glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry (360 retries) x 
glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry_millis (5000 milliseconds
(5 seconds)) = 1800 seconds or 30 minutes