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Basic verification tests that cover the installation and basic use of 1E Virtual Assistant.These tests should be run in series. They start with verifying the connection to Tachyon, then retrieving instructions, and finally running an example topic in a lab environment to confirm all components are working. Depending on the decisions you have made during the design phase of your implementation you may need additional tests to verify your 1E Virtual Assistant implementation.


Please ensure you complete all verification tests. They not only confirm your system is operational, but they also introduce you to concepts and tasks that you will use later when using 1E Virtual Assistant.

To run these tests you need:

  1. All of the requirements have been met, more information can be found on the Requirements page.

  2. All of the preparation steps have been run, details of these can be found on the Preparation page.

  3. The 1E Virtual Assistant has been installed. Please refer to Installing 1E Virtual Assistant for more details.

  4. The post-installation tasks have been done, including adding a user with the x_1e_virtual_agent.admin role. Please refer to 1E Virtual Assistant post-installation tasks for more information.

Verify 1E Virtual Assistant connection to Tachyon

This tests a connection to Tachyon, this may available over the internet or installed on a local network where an additional associated mid-server has been implemented.


Expected Result


  1. Log into ServiceNow as a user with the x_1e_virtual_agent.admin role.

  2. Navigate to the 1E Virtual Assistant→App Settings page by searching for 1e virtual agent in the navigation search and then selecting App Settings.

  3. Click on the Test Server Connection button.

After clicking the Test Server Connection button a success message is displayed.

If you see the following message when testing the server connection:

Server connection test failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details.

This may be due to one or more of the following:

  1. The Tachyon username and password are not set correctly. Re-check and re-enter the credentials and test again.

  2. If Tachyon is not in the cloud and has been implemented on-premises, check that your ServiceNow mid-server has been set up and is working correctly.

You may find that the Tachyon credentials are correct on this page, but an error is still displayed. In this case you will then need to check the other Configuration settings in the 1E Core app.

Verify 1E Virtual Assistant instructions can be retrieved

This tests that the topic-related instructions can be retrieved from Tachyon.


Expected Result


Verify that instructions can be retrieved from Tachyon
  1. Log into ServiceNow as a user with the x_1e_virtual_agent.admin role.

  2. Navigate to the 1E Virtual Assistant App Settings page by searching for 1e virtual agent in the navigation search and then selecting App Settings.

  3. Click on the Retrieve Instructions button.

After clicking the Retrieve Instructions button a success message is displayed.

If you get the following message when attempting to retrieve instructions:

Instruction retrieval failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details.

This may be due to one of the following:

  1. The Tachyon username and password are not set correctly. Re-check and re-enter the credentials and test the server connection again.

  2. If Tachyon is not in the cloud and has been implemented on-premises, check that your ServiceNow mid-server has been set up and is working correctly.

  3. Ensure that the 1E Virtual Assistant instructions have been uploaded into Tachyon.

  4. Ensure that the 1E Virtual Assistant instructions are covered in your Tachyon license.

  5. Check that the Tachyon account has questioner permissions for the 1E Virtual Assistant instructions.

Verify that the correct instructions are retrieved from Tachyon
  1. Log into ServiceNow as a user with the x_1e_core_connect.admin role.

  2. Navigate to the 1E Core→Instruction Definitions page.

  3. Confirm that the appropriate instructions whose names start with 1E-Explorer-ServiceNow- have been retrieved for the topics you want to use, according to the table on Topics and their associated Tachyon instructions.

When viewing the instructions on the Instruction Definitions page all the correct instructions have been loaded.

If some or all of the expected instructions are missing:

  1. Ensure that the 1E Virtual Assistant product pack has been loaded into Tachyon.

  2. Ensure that the user specified by the Tachyon credentials on the 1E Virtual Assistant→App Settings page has actioner permissions on all the expected instructions.

Verify that a 1E Virtual Assistant topic can be run from the Virtual Agent in the ServiceNow Portal


Expected Result


Verify that the Glide Virtual Agent plugin has been installed and activated
  1. Log in to ServiceNow as a ServiceNow admin user (system administrator).

  2. Navigate to the Plugins→All Applications page.

  3. Search for the glide virtual agent

  4. Check the button displayed on the Glide Virtual Agent entry in the search results.

There should be an entry of the Glide Virtual Agent in the search results.

The button on the Glide Virtual Agent entry should be labelled Installed.

If the Glide Virtual Agent plug in has not been installed and enabled follow the instructions in Preparation: Enable the Glide Virtual Agent plugin.

Verify that the Glide Virtual Agent icon is present on the ServiceNow Portal
  1. Log in to the ServiceNow Portal.

  2. On the home page, check that the Glide Virtual Agent callout icon is displayed.

The Glide Virtual Agent should be displayed on the ServiceNow Portal home page.

If the Glide Virtual Agent icon is not displayed on the ServiceNow Portal home page follow the instructions under 1E Virtual Assistant post-installation tasks: Add widgets to the ServiceNow Service Portal.

Verify that the Add a printer topic is available and works
  1. Log in to the ServiceNow Portal.

  2. On the home page click the Glide Virtual Agent icon to display the Virtual Agent.

  3. When prompted, type in the text add printer.

  4. Select Add Printer from the Matching Requests field.

  5. You may be asked to select the device where you want the Add Printer topic to run.

  6. After the topic has run and the Printer & Scanners settings page has been displayed, you will then be prompted: click Yes to indicate that your issue has been resolved.

  7. You will then be prompted to rate the service. Click Excellent and 1E Virtual Assistant will close out the conversation.

After typing the text add printer into the chat edit field, a Matching Requestsfield should be displayed with the textAdd Printerto show that the topic has been found.

After selecting to run the Add Printer topic you may be shown one of the following, depending on the scenario:


What should happen


The Shopping infrastructure has been implemented and the 1E Client with the Shopping module enabled has been deployed to the device.

The 1E Virtual Assistant is able to determine the FQDN for the device the user is browsing from and proceeds with running the Add Printer topic.

One or more CMDB entries have been defined for the user logged in to the ServiceNow Portal that relates them to a device.

The 1E Virtual Assistant will prompt the user to select their device FQDN from a list of alternatives corresponding to the CMDB entries.

Both of the above scenarios are true

The 1E Virtual Assistant will prompt the user to select their device FQDN from a list consisting of the local device determined by the 1E Client Shopping module plus any CMDB device entries defined for that user.

After the device has been determined the 1E Virtual Assistant should then (depending on the device OS) open either the Devices and Printers or Printer & Scanner control panel on that device.

If your device is not displayed or selected and you want the 1E Virtual Assistant to automatically determine the device you are browsing from follow the instructions on: Preparation: Install and configure Shopping for use with the 1E Virtual Assistant.