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Access a shared folder

An end-user requests to get an access on a Network folder. The Virtual Assistant then raises a pre-approved change request and provides the requested access permission on the required network folder.

What you need to enable the Access a Shared Folder topic

The following Tachyon instructions must be added to your Tachyon system:

  • 1E-Explorer-ServiceNow-GrantAccessOnNetworkFolder

When this instruction is executed, it provides end-user with the requested access to the required shared folder.

This instruction takes the following three parameters:




It accepts either domain name/user name or email id as values.


It accepts path of network folder, to which end-user wants access. The folder path can be in the format MachineName\\folder_path.


It accepts Read/Change/Full as values. The end-user access type is decided based on this value.


  1. A pre-approved change request will be raised for user to access a network folder.

  2. Virtual Agent identifies the end-user by looking at the property 'x_1e_virtual_agent.user_identification_field'.

How your end-users request to Access a Shared Folder

The Virtual Assistant is integrated into the ServiceNow Virtual Agent accessible from the ServiceNow Portal. Please refer to Starting a conversation with 1E Virtual Assistant for more details on how to access the ServiceNow Virtual Agent and how to get to the Virtual Assistant topics.

Selecting the Access a Shared Folder topic using the search field

Your end-user can type any of the following keywords to find the Access a Shared Folder topic:

  • Access a shared folder

  • Network folder access

  • Folder inaccessible

  • Access denied

  • Cannot access file

  • Read access

  • Write access

  • Full access

  • Shared drive

  • Shared folder.

The picture shows the end-user has typed shared folder into the search field and Matching Requests shows the Access a Shared Folder topic that has been found.

The Access a Shared Folder actions and instructions

Selecting theAccess a Shared Folder option prompts the virtual assistant to start the process. The end-user is requested to enter the network folder path for which he/she wants access.


Once the network folder path is provided, then the end-user has to select which level of access i.e. Read, Write or Full is required.


Provide a valid reason for why your end-user wants access permission on the requested network folder.


After taking all the inputs, Virtual Agent now proceed further to process the access permission.


A pre-approved change request is raised on behalf of the end-user to log the incident. The details of the change request are given to end-user.


The requested access permission are now granted to the end-user. It then asks whether the issue that the end-user raised has been resolved.

The end-user gets to respond with Yes or No, as shown in the picture.

Rating the Virtual Assistant

After respondingYesthe end-user is then asked for a rating:Poor,GoodorExcellent.


In our example the end-user selects the Excellent option and the Virtual Assistant completes the conversation.

The rating is a default part of all the Virtual Assistant topics this can be changed if you don't want your end-users to be prompted whenever they select an action. Please refer to Changing the behavior of a Virtual Assistant topic for more details.
