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Basic verification tests covering the installation and basic use of 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect.

These tests should be run in series. They start with verifying the connection to Tachyon, then retrieve instructions, and finally check whether you can see CMDB Connect and Related Links tabs. Depending on the decisions you have made during the design phase of your implementation, you may need additional tests to verify your 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect implementation.


Please ensure you complete all verification tests. They not only confirm your system is operational, but they also introduce you to concepts and tasks that you will use later when using 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect.

To run these tests, you need:

  1. All the requirements have been met as described on the Requirements page.

  2. All the preparation steps have been performed as described on the Preparation page.

  3. 1E CMDB has been successfully installed as mentioned on the Installing 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect page.

  4. All the post-installation tasks have been performed as described on the Post-installation tasks for 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect page.

Verify 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect connection to Tachyon

This tests a connection to Tachyon, which may be available over the internet or installed on a local network where an additional associated mid-server has been implemented.


Expected Result


  1. Log onto ServiceNow as a user with the x_1e_tachyon_cmdb.admin role.

  2. Navigate to the 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect container on the sidebar under Applications of ServiceNow.

  3. Select App Configuration under 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect menu.

  4. App Configuration page appears on the right panel on the window.

  5. Now click on the Test Server Connection button given in the top right corner of the page.

After clicking on the Test Server Connection button a success message "Connection test was successful" is displayed.

In case you see the following error message while testing the server connection:

"Server connection test failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details."

This may occur due to one or more of the following reasons:

  • The Tachyon username and password are not set correctly. Check the credentials provided and type them again. Test again and see if it works this time.

  • If Tachyon is not on the cloud and has been implemented on-premises, check that your ServiceNow mid-server has been set up and is working correctly.

You may find that the Tachyon credentials are correct on this page, but an error is still displayed. In this case you will then need to check the other Configuration settings on the 1E Core app.

Verify 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect instructions can be retrieved

This tests if the required Tachyon instructions can be retrieved from Tachyon.


Expected Result


Verify the instructions can be retrieved from Tachyon
  1. Log onto ServiceNow as a user with the x_1e_tachyon_cmdb.admin role.

  2. Navigate to the 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect container on the sidebar under Applications of ServiceNow.

  3. Select App Configuration under 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect menu.

  4. App Configuration page appears on the right panel on the window.

  5. Now click on the Retrieve Instructions button given in the top right corner of the page.

After clicking on the Retrieve Instructions button a success message "Instructions retrieved successfully" is displayed.

In case, you see the following error message while attempting to retrieve the instructions:

"Instruction retrieved failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details."

This may occur due to one or more of the following reasons:

  • The Tachyon username and password are not set correctly. Check the credentials provided and type them again. Test the server connection again.

  • If Tachyon is not on the cloud and has been implemented on-premises, check that your ServiceNow mid-server has been set up and is working correctly.

  • Ensure the instructions for 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect have been uploaded into Tachyon.

  • Ensure the instructions for 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect are covered in your Tachyon license.

  • Check the Tachyon account has Questioner permission for the instructions of 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect.

Verify the correct instructions are retrieved from Tachyon
  1. Log onto ServiceNow as a user with the x_1e_tachyon_cmdb.admin role.

  2. Navigate to the 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect container on the sidebar under Applications of ServiceNow.

  3. Select Instruction Definition under 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect menu.

  4. Confirm the appropriate instructions have been retrieved.

When viewing the instructions on the Instruction Definition page all the correct instructions have been loaded.

If some or all the expected instructions are missing:

  • Ensure the 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect product pack has been uploaded into Tachyon.

  • Ensure the user specified by the Tachyon credentials on the 1E Tachyon CMDB Connect → App Configurations page has Questioner permission on all the expected instructions.

Verify the 1E CMDB Connect tab is visible and displays appropriate information


Expected Result


  1. Log onto ServiceNow as a user with the x_1e_tachyon_cmdb.admin role.

  2. Type cmdb_ci_computer.LIST table name in the filter navigator and press enter. This opens up Computers page in a new tab.

  3. Select any device from the list and open the record by clicking either on the Fully qualified domain name of the device or information icon.

  4. A record for the selected device opens up. Now check whether you can see the 1E CMDB Connect tab or not.

  5. Click on the 1E CMDB Connect tab.

When you click the 1E CMDB Connect tab it shows the real-time status of the device along with other details including IP Address, Last Reboot, Domain, Operating System, Last Seen, and Timezone.

In case you don't see 1E CMDB Connect tab on the page. Then this may happen due to the following reason:

  • Ensure that the 1E CMDB Connect tab has been configured and added.