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NightWatchman Enterprise

Step through adding groups
Adding groups


In this tutorial, we are going to:

  1. Add the country Spain to the EMEA group.

  2. Add a region for the newly created country.

  3. Add a city for newly created region.

  4. Add a building for the city.


To add Spain to the EMEA group:

  1. Select the EMEA node and right-click with the mouse to display the context menu.

  2. From the context-menu, select Add Group...

  3. In the Add Group dialog, enter the name Spain.

  4. Click OK.


To add the region Madrid to the newly created country group:

  1. Select the Spain node and right-click with the mouse to display the context menu.

  2. From the context-menu, select Add Group...

  3. In the Add Group dialog, enter the name Madrid.

  4. Click OK.

To add the city Madrid to the newly created region group:

  1. Select the Madrid node and right-click with the mouse to display the context menu.

  2. From the context-menu, select Add Group...

  3. In the Add Group dialog, enter the name Madrid.

  4. Click OK

To add the building 35 Castellana to the newly created city group:

  1. Select the Madrid node and right-click with the mouse to display the context menu.

  2. From the context-menu, select Add Group...

  3. In the Add Group dialog, enter 35 Castellana.

  4. Click OK.

The completed tree is illustrated below
