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1E 9 (on-premises)


Application Migration is implemented as an application that runs on the Tachyon Platform, which includes SLA and 1E Catalog components. Please refer to Installing 1E for more details.

Application Migration Licensing

Application Migration is now licensed through the Tachyon Platform. You will require a Tachyon license file that includes Application Migration. Refer to License requirements for more information.

Accounts needed to install Application Migration
Installing Application Migration on Tachyon Platform

The user installing Application Migration on Tachyon Platform needs the following permissions, it must:

  • Have local admin rights on the Tachyon server

  • Be an existing Tachyon user with the Full Administrator role.


    For a new installation of Tachyon, the only account that exists in Tachyon will be the installation account, which by default is assigned to the Tachyon role listed above. You will need to add users and assign roles to them.

    When upgrading from SLA Platform, SLA users are migrated to Tachyon, but are not assigned to any roles. You will need to assign users to appropriate roles in Tachyon.

    For steps on viewing existing users and adding a new user in Tachyon Platform 8.1, please refer to the Users and Groups page.


    When installing Tachyon or upgrading from SLA Platform, do not install Tachyon using an installation account that you also intend for using and administrating Tachyon and Application Migration. The Tachyon installation account is purposefully given limited capabilities, which can't be easily edited later.

    A recommended workaround for this is to add the installation account to an AD security group, and then assign the security group to appropriate roles in Tachyon, for example Full Administrator.

Installing 1E Task Sequence Tools

The 1E Task Sequence tools are installed on the Configuration Manager site server, SMS provider and any devices on which the Configuration Manager console is installed. The user installing 1E Task Sequence Tools needs the following permissions, it must:

  • Have local admin rights on the device you are installing on

  • Be aFull Administrative userin Configuration Manager.

Service Accounts

Details of Tachyon service accounts are included in Service accounts.

The SQL Login that is used by the Tachyon Server web applications and services depends on whether the SQL Server is remote from the Tachyon Server or is local, as described in the following table:

Installation scenario

Service account SQL Login

Tachyon Server is remote from SQL

The computer account of the remote Tachyon Server. For example ACME\ACME-TCN01$

Tachyon Server and SQL are local

The local network service account, NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE


Before upgrading 1E, or installing or upgrading Consumer applications like Application Migration or AppClarity, the SQL Login must be granted the following rights to support Database Snapshot of the 1E Catalog and SLA databases, to restore them if an error occurs:

  • dbcreator rights on the SQL database instance hosting the 1E Catalog database

  • dbcreator rights on the SQL database instance hosting the SLA databases.

During installation, the Tachyon Setup will always:

  • attempt to create the SQL Login

  • grant it db_owner permission on each of the Tachyon databases

  • remove the db_owner permissions when installation is completed.

Accounts needed to use Application Migration

Tachyon Platform uses Role-based Access Control to associate users with the tasks that they are required to perform. The Application Migration Administrator role is the only role associated with Application Migration. Other platform roles are required in order to complete some post-installation setup and ongoing management of the platform necessary for Application Migration to function, but not considered part of the day-to-day operation of an Application Migration administrator.


The user that installed Tachyon (the Tachyon Installation Account) is assigned the Permissions Administrator role so can be used to add other users and assign roles to them, but you cannot add or change the roles assigned to the original Tachyon Installation Account. It is therefore important to install Tachyon with an account that will NOT be using Application Migration (or any other Tachyon applications for that matter) after installation.


If you upgraded SLA Platform 3.3 to Tachyon Platform 8.1, all previously defined users will be present in Tachyon, but will not be assigned any security roles. You will need to assign the appropriate roles after upgrading the platform.

There are three types of users that are involved in the setup and operation of Application Migration.

Platform administrator roles

These are Tachyon users who can manage users, connectors, management groups and other common components in the Tachyon platform. These users are typically set up after installing Tachyon platform and can be added at any time by other platform administrators (specifically users with the Full Administrator or Group Administrator role).

Application Migration is a Tachyon platform application and has a dependency on certain platform components, such as Users, Connectors and optionally Management Groups, Tasks associated with these components would typically be performed by a platform administrator (a user with the Full Administrator role). In smaller organizations, or organizations only using the Tachyon platform for Application Migration, it is likely that the same one or two people will be responsible for managing all aspects of the platform as well as managing Application Migration. In this scenario, it is likely that those users would be assigned the Full Administrator role in the Tachyon platform. Other organizations may be using several Tachyon platform applications and may want to restrict the number of users that have the Full Administrator role.

Refer to Users and Groups page for details on how to add users and assign security roles in the Tachyon Platform.

Application Migration Administrators role

These are Tachyon users who can use the Application Migration application for day-to-day operation

In order to use Application Migration, users must be added and assigned the Application Migration Administrator role in the Tachyon Platform. This role is added to Tachyon Platform when Application Migration is installed, so you will need to install Application Migration first, then add users and assign them to the Application Migration Administrator role as required.

Alternatively, you can create your own custom role, which must have the following permissions assigned as a minimum.







Process log

Process log


Repository: Inventory

Repository: Inventory

Read, Write, EvaluateManagementGroups, Populate.




Inventory: Association

Inventory: Association

Read, Write, Delete.

Repository: Application migration

Repository: Application migration

Read, Write, Delete, Archive, Populate.







Task Sequence step user

This is the account specified in the Application Migration Task Sequence step used to connect to the Application Migration API (one of the SLA Provider API). It must be a Tachyon user, but it does not require any specific roles to be assigned.

It can be either a dedicated user account or the Configuration Manager Network Access Account.

Supported Platforms
Tachyon Server components


This version of Application Migration requires Tachyon Platform 8.1. Only the Tachyon Master Stack is required, a Response Stack is not required unless you also want to use Tachyon's real-time features. Because Application Migration is an application on the Tachyon platform, the list of Supported Platforms for Application Migration is identical to Tachyon Platform 8.1.

For full details, refer to Tachyon Platform 8.1 - Supported Platforms

System Center Configuration Manager connector

The list below shows the versions of Configuration Manager supported by Tachyon Platform , please refer to System Center Configuration Manager connector for detailed prerequisites and configuration.

  • SCCM CB 2203

  • SCCM CB 2111

  • SCCM CB 2107

  • SCCM CB 2103

  • SCCM CB 2010

1E Client


This version of Application Migration requires 1E Client 8.x with the Shopping client enabled. Shopping client provides WSA features.

Refer to Supported Platforms for details about:

  • Windows clients

  • macOS clients

  • Linux clients

  • Solaris clients.


PowerShell 4.0 or later (included in Windows 8.1 and later) is required by the Application Migration Task Sequence step. The step executes in a Configuration Manager OS deployment task sequence after the new OS is installed.

If you are deploying Windows 7 images, upgrade PowerShell in the image or install it using a Task Sequence step before executing the Application Migration step.

1E Companion Products

Supported versions of 1E companion products that Application Migration 8.1 features depend on.

Products and features that Application Migration depends on

Supported versions of companion products


Required by all Application Migration features. The Tachyon Platform 8.1 Master Stack installation is required with the System Center Configuration Manager connector enabled. The Tachyon Response Stack is only required if you will be using additional Tachyon real-time features outside of Application Migration.

  • Tachyon Platform 8.1

1E Client

1E Client, with Shopping client enabled, needs to be deployed to devices if using Application Migration with 1E Shopping and Windows Self-service Assistant (WSA).

1E Client, with Tachyon client enabled, does not need to be deployed to devices unless Tachyon real-time features are required by other 1E applications.

  • 1E Client 8.1

  • 1E Client 8.0

  • 1E Client 5.2

Supported versions of 1E companion products with features that depend on Application Migration 8.1.

Products and features that depend on Application Migration

Supported versions of companion products


Self-service OS deployment integrated with Application Migration. Optional feature.

  • Shopping 6.1

  • Shopping 6.0 (with hotfixes)








Used by the website hosting the SLA Operations Provider API for HTTP traffic.

Yes, during installation.



Used by the website hosting the SLA Operations Provider API for all HTTPS traffic. A web server certificate is required.

Yes, during installation.


Previous versions of the SLA Platform used port 8080 by default for HTTP communication. If you are upgrading from SLA Platform 3.3 to Tachyon Platform 8.1, you should retain the port settings currently used by SLA Platform by defining the port on the Web Site Configuration page of Tachyon Setup.

For full details of communications, please refer to Communication Ports.