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1E 9 (on-premises)

1E Toolkit requirements

Requirements for installing the 1E Toolkit components.

Toolkit supported platforms




Client OS

  • Windows Server 2022

  • Windows Server 2019

  • Windows Server 2016

  • Windows 10 CB 21H2

  • Windows 11 CB 21H2

  • Windows 10 CB 21H1

  • Windows 10 CB 20H2

For OS supported by Configuration Manager Current Branch (CB) see

Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager console

  • SCCM CB 2203

  • SCCM CB 2111

  • SCCM CB 2107

  • SCCM CB 2103

  • SCCM CB 2010

These are the versions of Configuration Manager that 1E has tested and therefore support, but later versions are assumed to work also.

Please see Preparing for the ConfigMgr extensions for 1E Endpoint Troubleshooting.

Installing the 1E Toolkit

To install the toolkit the installation account must have local Administrator rights on the device.

Toolkit component

Requirements for installation

Requirements for use

1E ConfigMgr UI Extensions

Local administrator on the Windows computer.

Configuration Manager Console already installed. The option to install the 1E ConfigMgr UI Extensions is available only if the toolkit installer detects the Configuration Manager console is installed on the local computer. The Configuration Manager Console should be closed when installing or uninstalling.

To install the Content Distribution Download Pause feature aspect of the 1E ConfigMgr UI Extensions the installation account must be a full Configuration Manager administrator. For more details, please refer to Nomad Download Pause.

Configuration Manager Administrative User.

1E user with actioner permission on the instructions.

1E Run Instruction command-line utility

Local administrator on the Windows Computer.

1E user with permission to run instructions (questioner and/or actioner).