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1E 9 (on-premises)

Usage categories

Usage data is held in inventory repositories, and is obtained using the following types of connector:

Software installations can have one of the following 4 usage categories:

  • Used

  • Rarely Used

  • Unused

  • Unreported:

  • Unreported - Device stopped reporting usage: Device has a usage record but it has been 30 or more days since we received inventory from the device

  • Unreported - Invalid usage date: there is a usage date but it's in the future

  • Unreported - Recently installed: there is no usage date, the device has usage and the software was installed less than 7 days ago

  • Unreported - Invalid install date: there is no usage date, the device has usage and the software was installed at a date in the future according to the source

  • Unreported - No Product Usage: the software is not showing usage across any of its installs

  • Unreported - No Device usage: the device is not reporting usage (possibly due to a corrupted Tachyon client or 1E Client)

  • Unreported - Device Inventory too old: the device is not reporting usage and the inventory date is older than 30 days

  • Unreported - Invalid Device Inventory date: the device is not reporting usage and the inventory date is in the future

  • Unreported - No Device Inventory date: the device is not reporting usage and the inventory date is not present

How a software installation is categorized depends upon its Last Usage Date and the Install Date, both of which are derived from the inventory sources used.

  • Device Inventory Date = maximum of device inventory dates for the consolidated device

  • Last Usage Date = maximum of product usage date for the consolidated installation

  • End of Sync Date = maximum of device inventory dates and maximum usage dates excluding dates in the future

Device Inventory Date (relative to End of Sync Date)

No Device Inventory Date

Device Inventory Date < 30 days

Device Inventory Date >30 days

Device Inventory Date > End of Sync

Last Usage Date (relative to End of Sync Date)

No Last Usage Date

All Usage on Device > 30 days old since Device Inventory

Last Usage Date > End of Sync Date

<=30 days

31-89 days

>=90 days

Device usage

No Device Usage

Product Usage across estate

No Product Usage across estate

Install Date


Unreported - Device stopped reporting usage

Unreported - Invalid Usage date


Rarely Used



Unreported - No Product Usage

Unreported - No Device Usage

Unreported - Device inventory date too old

Unreported - Invalid Device inventory date

Unreported - No Device inventory date

< 7 Days

Unreported - Recently installed

>=7 Days


In the future

Unreported - Invalid install date

If there is no usage data found for a normalized software installation, then :

1) A check is made to see if any installation on this device is reporting usage. If not, then the Install Date is categorized as Unreported - No Device Usage

2) A check is then made to see if this software installation is reporting usage anywhere else in the inventory repository. If no, then the Install Date is categorized as Unreported - No Product Usage

3) If the device is showing usage and the product is reporting usage across the inventory repository, the Install Date of the software installation is used to categorize usage:

  • If Install Date is NULL, then the software is assumed to be Unused

  • If Install Date is less than 7 days, then the install is deemed to be Unreported - Recently installed, as the user may not have had a chance to run the application yet

  • If Install Date is greater than or equal to 7 days, then the install is deemed to be Unused, as the user has had a chance to run the application and yet there is no usage record

  • If Install Date is set in the future (as some can sometimes happen due to error in the source data), then categorize the usage as Unreported - Invalid install date

For bundled products, the Last Usage Date of each component is analyzed and the most recent Last Usage Date is used to determine its usage category for the bundle.


For AppClarity 7.0 onwards the 7, 30 and 90 day limits are configurable, but they must not be changed unless advised by 1E.

  • InstallDateCutOffLimit - default 7

  • UsedCategoryLimit - default 30

  • UnusedCategoryLimit - default 90

The settings are configurable in [SLA-Shared].[dbo].[ProjectSetting] table, which gets copied to [SLA-Data].[dbo].[InstanceSetting] when a new Inventory repository is created. Each Inventory repository will have its own group of settings in the InstanceSetting table. You can edit [SLA-Data].[dbo].[InstanceSetting] to change the settings for an existing repository. If that repository contains reclaim policies, the new settings will take effect and update the policies after an action is run on the repository.

Use the following SQL script to view settings in both tables.

SELECT [Project].[Title] AS 'ProjectTitle'
      ,[ProjectSetting].[Name] AS 'ProjectName'
  FROM [SLA-Shared].[dbo].[ProjectSetting]      
  JOIN [SLA-Shared].[dbo].[Project] 
  ON [Project].[ProjectID]=[ProjectSetting].[ProjectID]
  WHERE [ProjectSetting].[Group] = 'UsageCategory' 

SELECT [Instance].[InstanceID]
      ,[Instance].[Name] AS 'InstanceName'
      ,[InstanceSetting].[Name] AS 'SettingName'
  FROM [SLA-Data].[dbo].[InstanceSetting] 
  JOIN [SLA-Data].[dbo].[Instance] 
  ON [Instance].[InstanceID]=[InstanceSetting].[InstanceID] 
  AND [Instance].[ProjectID]=[InstanceSetting].[ProjectID]
  WHERE [InstanceSetting].[Group] = 'UsageCategory'