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1E 9 (on-premises)


What you will need to prepare in advance of implementing AppClarity in your network. Typically, these are tasks that may take some time, depending on how your organization works.

Installation order


AppClarity is included with 1E, so you'll need to use the 1E setup wizard to install AppClarity. To activate AppClarity you'll need a valid license file.

1E will provide you with a Tachyon.lic license file that defines the products and features your 1E System is able to use, for how long, and how many devices it supports, this may be an evaluation or subscription license.

  • The license must be activated. Once activated, it may be used only by the 1E System that activated it.

  • Licenses can be renewed or updated, but if allowed to expire, then the affected products or features will not be usable.

  • For a new installation, the 1E Setup program will let you select the license file from any folder on disk.

  • For an existing installation, the license file is copied into the folder: %PROGRAMDATA%\1E\Licensing on your 1E Server.

For details of what the license file needs to contain, please refer to License requirements for consumer applications.

Before installing 1E, please refer to Planning for 1E, this includes details of server sizing. The addition of AppClarity does not affect sizing, as it is included with 1E.

SQL Server

Installation and upgrade requires that the 1E service account, which is set to the Network Service account, has an SQL Login with certain permissions:

SQL Login for the Network Service account

The SQL Login that is used by the 1E Server web applications and services depends on whether the SQL Server is remote from the 1E Server or is local, as described in the following table:

Installation scenario

Service account SQL Login

1E Server is remote from SQL

The computer account of the remote 1E Server. For example ACME\ACME-TCN01$

1E Server and SQL are local

The local network service account, NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE


Before upgrading 1E, or installing or upgrading Consumer applications like Application Migration or AppClarity, the SQL Login must be granted the following rights to support Database Snapshot of the 1E Catalog and SLA databases, to restore them if an error occurs:

  • dbcreator rights on the SQL database instance hosting the 1E Catalog database

  • dbcreator rights on the SQL database instance hosting the SLA databases.

During installation, the 1E Setup will always:

  • Attempt to create the SQL Login

  • Grant it db_owner permission on each of the Tachyon databases

  • Remove the db_owner permissions when installation is completed.

Accounts needed to install AppClarity
1E Server Installation Account

The server installation account has the following requirements on the server.

  • Local admin rights on the Tachyon Server. It must be an Directory domain user account that is a direct or indirect member of the Administrators local group on the server where 1E Server will be installed.

  • Can be disabled (not deleted) in Directory after additional 1E admin users have been created in 1E, and installation has been verified.

In addition, the server installation account requires SQL rights as described in SQL Server and SSAS Databases.

The server installation account is granted the following permissions as a 1E user, configured during installation of the 1E Server.

  • It is the first 1E user account and is a System Principal , which means it cannot be deleted or assigned any other rights

  • It is assigned to the 1E system role of Installer

  • It should be used to add additional 1E users and administrators, assign them to 1E roles, which should then be used for ongoing use and management of 1E.

  • It may be included in any AD security group assigned to a 1E system or custom role.

Refer to Roles and Securables for a complete reference of 1E system roles, custom roles, securables and operations.


For a new installation of 1E, the only account that exists in 1E will be the installation account, which by default is assigned to the 1E roles listed above. You will need to add users and assign roles to them.

When upgrading from SLA Platform, SLA users are migrated to 1E, but are not assigned to any roles. You will need to assign users to appropriate roles in 1E.

For steps on viewing existing users and adding a new user in 1E please refer to Users and Groups page.


When installing 1E or upgrading from SLA Platform, do not install 1E using an installation account that you also intend for using and administrating 1E and AppClarity. The 1E installation account is purposefully given limited capabilities which can't be easily edited later.