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1E 9 (on-premises)

Tachyon Agent Built-in Keywords

Alphabetic listing of Agent built-in keywords.

The Agent language includes keywords to aid with instruction flow control. These are not case-sensitive. See Agent built-in keywords table on the Functions and Methods Reference page to know the earliest version of the Agent in which a built-in keyword was implemented.

Agent Built-in Keyword groupings

  • ERROR— Immediately terminate an instruction with exit code "Error" with a custom error message.

  • EVALUATE— Immediately terminate an instruction with exit code "Success, no content" if the preceding statement returned no results.

  • FOREACH IN DO DONE— Allows you to repeat a block of one or more statements for each row in a @table, and optionally save in a @table the output of the last statement in the block.

  • IF ELSE ENDIF— Allows conditional branching of instruction flow based on a condition.

  • NOCONTENT— Immediately terminate an instruction early with an exit code “Success, no content”.

  • NOTIMPLEMENTED— Immediately terminate an instruction with exit code "Not implemented" and a custom error message.

  • RETURN— Immediately terminate an instruction with a given set of results.

  • true false— Used as parameter values for certain Agent methods.