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1E 9 (on-premises)









Test whether any other SSD (single site download) device has more content than the local Nomad cache.


ContentId (string): The ID of the content to query.

Version (int): The version of the content to query.

Format (int; optional, default 0): How the content is stored in the cache. 0 = original Nomad format (neither compressed nor encrypted), 1 = compressed, 2 = compressed and encrypted.

DeviceIdType (string): What the following DeviceId parameter represents. Either "FQDN" (DeviceId is a fully qualified domain name) or "IPv4" (DeviceId is an IPv4 address). Case is not significant. IPv6 addresses are not supported.

DeviceId (string): Either the FQDN or the IPv4 address (see DeviceIdType) of the SSD site master.

Percent (float): The minimum desired percentage of content in the cache.

Return values

Percent (float): If there is more content on any other SSD device, the percentage which is available through SSD, which will be greater than the input Percent value. if no SSD device has a greater percentage than that specified, the same value as in the input Percent is returned. The input Percent value is also returned on error, e.g. if the DeviceId parameter is an unknown device.


Does an SSD device have more than 50% of (ConfigMgr) content "Content_7f368e5f-4dbe-4027-ba81-c5463e372a0c" at version 1, neither compressed nor encrypted, using BIGNOMADCACHESERVER.ACME.LOCAL as the SSD site master?

Nomad.RunPkgStatusRequest(ContentId : "Content_7f368e5f-4dbe-4027-ba81-c5463e372a0c", Version : 1, 
Format : 0, DeviceIdType : "FQDN", DeviceId : "BIGNOMADCACHESERVER.ACME.LOCAL", Percent : 50.0

If the returned Percent is greater than 50.0 then an SSD device does have more content than is in the local cache.


  • Windows


Please contact your 1E Account team team for more information about the Nomad COM API to which this method is a wrapper.

This method is unusual in that the parameters do not match the internal Nomad provider API. DeviceIdType and DeviceId are replaced there by PeerFqdn and PeerIpv4 strings, matching the Nomad COM API.