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1E 9 (on-premises)

Tachyon Experience features by release

A list of the Tachyon Experience features organized by the release they were implemented in. Links through to the features have been provided for convenience.

New features in Tachyon Experience 8.1
  • No longer requires SQL Server Analysis Server (SSAS)

  • On the Software page, the Product, Executable, Version and Architecture columns have been removed from the table that is displayed after clicking on a particular row. This is because the subsequent table is filtered on the selected Product, Executable, Version and Architecture values and will be the same for every row in the table. The values are displayed anyway in the heading for the page, and the columns can be added back from the Column picker if needed

  • User Sentiment descriptions now highlight that User Sentiment is processed once a day, rather than real-time.

Tachyon Experience 8.0
  • Works with Tachyon Platform 8.0

  • The user interface has been re-organized and provides several new pages and popups:

    • Experience Analytics:

      • The existing Overview, Categories, Stability, Responsiveness, Performance and Sentiment pages are now re-organized under Experience Analytics.

    • Advanced Analytics:

      • Network: includes scored and raw metrics for Bytes Sent/Received per Second, Outbound Packets Discarded, Packet Outbound Errors, Active TCP Connections, Network Retransmit Rates, Network Usage Overall, Network Bandwidth Utilization, Wireless Send and Receive Rate, Wireless Transmit Rate. Please refer to Investigating Network Performance for more information on how to use this feature

      • Boot and Login: includes scored and raw metrics for Policy Processing, Startup Apps Processing Time, Main Path Boot Time, Post Boot Time. Please refer to Investigating Boot and Login Performance for more information on how to use this feature.

    • Inventory Management:

      • Devices page - displays device-centric metrics including details such as network configuration (IP, Gateway, Connection Type, OS Install Date)

      • Software page - displays software products with the software associated metrics and inventory details

      • Users page - displays information on the users known to Tachyon via the 1E Client.

    • User Engagements. The existing Surveys feature has been renamed and re-organized under User Engagements and extended

    • Root Cause Analysis tools - two new popups have been added to the Devices page:

      • Device comparison: highlights the differences between two selected devices related to Operating System Details, Hardware Details, Usage Details, Installed Software, Services and Processes

      • Scatter chart: Quadrant placement of devices, plots devices on a chart with customizable X and Y axes (align on the grid based on metrics, scores etc.)

  • A variety of data types are now available to add as columns in the table views:

    • Score - values that have been processed and normalized by Experience, this may include consolidation and combinations of other data

    • Raw - the unprocessed and un-normalized values retrieved from devices

    • Device Details - information related to devices, such as: IP Address, DHCP Server, Operating System etc.

    • Software Details - information related to software, such as: the Architecture supported by the software

    • Event - event information retrieved from devices, such as: Software uninstall, hang and crash events; Operating System boot and crash events, and many others

  • Network related scores have been added to enhance the overall user experience score:

    • Output queue length - scores the network transmission backlog, based on the length of the output packet queue

    • Wireless Signal Quality - scores the signal quality of the wireless network connection on the device.

Tachyon Experience 1.3
Tachyon Experience 1.2
  • Works with Tachyon 5.1

  • The Tachyon Experience score has been greatly enhanced to include User Sentiment - this means that, not only can you monitor the stability, responsiveness, and performance of the devices on your network to deduce your end-users satisfaction with their IT services, you can send out surveys and incorporate your end-users actual feedback directly into the picture. For more information on this subject please refer to Getting feedback via Sentiment Surveys, where you can find a complete end-to-end use case on creating, deploying, responding and processing responses to User Sentiment Surveys.

    • The Tachyon Experience score displayed on the Overview page includes user sentiment values, please refer to The Scores for more information.

    • The Categories page includes a Sentiment tile showing the current User Sentiment score.

    • The Sentiment page lets you view the User Sentiment score on its own and drill down to view users and monitor their feedback and pain points.

  • End-User Surveys - two types of survey are supported: User Sentiment and General Purpose. User Sentiment Surveys contribute towards the Tachyon Experience score, General Purpose Surveys can be used to ask one-off questions of your end-users and get their feedback on any issue. The User Engagement page is where you can create, enable and deploy surveys.

  • A Users page is provided that lets you get information on the end-users on the devices in your network. Please refer to the Users page for more details.

  • Customize the Tachyon Experience pages to view the interactive charts you want to focus on - including the display of the results from your User Sentiment surveys on the Sentiment page.

Tachyon Experience 1.0
  • Works with Tachyon Platform 5.0

  • Tachyon Experience score - lets you monitor the performance, stability and responsiveness of the devices on your network to deduce your end-users' satisfaction with their IT services. The experience score is based on metrics that cover three categories:

    • Stability - derived from the frequency of operating system and software crashes, hangs and service failures

    • Responsiveness - based on the speed of operating system startup, system resource creation and availability

    • Performance - a weighted indication of load and throughput for device processor, memory and disk resources.

  • View experience trends over time - Tachyon Experience not only captures data on how your network devices' experience is at the moment, it also lets you view trends in how the experience score is changing over time.

  • Interactive Overview, Categories, Performance, Stability and Responsiveness experience pages - let you drill down into the details of the experience scores to view the details for the performance, stability, responsiveness and associated metrics for your network.

  • Investigate devices with Explorer - after drilling down to identify experience issues with the devices in your network, you can make a selection and use that to prime Explorer to run instructions in real-time on just those selected devices.

  • Filter pages, so the interactive charts display just the data you want them to.