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1E 9 (on-premises)

Reviewing Patch Status

The Patch Insights Viewer role is able to use Patch Insights to view the status of Patching within the estate. This user is likely to be an End User Computing (EUC) Manager or someone (such as Security Ops or the CIO) who is interested in the general status of the Patch rollout, but would not themselves be actively involved in the deployment or remediation of Patches.

At the end of the monthly patching cycle for their estate, the EUC Manager opens Patch Insights and checks the Patches page. For more information about the fields displayed here, please refer to Patches page.

Review the Patch Status - The Patch Screens

How the Patch Insights Administrator and Patch Insights Viewer users use 1E Patch Insights to manage their last-mile patching process.

Reviewing Patch Status

The Patch Insights Viewer role is able to use Patch Insights to view the status of Patching within the estate.

The Patch Insights Administrator

The Patch Insights Administrator role is envisaged to use Patch Insights to complete the last mile patching of the estate.

Review the Patch Status

To get a better idea on where they should focus their efforts, the Patch Insights viewer orders the table to display the patches sorted by those with the highest patching failures at the top (Those where the patch has failed to install on the most devices). This is done by selecting Highest patching failures in the Sort By dropdown list. The page refreshes automatically, and the patches are now listed by the highest failing patches. Also visible here is the device count which shows the number of devices the patch was deployed to. It is good practice to turn the Include archived toggle on to exclude any patches that the Patch Insights Administrator has reviewed and archived as they are not deployed via the default patching solution for the estate. The patches show an Impact score in the first column, this score is calculated using a number of parameters, an explanation of how it is derived is available by following the Patch score explanation link which is to the left of the Include Archive toggle. The explanation is also available in the documentation here.


They then click on the Failed block in the Status field for the most failed patch to see just the devices where the patch failed to install and the reason for each failure.


Taking note of the error code, they will then check some other patches to determine whether this error is common across a number of devices. If this is the case they can pass this information to a Patch Insights Administrator, to investigate and resolve, this will need to be a manual resolution as in this version of Patch Insights we do not automatically remediate failures.

Review Patch status using the Devices page

They could also have looked at the Devices page and identified a device or group of devices that are failing to patch successfully, so they click on Devices in the left menu to view the Devices page.


They choose to sort by failures and view which devices are failing to install the most patches.

The FQDN column contains a list all the devices on the estate, each devices shows it FQDN and each is a link which when clicked opens the Device view page. This page details the patches the device requires, they are able to filter on the Patching Status using the coloured bar, and when filtering on failures, they can view the failures and then advise the Patch Insights Administrator of any devices that are of concern for further investigation.
