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1E 9 (on-premises)

Bandwidth Protection

Nomad dynamically analyzes the overall WAN traffic to ensure that it only uses a percentage of the total. It is also aware of mobile devices and knows the difference between wireless and wired connections and is able to select the most efficient available connection to use.

Bandwidth Protection Reporting

With Bandwidth Protection Reporting, so you can now see how Nomad is preventing end-user disruption due to software and update deployments. Bandwidth Protection Reporting will allow you to see the positive impact Nomad is having across the organization, to individual sites, subnets, all the way down to a single client.

Using the Nomad app, you can view bandwidth protection metrics on the following pages:

The following new metrics are available in the Nomad app to help demonstrate how Nomad benefits your organization:



Bandwidth Protection

Displays the total time that Nomad backed off when downloading content to protect end-user bandwidth.

This is the result of the Bandwidth Protection Time column dived by the Active Download Duration and multiplied by 100.

Bandwidth Protection %

Bandwidth Protection shown as a percentage of downloads.

Bandwidth Protection Time

Duration the client backed off from downloading to save download bandwidth.

Overview page

The Overview page gives a high level view of the current status of content throughout the entire network, including Bandwidth Protection.

Dashboard overview
Devices page

The Devices page lists all Devices that have sent Nomad device registration events and have sent download events within a selected time period, and includes Bandwidth Protection % and Bandwidth Protection Time.

Devices page
Devices page details view

The status bar along the top shows high-level download statistics for a particular device, including Bandwidth Protection.

Device details summary tab
Nomad Sites

The Nomad Sites page shows how the network is being used for content distribution in different locations, including Bandwidth Protection.

Nomad Sites page
Nomad sites subnet drawer

A drawer that opens up when you click on Subnets, Content Source, WAN Bytes etc. except Network Location. It shows a list of all Subnets falling under that location, including Bandwidth Protection %.

Subnet drawer