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1E 9 (on-premises)

Investigating Devices

Investigating devices that have connected to 1E using the 1E Client.


You can use the Devices section to browse a predetermined set of information for all the devices that are known to 1E, that is the devices that are currently connected to 1E or have connected in the past. This is in addition to the ability to explore devices using instructions to get back a range of information that is only limited by the instructions you have available to you.

The Devices section can be viewed by users assigned to any role that has permissions on any instruction set. This includes custom roles and the following system roles:

  • All Instructions Actioner

  • Full Administrator

  • All Instructions Approver

  • All Instructions Questioner

  • Viewer

There are two options for directly investigating the devices known to 1E: The Devices Table and The Devices Dashboard.

The Devices Table

Endpoint Troubleshooting lets you view details for devices on your network, including real-time visibility of which devices are currently connected (online) and can therefore be interacted with directly.

Device details are stored in the TachyonMaster database and not in the inventory repositories. They are updated each time a client connects to a Switch.

Please refer to Introducing Inventory Insights for details of inventory repositories.


1E Explorer TachyonAgent product pack contains Instructions that help with device connectivity and configuration.

The Devices table

The picture shows the devices that have connected to our example 1E system. They are all shown as currently online.

Each time you view or change the page, the table is refreshed. You can also click the Refresh button while viewing the table.

The Devices table




Indicates the status of the device:

  • online - the device is connected to a Switch

  • offline - the device does not have a network connection to a Switch. This may be because the device is powered down, disconnected from the network, the Tachyon client is not running or is incorrectly configured.

Device name

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the device, as presented by the device to the Switch.

If the FQDN of a device changes then it will be updated in the TachyonMaster database, it does not create a duplicate entry. Each device is uniquely identified by a GUID which is not visible in any screens.

You can view additional properties for a device by clicking on the information 230743999.png icon next to the device name - see The Device View Overview tab.


The criticality of the device as determined by your organization. Please refer to Using Device Criticality.


The Operating System name.

OS version

The Operating System version.


The manufacturer of the device as it appears in the device BIOS. The name is not normalized.

Agent version

The version of the 1Eagent.

Primary User

The Primary User that the 1E agent has determined is most clearly related to the device.

Last seen

The date and time when the device last reported a Keep Alive to the Switch, which is at least every 15 minutes by default, as defined in 1E Client - ConnectionKeepaliveTimeInSecondsMax.

Sorting the table

Click on the Sort by button and select one of the following properties, to sort the Devices table.



Device name

Sorts on the device name in A-Z or Z-A order.


Sorts on the OS name in A-Z or Z-A order.

Agent version

Sorts by the version number of the 1E client in ascending or descending order.

OS version

Sorts on the OS version number in ascending or descending order.


Sorts on the device Criticality, ascending or descending according to the following order:








Filtering the table

You can filter rows of the table using the following properties. A button turns blue if it is being used. You can click on the Reset button to delete all the filters.




A drop-down list let's you filter on one of the following:








Agent version

This drop-down lets you filter on the version number of the Tachyon client using a numeric condition, as described under the heading Numeric conditions.

OS version

This drop-down lets you filter on the OS version number using a numeric condition, as described under the heading Numeric conditions.

Device type

This drop-down lets you filter on one of the following device types:

Device type







This drop-down lets you filter according to whether the device is currently Online or Offline.


This drop-down lets you filter according to the Criticality set for the device. For more detail about this feature, please refer to Using Device Criticality.








Management group

This entry field lets you filter according to a Management group that devices belong to. A list of Management groups is displayed when you click in the entry field, or you can type a name to filter the list as you type.


This entry field lets you enter all or part of the Fully Qualified Domain Name for devices, and dynamically refreshes the table as you type.


This entry field lets you filter on the location set for the devices, and dynamically refreshes the table as you type.

Primary User

This entry field lets you filter on the Primary User that the 1E Client has determined is most clearly related to the device, and dynamically refreshes the table as you type.

Numeric conditions




Checks if the property is equal to the value you supply.


Checks if the property is greater than the value you supply.


Checks if the property is less than the value you supply.


Checks if the property lies between the upper and lower bounds you supply.

Exporting the table

You can export the devices data to a .csv file, as described in Exporting data from Endpoint Troubleshooting.

The Device View Overview tab

Clicking on the information 230743999.png icon next to the device name in the Device Name column of the Devices Table page displays the Device view for the selected device. The aim of the Device view is to provide a combined overview of all the information known about a device, along with the ability to retrieve information about the device in real-time. When displaying the Device view from the Endpoint Troubleshooting Devices Table page, the view defaults to the Overview tab. This tab contains the following panels.

The Details panel

This panel displays the basic details for the device. This is contained in a number of tiles, as described in the following table.


If you upgrade macOS to a new major version (For example, 11 to 12) then the O/S install date will change. However, if the upgrade is a minor version, such as 12.2 to 12.3 then the install date remains the same as the original major upgrade.







The FQDN for the device.


The server name for the device.


The device's domain.


The 1E set criticality value for the device.

Serial Number

The device serial number.

1E Client

The version of the 1E Client installed on the device.

Tachyon GUID

The GUID used by 1E to uniquely identify the device.




The timezone the device is operating in.


The offset from UTC for the timezone the device is operating in.


The device location, if any has been set.


The language locale set for the device.

This table provides information on how the device has been tagged and grouped from a 1Eperspective.




Indicates all 1E tags that have been set for the device.

Coverage Tags

Indicates 1E tags that have been set for the device that can be used to determine coverage for an instruction.

Mgmt. Groups

Indicates the Management Groups the device belongs to.

Hardware and Operating System

This table provides information on the device's hardware.




Indicates whether the device is virtual or physical. For virtual devices it indicates the type of virtualization. For example Hyper-V.


Shows the hardware or virtual device manufacturer. For example Microsoft Corporation for Hyper-V virtual devices.


The model of the hardware or virtual device. For example Virtual Machine for Hyper-V virtual devices.

Device Type

The type of device, whether it's a server, desktop or mobile device. For example for Windows 10 virtual devices this would be Desktop.

Chassis Type

The type of device, whether it's a server, desktop or mobile device. For example for Windows 10 virtual devices this would be Desktop.


The amount of RAM in MB.

CPU Type

The CPU Type for the device. For example, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz.

CPU Architecture

The architecture for the CPU. For example, x64.


The GUID for the device. For example, 2e4533e6-ea92-4292-8b9c-ebae17edee75.

This table provides information on the device's Operating System.




Indicates the main type of the OS. For example, Windows or Mac.


Shows the colloquial version for the OS. For example, Windows 10 Pro 20H2.

Version Number

The version for the Operating System. For example: 10.0.19042.928.


The architecture of the OS. For example, for 64-bit Windows systems, this would be x64.


The UTC date and time the operating system was installed or updated.

Connectivity and Activity

This table provides information on the device's current connection status with Tachyon.




Whether the device is connected to 1E or not. This could be Online or Offline.

Last Connected

Shows the UTC date and time the device last connected to 1E.

First Connected

Shows the UTC date and time the device first connected to 1E.

Certificate Type

The type of certificate the device is using to connect to 1E.

Certificate Expiry

The UTC date and time the device certificate will expire.

Connection State

How the device connects to the Switch.

Local IP Address

The local IP address for the connecting device.

MAC Address

The MAC address for the client device interface used to connect to the Switch.

Connecting IP Address

The IP address for the connecting device.

This table provides information on the device's current activity status.



Last Boot

The UTC time and date the device was last booted.


The username for the user most associated with the device.

The Env. Variables panel

Displays the list of environment variables set on the device. This information is updated each time the page is refreshed.

The Resource Usage panel

This panel displays the recent resource usage for the device.



Resource Usage over the last hour (Last update time)

This tile displays a line graph showing the percentage of resource usage over time during the last hour.

Selecting a point on the graph selects the data displayed in the Resource Usage at date and time tile. This can be useful if there is an outlying data point where you want to investigate the breakdown according to the products on the device.

The three lines displayed show the Processor Time Percent, the Memory Usage Percent and the Disk System Usage Time Percent. You can toggle the display of these lines by clicking on the legend name at the bottom of the graph.

Resource Usage at date and time

This tile displays the product resource usage. Click on a point on the Resource Usage over the last hour tile to show the product resource usage at that particular time.

The table shows the following data:




Software product name.


Executable name.

Instance Count

The number of instances of the product that are running.

Cpu Percent

The percentage of CPU used by the product.

Memory Virtual Mb

The virtual memory consumed by the product in MB.

Memory Physical Mb

The physical memory consumed by the product in MB.

Io Read Kb Per Second

The disk I/O read rate per second.

Io Write Kb Per Second

The disk I/O write rate per second.

Handle Count

The number of resource handles open for the product.

The Device View Summary banner

The Summary banner displays a quick summary of the information provided in the various tabs displayed in the Device View. It can be viewed by toggling the Summary banner switch to on.


The following image shows the Summary banner displayed for a particular device.

Launching the Explorer from the Device View

You can click on the Explore button in the Device View to launch Explorer with the current device set as the scope.

Closing the Device View

The Device View is a popup that is displayed when clicking on the name of a device on a page where devices are displayed. To return to the page you came from you need to click the x button.

Additional Device View tabs

In addition to the Overview tab, there are a number of other tabs, each corresponding to an app, feature or data set implemented in Introducing 1E:

The Overview and 1E Client tabs are always present in the Device View. Other tabs are visible if an app has been installed and is licensed.

Each tab has one or more panels with tiles populated with data from various sources, some by instructions that are run instantly, with results cached for 3 minutes. An appropriate error message is displayed instead of a tile in the following circumstances:

  • If the device is offline, as indicated by the color of the icon in the top left

  • The user does not have at least Viewer permission to view use the license the tab or panel

  • The user does not have questioner permission to run the instruction

  • An instruction has not been uploaded.

The Device View tabs and panels page lists the names of tabs and their panels, and a description of each tile indicating how the tile is populated.

The Device View tabs and panels




Data source


Displays a number of tiles sorted into Identification, Hardware and Operating System and Connectivity and Activity columns that show information for the selected device retrieved from the online status information stored in the 1EMaster database.

The columns and tiles are shown in the following table:






Display's the current device:

  • FQDN

  • Name

  • Domain

  • Criticality

  • Serial Number

  • 1E Client

  • 1E GUID.


Displays the device's:

  • Timezone

  • Offset

  • Location

  • Locale.


Displays the device:

  • Tags - freeform tags applied to the device

  • Coverage Tags - any coverage tags applied to the device

  • Mgmt. Groups - lists the management groups the device is a member of.

Hardware and Operating System


Shows hardware details for the device:

  • Virtual/Phyiscal

  • Manufacturer

  • Model

  • Device Type

  • Chassis Type

  • RAM

  • CPU Type

  • CPU Architecture


Operating System

Shows operating system, type and version for example:

  • Type

  • Version

  • Version Number

  • Architecture

  • Installation.

Connectivity and Activity


Shows current device connectivity status:

  • Status

  • Last Connected

  • First Connected

  • Certificate Type

  • Certificate Expiry

  • Connection State

  • Local IP Address

  • MAC Address

  • Connecting IP.


Shows Last Boot date and time and current user.

Data from 1E Master (the latest online status message)

Env. Variables

Shows a list of the environment variables set on the device.

Resource Usage

Two panels:

  • Resource Usage over the last hour - shows system disk, CPU and memory usage per minute for the last one hour

  • Resource Usage at day/month/year time - shows executable resource usage for a specific minute:




Resource name, for example 1E Client


Resource executable, for example 1e.client.exe

Instance Count

Number of currently running instances.

Cpu Percent

Percentage of CPU currently being consumed.

Memory Virtual Mb

Virtual memory consumed in Mb.

Memory Physical Mb

Physical memory consumed in Mb.

Io Read Kb Per Second

Number of associated read input/output operations per second.

Io Write Kb Per Second

Number of associated write input/output operations per second.

Handle Count

The number of object handles.




Download activity and status for the device. Whenever you click on an FQDN on any of the Nomad pages then the Device View will be displayed with the Downloads tab selected.

Data from Content Distribution.


Content Titles on the selected device, the default view is from All Sources, All Types and All Status.


You may see a difference in the number of items in a device’s Nomad cache versus that displayed in the Content Distribution app Device View. This is because if downloaded content has been deleted from Configuration Manager, the content titles cannot be resolved in the Content Distribution app and are not displayed. This is under consideration for re-design and may be revised in future versions of Content Distribution.

Data from Content Distribution.

Content Distribution Configuration

1E Nomad Branch Settings .


Experience AnalyticsMetrics

Metrics are the data points that are collected by the 1E Client and sent to the 1E server. They are collected at different intervals depending on the type of data that is being collected.

Data from Experience metrics


The Trends tab shows the changes in the scores over time. Hovering over any of the bars shows the details for that time and event. If the user viewing the device details also has the ability to at least ask a question in Explorer the Explore button will be visible.

Data from Experience metrics


The Event Logs tab gives you a listing of the Windows Event log entries for that device. This brings that data to this view and is very useful when determining the root cause of an issue that has been reported on the device.

Data from Experience metrics

Application Interactions

Shows user interaction times and ratios across applications measured over the last 30 days


User interactions

Shows user interactive sessions with activity over last 30 days.


HardwareDisk drives

Shows disk drives, including hardware and usage information.




Drive letter.

Volume Name

Volume name, if set.

Drive Type

Drive type, for example:

  • Removable Disk

  • Local Disk

  • Compact Disk.

Size Gb

Total disk size in Gb.

Free Space Gb

Current free space in Gb.

Usage Percent

Percentage used of total drive space.

File System

File system, for example NTFS.


Standard or SSD drive.


Drive manufacturer.

Serial Number

Unique disk serial number.


Drive and partition of the specific drive.

Firmware Revision

Drive firmware version.

Device ID

Device ID of the specified disk.



Shows the list of plug and play hardware devices (Windows only).



Device Type

Hardware device, including for example things like:

  • Battery

  • Monitor

  • Keyboard

  • Mouse

  • Ports

  • SoftwareDevice.


Device name.

Instance Count

Number of instances of a periperal device.


Associated Windows service, for example atapi, serial, PCI, ACPI.



Shows network throughput on all adapters for the last hour, represented by the following tiles:

  • Average throughput - including Timestamp, Bytes Received per Second, Bytes Sent Per Second

  • Bytes received per second

  • Bytes sent per second.


Interface configuration

Returns the output from the native network interface configuration command (e.g. ipconfig or ifconfig).



Shows the Cache and Host file tiles:

  • DNS Cache Contents - with the entries from local DNS cache, Host Name and Address.

  • HOSTS file - shows the content of the drivers/etc/hosts file.



TCP connections

Returns a list of established TCP connections.



Process Name

Local process name.

Process Id

Uniquely identifies an active process.


Class of Internet networking protocol.

Local Address

Local network address.

Local Port

Network port used by a specific process.

Remote Address

Source IP address from which the traffic came from.

Remote Port

Remote port used by a specific process.

Latency Ms

The time taken in milliseconds for data or a request to go from a source to a destination.


Listening ports

Returns a list of processes which are listening for network connections.



Process Name

Local process name.

Process Id

Uniquely identifies an active process.


Class of Internet networking protocol.

Local Address

Local network address.

Local Port

Network port used by a specific process.


Related product, for example host process for Windows Services, Local Security Authority Process, SCNotification.


ARP Cache

Returns a list of processes which are listening for network connections and also shows routing tables.




Shows a list of visible wifi networks, including basic network properties.




WiFi network name.

Is Connected

Shows as either true or false, dependent on whether the corresponding adapter is connected to the network.

Is Hidden

Shows as true if the WiFi network is not broadcasting a public SSID.

Is Secure

Shows as either true or false:

  • true - if the WiFi network is secure

  • false - if the network is open.


Shows WiFi signal quality; from 0 (worst) to 100 (best).


The default authentication mechanism supported by the network.


The Service Set Identifier (SSID) of the network, it will be empty if the network is hidden.


Shows the default encryption mechanism supported by the network.


Shows the WiFi network adapter name to which this network is visible.


PoliciesRules Compliance



Rule Name

Name of rules applied to the current device. The viewable list relates to the selected 1E policy from the policy dropdown on the page.


If the device state is Compliant, Noncompliant or Not Applicable.


Rule type:

  • Check - allows you to verify that a device has a particular state, such as a registry key having a specific value

  • Fix - allows you to define a desired state for the device and then enforce that state.


Policy rule effectiveness is the usefulness of policy rules and is represented as either:

  • Disabled - the rule has not yet been enabled from the Guaranteed State Rule Administration page, so it is not currently active

  • Unassigned - the rule is enabled, but has not been deployed to any devices

  • Ineffective - the rule has been deployed, but no devices have changed their compliance position for this rule in the last thirty days

  • Effective - the rule has been deployed and at least one device has changed its compliance position for this rule in the last thirty days.


Rule history.

Data from Guaranteed State


Shows (per-device) installed software.




Software product name.


Software publisher.


Product version number.


Instruction set architecture (ISA) version.

Install Date

Software installation date.


Windows services

Shows list of installed Windows services and their current state.




Windows service name.


Windows service state, Running or Stopped.

Startup Type

Windows service startup type, for example Automatic, Automatic (Delayed Start), Manual, Disabled.

Process Id

Uniquely identifies an active process.


Windows service description.

Logon Account

Windows service logon account context.


Windows services type, for example file system driver, kernel driver, shared process.


Env. Variables

Shows operating system environment variables.



Shows detailed information about all running processes.




Software product name.


Executable name.


Product version number.

Devices count

How many devices are reporting.


Number of times this software crashed during the last 24-hour reporting period.


Number of times this software crashed during the last 24-hour reporting period.


Software crash and hang information is obtained from Windows event data. For background information on Windows events and the event viewer refer to

Performance anomalies

Number of performance anomalies detected in this software during the last 24-hour reporting period.

I/O write KB/s

Average disk I/O read rate per second during the last 24-hour reporting period.

I/O write KB/s

Average disk I/O write rate per second during the last 24-hour reporting period.


For background information on analyzing disk storage performance refer to

Virtual Memory Usage KB

Average Virtual Memory Usage KB during the last 24-hour reporting period.

Processor Time Seconds

Each instance of the executable will burn processor time. This column gives the average of the total time consumed by each process instance per second. Each instance uses the sum of all time used by each core in parallel.

Therefore, it is possible to see more seconds here than in a day (usually 60 x 60 x 24 = 86400) for the whole column, if your system is working extremely hard 24x7. The theoretical maximum would be somewhere near number of cores x seconds per day . Hence, 'Processor Time' rather than 'Human Time'

Processor Time %

This is an easier notion than Processor Time Seconds. This is the average of the processor consumption of each instance. Each instance of this process will have caused different percentages of compute resource in all the processors and cores to be used over time (unless they have specifically requested certain core affinity).

For each minute each process is running, a profile of the usage is built for the whole day. This value is the average of all of those samples. There is no way to work out, for any one of the process instances involved, how long any particular instance was running for. This could indicate a process that is going wild with resources, but it would take more investigation on the device to discover for how long this is happening. It is perfectly possible to see all the values in this column adding up to more than 100% as the processes were not necessarily running at the same time.

Responsiveness Impact %

An indicator of how reactive a process is to activity by other processes on the device. Typically, anti-virus products watch and respond to potentially suspicious activity such as increased network traffic. Anti-virus products will differ in their impact on the overall performance of a device.


Responsiveness Impact % is used to indicate how sensitive a process appears to be to the use of system resources by other processes on a device. For example, Security Protection software present on a device may reveal a spike in its activity whenever a new process is started on that device.

This would typically be because the Security Protection software may wish to ensure that the new process starting on the device is present in a security white list. Other software may also react to activity by other processes and by reacting they impact system resource uses, thereby adversely affecting the user's experience. So it is useful to be able to identify software with the highest Responsiveness Impact on a device and potentially investigate further.


Responsiveness Impact % represents the proportion of the increased CPU activity detected by the 1E Client as a result of performing a set of operating system-level operations that can be attributed to a given running process. Examples of these would be Windows registry and resource creation operations.

It is reported as a percentage to normalize results across devices that offer a range of computing power.

For example, if software.exe on a device is attributed a Responsiveness Impact of 53% this means that more than half of the spike in CPU usage caused by software monitoring activity on that device can be attributed to software.

Handle Count

Average number of Windows handles used by this software during the last 24-hour reporting period.

Physical Memory Usage KB

Average Physical Memory Usage KB during the last 24-hour reporting period.


Please refer to for a useful tool to examine physical memory allocation on a device.


1E ClientBinaries

Shows a list of the binary files in the executable folder of the 1E Client.



File Name

Associated 1E Client file name.

File Version

Software version.

File Size

File size in bytes.


File description

Date Created

The date the file was written to disk.

Date Modified

The date the file was last saved.


Configuration file

Shows the full content of the 1E Client configuration file, including:

  • Logging settings

  • Communication settings

  • Agent settings

  • Module settings.



Shows extensibility objects (modules and providers) loaded by the 1E Client.




Module or Provider component.

Binary Name

Associated 1E Client binary name, for example 1E.Client.Module.Interaction.dll


Name, for example Interaction.


1E Client version, for example


Local Storage

Shows Data Files and Client Inventory Database Use tiles that display the list of:

  • Data files (logs, databases, etc) created by the 1E Client

  • Tables in the1E Client Inventory database, along with a row count per table.



The Devices Dashboard

Endpoint Troubleshooting lets you view details for devices on your network including real-time visibility of which devices are currently connected (online) and can therefore be interacted with directly.

Device details are stored in the TachyonMaster database and not in the inventory repositories. They are updated each time a client connects to a Switch.

Please refer to Introducing Inventory Insights for details of inventory repositories.


1E Explorer TachyonAgent product pack contains Instructions that help with device connectivity and configuration.

The Devices dashboard

The devices dashboard provides a view of the devices that have contacted 1E.

There are two panes in the dashboard:

  1. The left-hand pane displays a list of filters that appear as charts

  2. The right-hand pane displays a list of devices that correspond to the currently selected filter, you can click on a row in the table to see the Device View for the device.

For more information on using the Devices dashboard please see Using the Devices dashboard - Tutorial.

The available filters are:



Operating system

Partitions the 1E Client devices according to the OS running on the devices.

Operating system version

Partitions the 1E Client devices according to the OS version running on the devices.

Tachyon agent version

Partitions the 1E Client devices according to the version of the 1E Client running on the devices.


Partitions the 1E Client devices according to the current connection status of the devices.

Device type

Partitions the 1E Client devices according to the type of the devices.


Partitions the 1E Client devices according to the time zone the devices are configured with.


Partitions the 1E Client devices according to their location.

The available charts are:




Displays a single horizontal bar where the distinct values in the data are represented by different colors. The individual colored blocks can be clicked on to select the corresponding devices that have that value.


Displays a pie chart where the distinct values in the data are represented by different colors. The wedges can be clicked on to select the corresponding devices that have that value.


Displays a column for each distinct value in the data. Each column can be clicked on to select the corresponding devices that have that value.


Displays a horizontal bar for each distinct value in the data. Each bar can be clicked on to select the corresponding devices that have that value.
