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1E 9 (on-premises)


Entity - Role Based Access Control - Interrogates the SecurableType table in the database




Permissions required

GET - by securable type id


Gets list of all available applicable operations for the securable type by its id

  • Read

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions.

GET - by securable type name

/Consumer /ApplicableOperations/SecurableTypeName/{securableTypeName}

Gets list of all available applicable operations for the securable type by its name

  • Read

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required


/Consumer /ApplicableOperations

Creates an applicable operation.

Payload should include securable type id or name. Using both causes ambiguity in the Consumer API which will not try to set any priority over which one to use and return a Bad Request (400) HTTP status.

Example Request - securable type id


Example Request - securable type name

  • Write

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required


/Consumer /ApplicableOperations/{id}

Deletes applicable operation by id

  • Write

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required