Action | Compare two version strings. |
Parameters | (string) Version string 1 of the form major[.minor[.release[.build]]] where "", "5.7.1", "2.29" and "14" are all valid version strings. (string) Version string 2 of the formmajor[.minor[.release[.build]]] |
Return values | (integer) An integer value representing the result of the first version string relative to the second: -4 If the first version string's major is lower than the second version string's -3 if the first is lower but major is the same -2 if the first is lower but major.minor is the same -1 if the first is lower but major.minor.release is the same 0 if the same 1 if the first is higher but major.minor.release is the same 2 if the first is higher but major.minor is the same 3 if the first is higher but major is the same 4 if the first's major is higher NoteIf an invalid version string is supplied then a null value is returned. "Missing" fields are treated as numerically 0. |
Examples | @a = Software.GetInstallations(); @b = select * from @a where Product like "Oracle VM VirtualBox"; select * from @b WHERE compareversions(@b.version, "" ) < 0; Finds VirtualBox packages that are older than |