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Entity - Resources - Returns instruction resources stored in the database


These APIs are NOT YET RELEASED. We expect them to be present in either version 8.1 or maybe 8.2. No changes are expected, but since the work on these features is still in progress there is a small chance that the final APIs could be slightly different from what is currently documented here. The page will be updated if this happens.




Permissions required



Gets the binary content of a Resource based on the file name field that exists in the database.

The fileName has to be base64 encoded using Url-Safe Base64.

This API only exists for compatibility with legacy Agents. Use the variant below for new code.

Currently un-permissioned. This will change before this API is RTM'ed.


/Consumer/Resources/Content/ {filename}/{hash}/{size}/{platform}

Gets the binary content of a Resource based on the set of fields that uniquely identify the Resource in the database.

The fileName has to be base64 encoded using Url-Safe Base64. The rest of the parameters should match the corresponding field in the database. The hash is a sequence of 64 hex digits without punctuation.

Currently un-permissioned. This will change before this API is RTM'ed.


/Consumer/Resources/ PolicyDocuments/{hash}

Gets the binary content of a PolicyDocument based on its hash.

The hash should be passed as a string of 64 hex digits.

Currently un-permissioned. This will change before this API is RTM'ed.



Gets the binary content of an Agent Installer based on the id with which it is stored in the database.

Currently un-permissioned. This will change before this API is RTM'ed.