Function | IPINRANGE |
Action | Determines if an IP Address is within a specified range or ranges. |
Parameters |
NoteIf any optional parameters need to be specified, then all optional parameters must be specified. As a result the number of arguments to this function is either 2 or 4. |
Return values | (Integer) True (1) or false (0). |
Examples | // Input is "", which is checked against the ranges "" and "" // Returns 1 (true) SELECT IPINRANGE("",","); // Input is "", which is checked against the ranges "" and "". // The optional parameters are set to 0, their defaults. This is functionally the same as the above example. // Returns 1 (true) SELECT IPINRANGE("",",",0,0); // This will return 0 (false) - the IP is not in the range // Returns 0 (false) SELECT IPINRANGE(",""); // This allows the following IP through even though it is an IPv6 address and thus not range checked // Returns 1 (true) SELECT IPINRANGE("::1","",0,1); // This allows the following IP though even though it is NULL and thus cannot be range checked // Returns 1 (true) SELECT IPINRANGE(NULL,"",1,0); // This will still return 1 (true) - IPv6 ranges are discarded (though the agent will log a warning) // Returns 1 (true) SELECT IPINRANGE("","::1-::55","); // This will return 0 (false) - the ranges cannot be correctly parsed. Though ::1-::55 would be discarded and a // warning will be logged, jaffa-cake will cause a delicious error. This won't stop the operation, it'll just // return 0 instead. // Returns 0 (false) SELECT IPINRANGE("","::1-::55",jaffa-cake"); // More meaningful usage: select everything from the $TCP_Live historic table with an IPv4 address within a range @raw = SELECT * from $TCP_Live; SELECT * from @raw where IPINRANGE(@raw.IpAddress,""); |
Notes |