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Entity - InstructionSets - handles instruction set management

Minimum API version 3.1




Permissions required



Returns all instruction sets

Return payload

        "Id" : 1
        "Name" : "MyFirstGroup",
        "Description" : "somegroup",
        "Icon" : []
        "Id" : 2
        "Name" : "MyOtherGroup",
        "Description" : "someothergroup",
        "Icon" : []

'Read' on instruction set management



Returns all instruction sets and also includes the number of instructions assigned to each set

Return payload

        "Id" : 1
        "Name" : "MyFirstGroup",
        "Description" : "somegroup",
        "Icon" : [],
        "CountOfDefinitions": 194
        "Id" : 2
        "Name" : "MyOtherGroup",
        "Description" : "someothergroup",
        "Icon" : [],
        "CountOfDefinitions": 0
        "Id": null,
        "Name": "Unassigned",
        "Description": "Instruction definitions not assigned to a set",
        "Icon": null,
        "CountOfDefinitions": 9

Note the last entry, Id=null, which reports the total number of instruction definitions that have not been assigned to any set.

'Read' on instruction set management



Returns instruction set by Id

Return payload

        "Id" : 1
        "Name" : "MyFirstGroup",
        "Description" : "This is my first group",
        "Icon" : []

'Read' on instruction set management



Returns instruction set by name

Payload as above

'Read' on instruction set management



Creates a new instruction set


        "Name" : "",
        "Description" : "",
        "Icon" : []

Note - icon is in binary form

'Add' on instruction set management



Modifies an existing instruction set

Payload same as for the POST method above

'Add' on instruction set management



Deletes an instruction set with a specific Id.

All instruction definitions that belong to that set will become 'unassigned' unless you specify 'true' on the optional deleteContent flag..

OPTIONAL - you can add deleteContent parameter to the query string. If this parameter is set to true all instruction definitions that belong to the set being deleted will be deleted as well.

NOTE - This operation will fail if any of the instruction definition being affected have pending instructions.

'Delete' on instruction set management



Exports all instructions in a given set to a zip file which will contain each definition in a separate xml file. This Zip file can be uploaded as as product pack

'Read' on instruction set management



Adds given instruction definitions to a specific instruction set


        "SetId": 0,
        "InstructionDefinitionIds" : [0,1,2,...]

SetId can be a valid Instruction Set Id or null, which means 'unassigned'.

InstructionDefinitionIds array had to contain valid instruction definition Ids.

None of the instruction definitions can have in-flight instructions.

'Add' on instruction set management



Removes given instruction definitions from a specific instruction set.

Payload is the same as in the Add method above.

SetId has to be a valid Instruction Set Id.

'Delete' on instruction set management



Removes all instruction definitions from given set.

This does not delete the set itself or any of the instruction definitions. The set becomes empty and all instruction definitions become 'unassigned'

NOTE - This operation will fail if any of the instruction definition being affected have pending instructions.

'Read' on instruction set management