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Gets details about a package cached in Nomad.


ContentId (string): The ID of the package to query.

Return values

Version (int): Version of the package. Returned as 0 if package does not exist in Nomad cache.

Percent (float): Percentage of the package currently cached. Returned as 0.0 if package does not exist in Nomad cache.

Format (int): The format in which the package is stored on disk. Has one of the following four values:

0 – Original format. Package is stored as a regular folder in an unencrypted form.

1 – Compressed format. Package is stored as a compressed archive.

2 – Encrypted format. Package is stored as a compressed and encrypted archive.

3 – CloudDp format. Package is stored in an encrypted format used by Azure. This format is typically used for packages downloaded from Azure Cloud DP.

Returned as 0 (Original format) if package does not exist in Nomad cache.

AltCachePath(string): “Alternate cache path” of the package, if applicable. Alternate cache path is a disk location different from Nomad’s standard cache path where the package has been downloaded. By default Nomad always downloads into the standard cache, but an alternate path can optionally be specified at the time of queuing the download job. Returned as a blank string if package does not exist in Nomad cache or it was not downloaded at an alternate path.

CachePriority (int): The priority of this package among all packages in Nomad cache. Value ranges from 1 to 9 with smaller number denoting higher priority. Cache priority is used by Nomad to decide which packages to delete when running out of disk space. The lower the priority, the higher the chance of being deleted. Returned as 0 if package does not exist in Nomad cache.


Get details of the cached package “PRI0000A”:

Nomad.GetCachedPkgDetails (contentId: “PRI0000A”)


  • Windows


No data is returned if no DPs have the requested content.