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If you copy and paste the following examples, beware of hyphen characters getting lost. You may paste what appears to be a hyphen, but is not.

Simple example

This example involves an instruction that takes no parameters.

Tachyon.RunInstruction.exe ‑I 1E-Explorer-TachyonCore-InstalledMemoryDetails ‑C https://tachyon.inv02.local/Consumer ‑V ‑D inv02‑cm01.inv02.local inv02‑cm02.inv02.local

This submits the 1E-Explorer-TachyonCore-InstalledMemoryDetails instruction which gets details of RAM chips. The Tachyon Consumer API server is tachyon.inv02.local. The 2 devices on which the instruction runs are inv02-cm01.inv02.local and inv02-cm02.inv02.local and there is a check that those FQDNs are known hosts. This instruction takes no parameters.

If submission is successful - the resulting instruction ID is displayed on the CLI and logged. The ID can then be used to monitor the progress of the instruction using the Tachyon Explorer.

If submission fails - (for example, the instruction is not known to Tachyon because its product pack has not been imported, or the Consumer API URL is not correct), error messages are displayed and logged.

Example of Instruction parameters
Tachyon.RunInstruction.exe ‑I "1E-Explorer-TachyonCore-RegistryEnumerateValues" ‑P "hive:HKLM" "subkey:Software\1E\Client\Persist" ‑C https://tachyon.inv02.local/Consumer ‑U myusername  mypassword ‑D inv02‑cm01.inv02.local inv02‑cm02.inv02.local

This submits the 1E-Explorer-TachyonCore-RegistryEnumerateValues instruction (from the 1E-Explorer-TachyonCore product pack, found under Classic product packs). As in the example above, the Tachyon Consumer API server is tachyon.inv02.local. The 2 devices on which the instruction is run are inv02-cm01.inv02.local and inv02-cm02.inv02.local.

In this case there's no check that those FQDNs are known hosts (because there is no –V option). The name and password of an account with access rights to submit an instruction have been specified. If this question is successful, the values under HKLM\Software\1E\Client\Persist in the registry of the specified devices are retrieved.

Example: offloading the results of an instruction
Tachyon.RunInstruction.exe -I 1E-Explorer-TachyonCore-BiosDetails -C http://localhost/Consumer -N SyslogRelay -O -D client1.acme.local

This submits the “1E-Explorer-TachyonCore-BiosDetails” instruction. The Tachyon Consumer API server is localhost, which is the command-line tool from the same computer where Tachyon is installed. The -N parameter specifies the the Consumer Name SyslogRelay should be used. This consumer has to be previously configured from the Administration pages in Tachyon. Finally, -O indicates the results should be offloaded (to whatever address was configured for the consumer) instead of saved to the Tachyon Responses database.