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Installing Shopping

How to install a Shopping infrastructure and deploy Agents, including a guide to upgrading.

Shopping has six main components that must be installed:

  • Shopping Central Server

    • Shopping Web - the Portal which Shoppers use, some administration is performed, provides reports, APIs, and used by Shopping Receivers

    • Shopping Central service – performs various processes at intervals, such as scheduling deployments, retrieving data from Active Directory and Configuration Manager, and sending emails

    • Shopping database – for data storage

  • Shopping Console GUI – to administer and use Shopping

    • installed on the Central Server by default

    • can be installed on remote computers

  • Shopping Receiver service

    • installed on each Configuration Manager site. Creates collections and deployments

  • 1E Client with Shopping client module enabled

    • The Shopping module retrieves information about the user's computer when Shoppers browse the Shopping Portal


To enable the Shopping OS deployment feature, you must install a Shopping receiver on the Configuration Manager site which is either:

  • the standalone primary site

  • or the CAS if you use multiple primary sites