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Uninstalling applications

You can uninstall certain Shopping applications from selected machines as long as they have an uninstall package and programmed define for it.

To uninstall an application:

  1. On the Administration tab, click Administration Tools→Uninstall Applications.

  2. Type the name of the machine you want to uninstall applications from in the search filed and click Search. If you are a branch administrator, you can only search for machines associated with the computer category defining the branch.

  3. From Search Results, select the machine – Applications to Uninstall is automatically populated.

  4. Move any applications you want to keep from Applications to Uninstall to Application to Ignore.

  5. Choose the behavior for the removal:

    • Uninstall immediately – prompts Configuration Manager to remove the application without email notification

    • Uninstall later – prompts Configuration Manager to remove the application after a number of days. Tick the Send email notification to Shoppers checkbox if you want them to get a notification (date and time) when the application will be removed.

    • In Reason, enter a justification for the application removal. This is included in the email notification and is stored with the uninstall task.

  6. Click Uninstall – a summary of your actions is displayed. The license count will also be decremented when this is done.

Viewing pending uninstalls

To view pending uninstalls:

  1. On the Administration tab, click View Pending uninstalls.

  2. The Pending Uninstalls screen displays a list of applications scheduled to be uninstalled.

  3. To modify the attributes for an uninstall:

    1. Tick the Select checkbox for the application.

    2. Under Actions, modify the attributes for this product removal.

    3. Click UNINSTALL.

  4. To cancel a schedule uninstall, click CANCEL next to the application.


    For rental applications, cancelling the associated uninstall essentially converts the application to a BUY request and the application license, where applicable, will not be automatically recycled.