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Issues specific to Shopping server-side components




Same mail is sent to approver twice.

If an application has 'Any approver' approval and its approvers are <MANAGER> and another named approver (e.g. Approver1), and a user whose manager is also Approver1 shops for this application then Approver1 will get approval email twice.


Shopping web log shows an error during call to ProcessedOsdOrders job (No functional impact )

When Shopping Receiver service runs ProcessedOSDOrders job, call to shopping web may throw error intermittently while sending the list of procesed OSD orders. Though it has no functionality impact and will successfully place the call in next iteration.


User can initiate uninstall for an application even after the application is disabled by shopping admin.

When a user clicks on uninstall option for a disabled application, its status changes to 'Uninstall Pending' though nothing happens in the background. The uninstall request will eventually fail after three days post according to the default 'Overdue Pending Orders Time Out'. This is because Shopping does not facilitate any requests for disabled applications, including uninstalls.

User to manually uninstall.

The failure email, sent when an application installation fails, shows the Install date as being prior to the requested date.

When a user shops for an application multiple times on the same machine, the Install date and Requested date might not be in the correct order in the order status email. This is cosmetic and has no effect on core Shopping functionality.


An error is displayed in the receiver log when deleting Shopping Applications

When a Shopping administrator simultaneously deletes multiple applications that are linked to same SCCM application from Shopping Admin Console or if the uninstall program is not specified for a deleted application, you may see an error in the Shopping.Receiver.log: Error in Deleting Collection and deployment. Collection not found or may not have been created or Delete Collection failed.

The displayed error has no impact on functionality.


An error is reported in the Shopping log file when WQL support is enabled.

A 'ERROR Shopping (null) – Exception Checking for Approval timeouts' exception may be written to the Shopping log file when WQL Support Enabled = True. This error has no effect on core Shopping functionality.


Branch application prompting for approval request information.

When requesting Branch applications from a search list, users may be prompted to provide a comment to justify their request even though approval is not required. Provided some text and submit the request. No approval is initiated or required and the text is discarded.


Tiles not formatting text correctly in list view.

In certain circumstances, tiles may show poorly formatted text for the order status when you are viewing it in list view.


What is SSO Identity Header setting in Shopping ADmin Console?

The SSO Identity Header in property in the Shopping Admin Console UI is for a future implementation.


User Category is visible to a user despite a restriction in a Limiting Collection in Configuration Manager.

It is possible to limit the visibility of the user category on a particular machine. This requires adding the machine to the corresponding limiting collection in Configuration Manager. However, this does not prevent the user from seeing the user category if they are on a different machine.


Multiple bindings lost on upgrade of Shopping Central

Shopping does not reinstate bindings that were manually added in a previous installation.

Manually add the bindings after the upgrade at IIS > Shopping Website.

Installer values are lost after a Shopping Receiver side-by-side install.

The second installation does not take settings from the first.

You'll need to manually update the installer values post-install.

Hiding the sidebar in the Shopping Web Portal sometimes does not work as expected.

Hiding the sidebar does not work on the Application Details page.

Changing Centralized Mode value from True to False prior to upgrading Shopping causes issues with advertisements.

If you have changed the Centralized Mode value from True to False before upgrading Shopping you will need to manually remove from ConfigMgr any advertisements created when the Centralized Mode was set to True.

Shopping website banner displays error message related to missing images.

Banner images are not updated for all the sites in case of multiple websites.

The banner images must be manually updated.

Empty Miscellaneous user category appears to Shoppers.

Miscellaneous user category that only contains disabled applications is still visible on the Shopping web portal, by design disabled applications do not appear so the user category will appear empty.

Unexpected navigation occurs in the Shopping website when viewing Application Details.

URL provided in an Application Description is navigated to after clicking on the Application Details panel.

Blank searches do not return results in the Shopping Web Portal.

Because full text searching is now enabled by default in the Shopping web portal blank searches have been disabled for performance reasons to prevent long searches from being initiated by accident. If Shoppers want to retrieve all available Applications they should enter % in the search field.

Blank emails may be sent to users.

This occurs if users's default language is set to a general language rather than a country specific language.

Shopping comes with translations files for country specific languages (de-DE, es-ES, fr-FR, it-IT and pt-BR). However, if a user's browser is configured to use only just the the base language then folders are not populated. If using the French or German translations,

Create the language folder (eg. fr) and copy files from the corresponding language-country folder, and rename/update as per instructions in the administrators guide.

If a Shopper creates an overlapping delivery window on the Shopping website it causes problems.

Although the Delivery Windows page lets Shoppers create overlapping windows this is not supported by Shopping.

These need to be deleted or resized in order for Shopping to process the windows correctly.

Using the name localhost for the Shopping DB server causes problems during installation.

The Shopping installer does not support using the name localhost to refer to the Database server.

You should use either the text: (local) or type in the server name explicitly in either the interactive installer or when setting the SQLSERVER installer command-line parameter.

Computer name in website is sometimes set to the first three digits of the computer's IP address.

The computer name may be displayed as the first three digits of the computer's IP address if reverse DNS lookup is being used but the machine name cannot be resolved correctly.

If this occurs please check with the system administrator that the Shopping Agent is installed and that the computer is correctly configured with respect to ConfigMgr and DNS.

After making changes to the Admin-Email parameter in the Shopping Admin Console these are not reflected in the Shopping Web Pages.

After making changes to the Admin-Email parameter in the Shopping Admin Console you will need to perform an iisreset to refresh the Shopping web site to reflect the changes.

Assigning users from another domain causes errors when configuring Shopping Admin Console node security.

This issue only affects use of the Shopping Admin Console. Shopping Admin Console does not support AD security groups in one domain that contain AD users, computers, or security groups from another domain.

If you are using Shopping in a multi-domain environment the following items must be in the same AD domain:

  • The AD security groups specified for Shopping Admin Console access in the installer

  • The users that you want to give access to the Shopping Admin Console via Node Security

  • The server or workstation where the Shopping Admin Console is being installed

If this restriction does not suit your requirements you will need to define Shopping Admin Console node security to use multiple groups where each AD security group covers a single domain.

In this case, during installation you must specify an AD security group from the installation domain for each of the Shopping Console Access groups: Shopping Full database access; Shopping Limited database admin access and Shopping Configuration Manager database access. Then add the other domain security groups by hand post installation as per the instructions Node Security. This requires each of the Shopping Console Access groups to be Universal and not Global Security groups.

Rental Applications are not uninstalled if they are deleted from the Shopping Admin Console during the rental period.

When making rental Applications available to Shoppers the Shopping Administrator must be careful that any rental Applications they want to remove from Shopping are not currently being rented, otherwise the Application may be left on the Shopper's machine after the rental period.

Errors occur when AD accounts used by Shopping do not have emails defined.

The Global-License-Manager field in Shopping Web Settings will be empty if the License Manager account or group provided during installation does not have an email defined. This means that no email notifications will be sent on license boundary conditions

Problems occur if the Shopping Admin Account is changed post installation.

If the default Shopping Admin Account is changed post installation Shopping will not automatically add the changed user to the AD groups to provide necessary access to the Shopping and ConfigMgr databases.

You will need to manually add the account into the Shopping Console Access groups. Please refer to Preparation: Shopping Console Access groups.

Updates to Shopping Admin Console WebURL settings are not applied to Central and Receiver services.

The WebURL setting in the Console reflect the configuration specified during installation. Changes to the setting do not update teh relevant configuratin files.

You will also need to manually update the server details in:

  • the ShoppingInternal setting in the Shopping Central service ShoppingCentral.exe.config file

  • the ShoppingWebUrl setting in the Shopping Receiver service Shopping.Receiver.exe.config file.

An SMS Site cannot be removed from Shopping if application uninstalls have been requested for machines belonging to that site.

If application uninstalls have been requested from machines belonging to a ConfigMgr site then the Admin Console will now allow the removal of site from Sites.

If this occurs you should contact 1E support to guide you through the process of removing the affected site. This will involve editing the Shpping database.

Branch Administrators will not be able view applications from another branch.

If Branch Administrators happen to login to Shopping from a machine that belongs to another branch not managed by them, then they will not be able view apps specific to the machines branch.

Shopping Receiver running as Network Service account can't connect to Configuration Manager.

When the Shopping Receiver is installed to run as "Network Service", with everything configured on the same server the installer thus explicitly adds the "Network Service" into the ConfigMgr security with class rights. This works as expected on Windows 2003. However, on Windows 2008 the shopping receiver comes in as DomainName\Servername$ as if the shopping receiver was connecting from a remote machine and fails.

In ConfigMgr Console > Security node, clone the 'NETWORK SERVICE' account created by Shopping Receiver installer for Servername$ and restart Receiver service.

Empty user categories appear to Shoppers.

User categories that only contain applications upon which user has no permissions are still visible on the Shopping web portal, by design applications having no permissions do not appear to the user so the user category will appear empty.
