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Issues specific to the Windows Servicing Assistant




WSA wizard doesn't remember the captured password when we choose to click back from the summary Page.

WSA wizard doesn't remember the captured password when we choose to click back from the summary Page. This is a bug that will be fixed in the next release or provided as a Hotfix.

Cancel the wizard and relaunch WSA.

WSA Wizard doesn't update the WiFi profile in case of two profiles with Same SSID.

On a Client machine, a new WiFI profile is created for the same SSID (Two profiles with same SSID) in cases where the Connection type is changed (say from Secured to Unsecured). In such scenario's the WiFi profile on the WSA wizard will continue to show the previous profile.

Manually delete the Old profile and re launch WSA Wizard.

WSA wizard provides an option to restore to the same machine, if it was captured previously.

It is possible to capture the data from a machine and then restore it to the same machine.

Task sequence fails to find the PBA host during execution.

Although WSA ensures the availability of PBA host during its preparation, there is a possibility that the machine is not reachable when the task sequence execution.

  • Enable PBA high availability to reduce the probability of occurrence

  • For Wipe and Load deployments in remote locations, set capture options on admin console to use USB only.

When a Remote user logs on, WSA Wizard doesn't get launched automatically for existing order.

This can happen in Remote (VPN) scenarios, when a manual connect VPN is expected to happen as and when user logs back in.

After VPN is connected, launch WSA Wizard explicitly from Shopping portal.

WSA size estimation fails spuriously.

This can happen when a content hash check fails for USMT package.

You will need to inform your administrator.

Content Space Check doesn't check if USB has sufficient free space.

When a USB was chosen in the Wizard, it ensures that the chosen USB has enough disk space. After that, there are no checks to ensure that there is enough free space on the USB. If the user fills up the USB outside of WSA manually, then the content download check might fail.

When machine is put to sleep manually and upon logon, WSA wizard indicate spurious failure.

This is a timing issue and retrying readiness checks could remediate the issue.

WSA wizard continues to indicate that checks are in progress, after Tachyon service has stopped.

When Tachyon is started back again, the readiness checks are automatically restarted from the beginning.

Tachyon crashes during service stop, when WSA readiness is in progress.

Due to timing issues, readiness checks sometimes does not take appropriate action on service stop and leads to service crash. It doesn't have affect readiness checks functionally and upon starting the service they should get resumed normally.

User fails to launch WSA Wizard from the Shopping portal, after the completion of previous WSA deployment.

This can happen when a task sequence execution has actually ended but the Configuration Manager client has not yet updated the task sequence execution status in WMI. Deleting the WMI record will remediate the issue.

WSA wizard's Done button doesn't indicate anything when you click it.

If a user clicks on the Done button multiple times, the following error can appear in the tachyon logs: "ERROR - WsaAcknowledgementHandler: No WSA order to acknowledge".

User may not be notified about the status of the deployment, if the task sequence fails.

This has been observed only in very rare cases of a bluescreen.

Wipe and Load Non-destructive Task Sequence fails to apply OS, as it fails to delete directory "..\Windows.old\Program Files\WindowsApps".

This is a limitation of Configuration Manager.

Add a custom task sequence step to delete those folders before the ApplyOperatingSystem step.

Wipe and Load Non-destructive task sequence files to apply OS, as it is unable to delete files in Windows\System32\wdi\

This is a limitation of Configuration Manager.

Add a custom task sequence step to delete those folders before the ApplyOperatingSystem step.

When the Zero touch task sequence fails at the initialize step, the Shopping order remains in the In-progress state and never completes.

WSA Initialize could fail if client couldn't connect with Shopping server for any reason. After fixing that, administrator could re-run restore TS manually on that machine to complete the deployment.

If the TS couldn't be deployed manually, then ensure that 1E Client (with Shopping/WSA enabled) is installed on the machine and upon restarting the service, it would do take the order to completion, so that user can go to shopping portal, launch WSA and restore it manually.

WSA wizard doesn't launch from Firefox, when Shopping is configured to use HTTPS.

This is a restriction of Firefox browsers when connecting to an HTTPS website.

For self signed certificates, an exception needs to be added to the Firefox browser manually.

After rebooting the machine, Required free space in USB is appearing as '0 GB' for an existing order.

This is a limitation of Wizard that it doesn't persist the USB size requirements.

If user wants to switch USB, then user should navigate to the page previous to USB page and click on next. That would trigger a new estimation of USB size requirement and after its completion user can choose a different USB.

After rebooting the machine, Applications are not appearing on the summary page for an existing order.

This is a current limitation of WSA wizard.

To view the applications user can navigate back to applications page

Task sequence gets stuck on launch, waiting for another program to finish.

If another task sequence is run just before the Readiness checks are to complete it get stuck waiting for another program to finish.

Task sequence gets stuck on launch, when a pending reboot is detected.

Task sequence gets stuck on launch, when a pending reboot is detected.

Reboot the machine and the TS will be triggered automatically after reboot soon after the connection is established.

WSA TS fails when refreshing from win 10 to win 10 OS [UEFI machine].

This is a Configuration Manager issue.

Clean up folders in TS before applying OS.

WSA TS fails when the USB goes unrecognizable momentarily.

WSA TS fails when the USB goes unrecognizable momentarily.

Ensure USB is unplugged during the TS in progress and entire WSA deployment operation.

Tachyon uninstallation doesn't fail, when WSA is in progress and it continues run even after uninstallation.

Tachyon uninstallation doesn't fail, when WSA is in progress and it continues run even after uninstallation.

Ensure that WSA wizard isn't running before uninstalling Tachyon.

When Capture deployment is ran multiple times on same machine, Restore could incorrectly choose older USMT data.

This is due to the limitation of Nomad PBA, which doesn't have a notion of versions. So in case of multiple captures of a machine, a restore might pick a backup data randomly without regard to which is the most recent.

WSA Application Migration page pops up an error, when device is not yet synced with SLA.

Cannot proceed with deployment if AppMigration is enabled and the respective machine is not sync with SLA, causes an error to be thrown.

Ensure that the machine is synced with SLA.

WSA launch fails to launch on restored VM's.

WSA launch fails to launch on restored VM's.

Unjoin and rejoin domain. Re launch WSA wizard.

Readiness check "Content download Check" gets stuck if USB drive is not available.

This is expected behavior of Nomad, which endlessly retries to look for destination. When content download check gets stuck.

Ensure USB is plugged in properly if it is being used. After the USB is plugged in properly, check will continue automatically.

WSA Wizard Readiness checks UI overlaps Windows taskbar when WSA application is moved around the Desktop.

If the WSA wizard is partially covered under the taskbar, opening the Details popup on the Readiness page could overlap the taskbar.

WSA Wizard pops up an error on Application Migration page, when name of the machine is longer than 15 characters.

Occurs when there are two entries of machine has different full name and NET BIOS name(full name is - Client2-WindowsX64Enterprise and Net Bios name is - Client2-Windows.

Target Machine is not identified with full domain (e.g. ezio.lab\win10) during WSA Capture.

Target PC is recognized only when initial domain name is given with machine name (ezio\win10)

Unable to license Shopping on Hyper-V VM configuration version greater than 8.0.

Unable to license shopping where the host is upgraded to Windows 10 1803 and the guest OS for Shopping is Server 2016.

Please contact 1E Support if you have this issue.