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OS Filtering

This is OS-specific application visibility. With OS filtering, users will only see Configuration Manager applications compatible with the OS platform they are currently using when they shop for applications in the Shopping Web.When shopping for others, checks are made to ensure that requested applications are compatible with the machine it is intended for. If the check fails, the order is not placed and a notification is sent to the administrator.

To enable OS filtering
  1. In the Shopping Admin console, click Settings.

  2. Under OS Filtering, ensure that OS Filtering Enabled is True.

    Enabling OS filtering in the Shopping Admin console
Retrieving compatibility information from Configuration Manager

To retrieve compatibility information from Configuration Manager:

  1. From the toolbar In the Shopping Admin console, click the Trigger OS Filtering Sync button.

    Triggering an OS filtering synchronization
  2. A notification dialog is displayed.

    Notification for triggering an OS filtering synchronization
  3. Click OK to close it.


Hardware Inventory must be enabled and run in the Configuration Manager environment.

AppModel applications must be configured with an OS filtering rule where the operating system condition is set for one or more OS, for example:

Setting up an OS filtering rule for AppModel applications

Non-AppModel applications must have the requirements option selected in its Install Properties dialog.

  • Only on specified client platforms

  • One or more client platforms are selected

Non-app model application properties
Compatible applications

The OS Filtering feature uses the version, role, and architecture of the client Operating System. These three must match on the client machine, and the application in Configuration Manager, in order for the application to be visible in the Shopping Web.


No checks are made for non-Configuration Manager applications, as they are considered compatible.

Data about applications is obtained from Configuration Manager at the following times:

  • On a periodic basis, determined by the OS Filtering Sync Period (12 hours by default),

  • When the Shopping central service is restarted

  • Within 5 minutes of

    • Triggering retrieval manually from the Admin console

    • A successful bulk import of applications from Configuration Manager

    • Creation of a Configuration Manager application

Data about the client is also obtained from Configuration Manager, but the primary source is from the Shopping client, as described in Shopping client settings: Information provided by the Shopping client.

The OS Filtering feature supports the following OS roles:

  • Workstation

  • Server

  • AVD (with the latest hotfix)

The following are not supported by the OS filtering feature:

  • Service pack level compatibility for operating systems

  • Admin pages other than the Basket in the Shopping web portal do not filter applications according to compatibility

  • Shopping application uninstall programs are not filtered

  • Compatibility is not assessed for OSD requested items

  • OS filtering rules for AppModel applications where no settings are selected.