User Backup
Why can't I see the User Backup screen to backup my files up?
You can only see this screen if you asked us to:
migrate you from your existing PC to a new one
wipe your existing PC as part of the OS deployment and install a fresh one whilst maintaining all your data on the hard drive
wipe your existing PC as part of the OS deployment and install a fresh one without maintaining any of your existing data on the hard drive
Why can't I back up any files or folders even though I can see the User Backup screen?
Your Shopping administrator hasn't allowed you to do so even though the screen is displayed when you asked us to :
migrate you from your existing PC to a new one and chose the Prepare My Old PC for Replacement option on the Start screen
wipe your existing PC as part of the OS deployment and install a fresh one without maintaining any of your existing data on the hard drive and chose the Reinstall Windows on My PC (Change Disk Format) option on the Start screen
Why can't I select some folders?
Your Shopping administrator hasn't allowed you to do so.