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You are unable to browse to the Shopping Website

If you are unable to browse to the Shopping Website, you may want to:

  1. Check to see if the 1EShoppingCentral service is running on the Shopping server. If it isn't, start it.

  2. Check to see if the Shopping website under the IIS Default website is up and running. If it isn't, start it.

  3. See if you can access the Shopping website by clicking its URL under Browse Website in IIS. If you can't, see if you can access http://ShoppingServerFQDN/Shopping and http://ShoppingServerFQDN.

  4. Make sure that HTTP redirection is correctly setup for the Shopping Website in IIS. To do this:

    1. In IIS Manager, and choose the Shopping website.

    2. Under IIS in the centre pane, double-click HTTP Redirect.

    3. Select the Redirect requests to this destination option and enter ../shopping

    4. Select the Only redirect requests to content in this directory (not subdirectories) option.

    5. By default, IIS will apply the redirection to all sub-sites (/Shopping and /ShoppingAPI in this case). This would cause any attempts to load the page to enter an infinite loop as /Shopping would redirect to itself. In some cases, even if this option is selected, you may find the subdirectories still have the redirection applied. To be sure, select the HTTP Redirect settings on the /Shopping and /ShoppingAPI subdirectories and ensure redirection is disabled on these.

    6. Click Apply under Actions on the right.

  5. If you have a DNS alias or CNAME, make sure its pointed to the correct server.

  6. Take a look at these Shopping logs for further details:

    • C:\ProgramData\1E\Shopping\Shopping.log

    • C:\ProgramData\1E\ShoppingApi\ShoppingAPI.log

    • C:\ProgramData\1E\ShoppingCentral\ShoppingCentral.log