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Shopping Admin Console settings

Settings in the Shopping Admin Console are typically set during installation but you can modify them post-installation. Updates are picked up by the web application on session state expiration, which can be up to 20 minutes (defined in the web.config file). Click Save to implement your changes or Discard to revert to the changes.

Admin Console Settings


To make any changes effective, you must:

  • restart IIS and if you are using multiple Web-only Shopping websites, restart IIS for all of them.

  • restart the Shopping Central service

Active Directory

The Active Directory (AD) Server alias or IP Address is required when installing the Shopping Database. These settings let you modify the way that AD is accessed and used.

From Shopping 5.3 onwards, all LDAP over SSL calls are made using secured ports (636 and 3269). However, there is a caveat to this security implementation. A number of Shopping components use native Windows APIs and native Windows controls to query the AD.

For example, the Select User or Group dialog, used to search for users, groups or machines in the domain, in the Shopping Admin Console is one such control. It is an in-built Windows control which provides network-based security using the Kerberos authentication protocol where:

Select user or group dialog
  • Only valid and registered domain network users can make LDAP calls to the domain controller – the Select User or Group dialog makes a Kerberos-based authentication before sending the LDAP query.

  • Communications between the Select User or Group dialog and the domain controller (DC) are Kerberos encrypted (sign and seal).

  • The Kerberos protocol uses unsecured ports (389 and 3268) for LDAP related communications with the domain controller. It results in the Select User or Group dialog using unsecured ports as it relies on Kerberos protocol for any interaction with the AD/DC.

By default, all native Windows APIs and Windows controls use the Kerberos security protocol and does not provide a means to configure it for the LDAP over SSL security feature. Shopping components will continue to make LDAP over SSL calls using secured ports (636 and 3269) where there is no dependency on the Kerberos protocol. For this reason, ports 389, 636, 3268 and 3269 must not be blocked on the domain controller. If they are restricted, then all the servers hosting Shopping components must be added to the exception list so that Shopping can make the specific LDAP calls.


Default value


AD Email Field


The AD field that holds the email address for an account.

AD Manager Account Field


The AD field that holds the manager account for an account.


If you change this to an AD text attribute you will need to ensure that the attribute is filled in with the AD distinguished name for the manager, not just the user name, otherwise Shopping will be unable to derive the details for the manager account

AD Server

Set by installer

The Active Directory server IP Address or server name. The Preparation: Active Directory Server has recommendations on which DC to use.


AD Trusts

No default value set

The trusted domain to be added to Shopping’s AD support. This may be from an external trust or a forest trust to a root domain. Supported forest, domain and trust configurations are described in Preparation: Multi-Domain configurations.

LDAP over SSL/TLS Enabled


Enables LDAPS between Shopping and the DC.

Use Global Catalog


If True, Shopping uses the AD Global Catalog for AD queries and the AD server must be a global catalog AD server. If False, Shopping is restricted to the local domain and uses LDAP to support access to Shopping.

Branch Approval

This section lets you configure the settings for branch administered applications.


Default value


Branch Admins Require Approval


Determines whether branch administrators require approval when shopping for others.

Values are:

  • True – approval required

  • False – enables Shopping for others to bypass the approval process

Maximum Branch Approval Hours


Number of hours before a request for a branch application approval is escalated to administrators acting in their deputy roles for that branch.

Central Service

This section lets you configure Central Service settings.


Default value


Allow Implicit Access For AD Integration


Determines whether the Shopping central service account needs direct read/write access to the Shopping AD Integration and Console Access security groups, or whether it can use implicit read/write access by virtue of any AD security groups it belongs to. Values are:

  • True – the Shopping central service account does not need direct read/write access to the Shopping AD security groups it only needs to belong to a group that has read/write access.

  • False – the Shopping central service account must have direct read/write permissions to the Shopping AD security groups set

Application Retry Interval


Interval (in minutes, hours or days – see Application Retry Units) between successive attempts to process workflow items associated with an application request.

Application Retry Units


The units used in the application retry interval setting.

Values are:

  • Days

  • Hours

  • Minutes

Approval Escalation Interval


Approval time limit (in minutes, hours or days – see Approval Escalation Units) before an approver's deputy is promoted as the main approver and they are forwarded an application request email.

Approval Escalation Units


The units used in the Approval Escalation Interval setting.

Values are:

  • Days

  • Hours

  • Minutes

Data Grooming Interval


Interval (in minutes, hours or days – see Data Grooming Units) between data grooming operations. These clear any un-purchased items in a user's baskets that are older than the Maximum Days In Basket setting.

Data Grooming Time


Time of day (in minutes, hours or days expressed as hours:minutes in 24-hour notation – see Data Grooming Units) in which the grooming takes place and only valid when the Data Grooming Units setting is set to Days. The setting control in the console lets you change these values independently using spinner buttons.

Data Grooming Units


The units used in the Data Grooming Interval setting.

Values are:

  • Days

  • Hours

  • Minutes

Email Retry Interval


Interval (in minutes, hours or days – see Email Retry Units) between retries for failed email deliveries.

Email Retry Units


The units used in the Email Retry Interval setting.

Values are:

  • Days

  • Hours

  • Minutes

Maximum Email Retries


Maximum number of times to retry sending failed email deliveries.

Notification Retry Interval


This sets the interval between retries for failed notification deliveries. The interval units are defined in the Notification Retry Units preference.

Notification Retry Units


The units used in the Notification Retry Interval preference.

OS Deployment Calendar Reminder Time


Configure the time (in minutes) before which OS Deployment reminder pop up will show in Outlook. This is after downloading the calendar file from OSD Banner.

OS Deployment Calendar Schedule Time Interval


Configure the time (in hours) for which OS migration will be booked in Outlook. This is after downloading the calendar file from OSD Banner.

OSD Completed Machine Discovery Interval


Frequency (in minutes, hours or days – see OSD Completed Machine Discovery Units) in which the Shopping central service checks with Configuration Manager to see if the machine has been discovered post-OS deployment.

OSD Completed Machine Discovery Units


The units used in the OSD Completed Machine Discovery Interval setting.

Values are:

  • Days

  • Hours

  • Minutes

Overdue Pending Orders Time Out


Overdue pending orders will automatically be failed after this timeout period in hours. (this setting is always in hours).

Note: setting this value to high can have a negative effect on shoppers experience as well as the total number of items the Shopping Receivers are actively checking status for in Configuration Manager.

Overdue Pending Orders Interval


This setting is designed to control the frequency that the Shopping Central Service will check for Overdue and pending orders. Orders that have exceeded the configurable value in (Overdue Pending Orders Time Out) are automatically failed so that if the Shopping Application is configured for re-shopping the item can be re-requested by the same user.

The Interval is in minutes, hours or days based on Fail Overdue Pending Orders Units below for failing overdue pending orders.

Overdue Pending Orders Units


Controls the Fail Overdue Pending Orders Interval setting above.

alues are:

  • Days

  • Hours

  • Minutes

Pending Requests Interval Seconds


Interval (in seconds) between checking for pending workflow integration requests. You can modify this interval with by running the command line:

CentralService –PendingRequestsIntervalSecs=interval_in_seconds

where interval_in_seconds is the new interval for polling pending requests.

Records Purge Days


Number of days after which EmailRetry and OrderHistory records will be purged. To stop purging records, set this value to 99999.

Default value: 99999

Minimum value: 30

Maximum value: 2147483647

Recommended value: Depends on customer's database size. This feature is for customers that are facing performance issues with large number of records, thereby impacting performance (especially with reports). Do not change this value if you are not facing such issues.

Retry Path

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ 1E\ShoppingCentral\ Retry\

The full path to the retry folder.

SCCM Old Connection String

The SQL connection string to the Configuration Manager 2007 system. Used during the upgrade process from Configuration Manager 2007 to Configuration Manager 2012 while both systems are running in parallel to enable new machines in Configuration Manager 2007 to be imported into Shopping. This should be used in conjunction with the Sync Machines From Old Sccm setting.

Scheduled Uninstall Interval

Frequency (in minutes, hours or days – see Schedule Uninstall Units) the Shopping database is polled to see if scheduled uninstalls or uninstall reminders are due.

Scheduled Uninstall Units


The units used in the Scheduled Uninstall Interval setting.

Values are:

  • Days

  • Hours

  • Minutes

Script Temp Path

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ 1E\ShoppingCentral\ temp\

The full path to the temporary folder used for workflow integration scripts. You can modify the location by running the command line:

CentralService –ScriptTempPath=temp_location_for_scriptfiles

where temp_location_for_scriptfiles is the new location for the temporary script files to run.

Script Timeout Seconds


Maximum duration (in seconds) to wait for Workflow Integration Scripts to return a value. You can modify the duration by running the command line:

CentralService –ScripTimeoutSecs=timeout_in_seconds

where timeout_in_seconds is the new interval in seconds.

Send OS Deployment Confirmation Email


Sends an email informing the user that their OS deployment has been scheduled.

Send OS Deployment Imminent Email


Send OS Deployment Reminder Email


Sends an email informing the user that their OS deployment will begin in the specified number of hours. Set to 0 for no email.

Sends an email informing the user Your OS deployment for Machine NAME is scheduled to begin at TIME.

The following settings determine the polling interval for checking if an email must be sent:

  • Send OS Migration Imminent Email Interval

  • Send OS Migration Imminent Email Units

Sends an email informing the user that their OS deployment will begin in the specified number of days. Set to 0 for no email.

Sends an email informing the user This is an early reminder. Your operating system upgrade for computer NAME is scheduled to begin at TIME on DATE.

The following settings determine the polling interval for checking if an email must be sent:

  • Send OS Migration Reminder Email Interval

  • Send OS Migration Reminder Email Units

Send OS Migration Cancelled Email Interval


Polling interval to check if cancelled OS Migration emails must be sent. The polling interval units are set in Send OS Migration Cancelled Email Units below.

The cancellation may occur through the administrator cancelling or rescheduling the migration, or because items in the Shopping OSD application may have had permission changes applied or been deleted.

Send OS Migration Cancelled Email Units


The units used in the Send OS Migration Cancelled Email Interval setting.

Values are:

  • Days (1)

  • Hours (2)

  • Minutes (3)

Send OS Migration Imminent Email Interval


Polling interval to check if pending OS Migration Imminent emails must be sent. The polling interval units are set in Send OS Migration Imminent Email Units below.

Emails are sent according to the value of Send OS Deployment Imminent Email above.

Send OS Migration Imminent Email Units


The units used in the Send OS Migration Imminent Email Interval setting.

Values are:

  • Days (1)

  • Hours (2)

  • Minutes (3)

Send OS Migration Reminder Email Interval


Polling interval to check if pending OS Migration Reminder emails must be sent prior to an OS Migration taking place. The polling interval units are set in Send OS Migration Reminder Email Units below.

Emails are sent according to the value of Send OS Deployment Reminder Email above.

Send OS Migration Reminder Email Units


The units used in the Send OS Migration Reminder Email Interval setting.

Values are:

  • Days (1)

  • Hours (2)

  • Minutes (3)

Shopping Central Listen Address


The address on which Shopping Central listens for notification requests.

Note this is http by default.

Shopping Web Accounts


The comma separated names of the accounts or security groups used to run the Shopping Web application pools.

Sync Machines and Users from Active Efficiency



This setting is not used because Machines and Users are always retrieved direct from Configuration Manager.

Sync Machines From Old Sccm


Determines whether the synchronization of new Configuration Manager 2007 machines into Shopping is enabled.

Values are:

  • True – enables synchronization (ensure the SCCM Old Connection string is set before you enable synchronization)

  • False – disables synchronization

Users and Machines, AD Sync Interval


Interval (in minutes, hours or days – see Users and Machines, AD Sync Units) for synchronizing the values held in the Shopping database for the user's and approver's manager and email details with their values set in Active Directory.

Users and Machines, AD Sync Units


Value the Users and Machines, AD Sync Interval setting.

Values are:

  • Days (1)

  • Hours (2)

  • Minutes (3)

Computer Category administrators

This section lets you configure how the Computer Category administrator details are set.


Default value


Enforce Boundaries


Determines whether Computer Category administrators can shop for applications on machines outside their computer category.

Vales are:

  • True – can only shop for applications whose associated computer categories match those in the selected target machines

  • False – can shop for any application on the machines in their computer category.

Show Admin Tab


Determines the visibility of the Admin tab in the Shopping Web.

Values are:

  • True – Computer Category administrators are full Shopping administrators

  • False – Computer Category administrators are limited to only Shopping for other computers.

Configuration Manager

The Shopping Central service queries the Configuration Manager central database using SQL. Please refer to Preparation: Shopping Central service account.


Default value


ConfigMgr Database Access Group

Set by installer

Information only setting that shows the AD security group associated with read-only access to Configuration Manager database. Console users are required to be in this group to perform actions in Sites\Applications nodes.


Query SCCM Data From Server


Determines whether Shopping retrieves information about machines directly from the Configuration Manager server. Values are:

  • True

  • False

SCCM Version

Set by installer

Information only setting that shows the version number of the current Configuration Manager installation.


This section lets you configure Console behaviour.


Default value


Admin Console Manages Groups


Determines whether the Admin Console adds or removes AD group members based on the Node Security settings.

Values are:

  • True – Admin console will add/remove AD group members.

  • False – AD group members will not change regardless of the Node Security settings.

Apple app store home URL

Home page for the Apple device application store, as used on the Mobile Details screen in the New Mobile Application wizard and the Mobile tab on the mobile application Properties dialog.

Full Database Access Group

Set by installer

Information only setting that shows the AD security group associated with full Shopping database access. Console users are required to be in this group to be able to perform privileged actions in Sites\Applications\Settings\Node Security nodes.


Google app store home URL

Home page for the Android device store, as used on the Mobile Details screen in the New Mobile Application wizard and the Mobile tab on the mobile application Properties dialog.

Limited Database Access Group

Set by installer

Information only setting that shows the AD security group associated with limited Shopping database access. Console users are required to be in this group to perform actions in Approvers\Users Categories\Computer Categories\Event Log nodes. In earlier releases this setting was called Console User Account.


Number of Events To Display


Number of the most recent events to display in the Events section of the Shopping Admin console.

Windows app store home URL

Home page for the Windows device application store, as used on the Mobile Details screen in the New Mobile Application wizard and the Mobile tab on the mobile application Properties dialog.

Deputy Approver

This section lets you configure how the Deputy Approver details are set.


Default value


Auto Reject Timeout


Time (in days) before a request is rejected automatically by the system while waiting for an approver to approve or reject.

Deputy Default

Set by installer

The account to be used as a default deputy for any approver is absent.


This account or group must have an email address. The installer checks the ADMINACCOUNT has an email address during installation. The existence of the account or group and its email address is not checked if this value is changed after installation.

Installer property: ADMINACCOUNT

Maximum Approval Hours


Interval (in hours) before a request email is escalated to a Deputy Approver via email notification. Must be the same or greater than the value of Approval Escalation Interval. Minimum is 1 hour.

Email attachments

This section displays some internally used settings.


Default value


All Approval Applications


This flag is used internally. Values are:

  • True

  • False

Approval Applications With Cost


This flag is used internally. Values are:

  • True

  • False


This section lets you configure the different integration modes.


Default value


AppClarity Database

No default value set

Name of the AppClarity database to connect to.

AppClarity Database Server Instance

No default value set

Name of database server instance hosting the AppClarity database.

  • Use the <ServerName> format If the AppClarity database is hosted on the default SQL Server instance

  • Use the <ServerName>\<InstanceName> format if the AppClarity database is hosted on a named SQL Server instance

AppClarity Endpoint

No default value set

The AppClarity integration services URL. For example,

http://<server name>:8335/appclarity/services/integration

where <server name> is the server where the AppClarity service is installed. If the URL has been modified from the default, contact the AppClarity administrator for details of the integration services URL.

AppClarity Integration


Values are:

  • True – use AppClarity for software inventory

  • False

AppMigration Endpoint

No default value set

The SLA Platform service endpoint URL that is used to query it for reinstall applications during as OS deployment. Used when the AppMigration mode is AppMigration. For example,

AppMigration Mode


Where information about applications to be reinstalled during an OS deployment is derived from:

  • Shopping – information is derived from Shopping

  • AppMigration – information is derived from the SLA Platform

Catalog Endpoint

No default value set

The Catalog service endpoint URL that is used to query 1E Catalog (normally on a Tachyon Platform server).  Examples:

Integration Mode


Indicates how Shopping applications and application migration rules are mapped to applications:

  • AppClarity - only used for AppClarity 5.0 (or earlier)

  • Catalog

If you are running AppClarity 5.1 or later, use the upgrade tool to update existing application mapping and application migration rules to use the Catalog and update Integration Mode to Catalog.

SLA Platform Password

No default value set

The password for the SLA Platform account used to query the platform for reinstall applications during and OS deployment. This setting is required when AppMigration Mode is AppMigration.

SLA Platform Username

No default value set

The name of the SLA Platform account (in the format: user@domain) used to query the platform for reinstall applications during an OS deployment. This setting is required when AppMigration Mode is AppMigration.

Intune Integration

This section lets you configure the settings for branch administered applications.


Default value


Console Authentication Client App Client Secret

Client Secret of authentication client app in Azure with limited permissions used by Shopping Admin Console.


This setting is available only if you have installed the latest Accumulated Hotfix. See note below.

Console Authentication Client App ID

Set by installer

Available in the Overview node for the app in the App Registrations or Enterprise applications nodes of your AAD console.

Graph API Batch Size


Maximum number of records to fetch in each call to Graph API.

Minimum value: 10; maximum value: 999

Intune Integration Enabled

Set by installer

Enables or disables Intune integration (true/false).

Requires the Tenant ID and the two App ID to be set. These are normally set during installation.

Also requires the two Client Secrets to be set, and enabled, if seamless SSO is not available.

Intune Order Status Processor Interval


Interval after which Intune will be polled for status of Shopping orders.

Intune Order Status Processor Interval Unit


The units used in Intune Order Status Processor Interval parameter. This may be set to one of the following values: Days, Hours or Minutes.

Service Authentication Client App Client Secret

Client Secret of authentication client app in Azure used by Shopping Central Service.


This setting is available only if you have installed the latest Accumulated Hotfix. See note below.

Service Authentication Client App ID

Set by installer

Available in the Overview node for the app in the App Registrations or Enterprise applications nodes of your AAD console.

Tenant Id

Set by installer

This is the same as your Azure Tenant ID, available in the Overview node of your AAD console.

Use Client Secret for authentication With client app instead of seamless SSO


To use client secrets instead of seamless SSO to acquire authentication token of respective client app to query Intune portal using Graph API calls.


This setting is available only if you have installed the latest Accumulated Hotfix.


The Client Secret settings are available only if you have installed the latest Accumulated Hotfix. 

By default, these settings are stored in clear text. You can edit the SQL tb_preference table, to change ValueEncrypted for both of these settings from 0 to 1, so that the Client Secrets are stored encrypted and not visible in the Console. You must then re-enter the Client Secrets in the Console so that they are encrypted, then restart the Shopping Central service for the change to take effect.


This section lets you define the Global License Manager.


Default value


Global License Manager Account

Set by installer

Account name for the global license manager who will receive all the license alert emails.

Installer property: LICENSEMGRACCOUNT

Global License Manager Email

Set by installer

Email address to be notified when license exceptions occur. Derived from the AD email set for the account provided in the installer.

Installer property: LICENSEMGRACCOUNT


This section controls the localization of the language used in the Shopping emails and Website.


Default value


Default Language For Emails

en (English)

Default language used for the emails. This determines which set of email templates are used.

Use Login Language


Determines whether to use default templates for emails or use email templates that correspond to the user's login language, i.e. their Internet Explorer language preference.

OS Deployment

This section controls the OS deployment feature on the Shopping Website. There are several OS deployment and migration settings under the Central Service category.


Default value


Enable Reinstall and License Management


Determines whether Shopping reinstalls applications and manages their licenses part of the OS deployment process. Values are:

  • True

  • False

Make OSD Confirm Box Visible


Display the confirm checkbox on the final page of the OS deployment wizard in the Shopping portal. The displayed text is configurable in the GlobalResoureces.RESX file.

Values are:

  • True – displays the confirm checkbox

  • False – hides the confirm checkbox

OS Deployment Workflow Integration Enabled


Determines the Shopping workflow integration for the OS deployment wizard.

Values are:

  • True – integration scripts associated with OS Deployment will be executed every time an OSD event is raised.

  • False

Use Extended Table For OSD Reinstall Screen


Values are:

  • True – the OSD wizard in the Shopping web portal will use the extended tb_OsdRecommendedItem table when displaying the applications to be re-installed following deployment.

  • False – uses the previously installed Shopping applications

OS Filtering

This section controls the filtering of applications on the Shopping Website according to whether it is compatible with the user's OS. For more information see OS Filtering.


Default value


OS Filtering Enabled


Determines if Shopping hides applications from the Shopping website whose specified client platform is not compatible with the user's OS.

Values are:

  • True

  • False

OS Filtering Sync Period


Duration (in minutes) for re-syncing Shopping with Configuration Manager to retrieve any specified client platforms set for a particular Application's install program.


This section lets you control the defaults for the Rental settings.


Default value


Final Reminder Days


Number of days before rental application uninstall that the final reminder email is sent to a user reminding them that the application is about to be uninstalled.


Must be less than the Reminder-Days.

Reminder Days


Number of days before rental application uninstall that a reminder email is sent to a user reminding them that the application is about to be uninstalled.


Must be greater than the Final Reminder-Days.

Rental Extension Default Days


Default value for the Rental Extension days setting when first enabling Rental for an application.

Rental Extension Maximum Days


Maximum value (in days) that the Rental Extension days setting can be set to when configuring Rental for an application.

Rental Extension Minimum Days


Minimum value (in days) that the Rental Extension days setting can be set to when configuring Rental for an application.


This section lets you control the accounts used by Shopping for administration and viewing reports.


Default value


Admin Account

Set by installer

Information only setting that shows the AD account or group permitted to view the Shopping Admin pages. Installer property: ADMINACCOUNT

Admin Email

Set by installer

Determines if Shopping forwards alerts to the administrator email account. Derived from the AD email for the account provided in the ADMINACCOUNT installer property:

Admin Name


Information only setting that shows the name associated with the Administrator account with privileges to the Shopping database.


http://<ShoppingHost>/ ShoppingAPI

Sets the location of the ShoppingAPI.

Centralised Mode


When integrating with Configuration Manager 2012, for Shopping to work in centralized mode all Primary Receiver Services must be stopped.


Centralized mode is not compatible with Configuration Manager 2012 user or machine model Applications.

Values are:

  • True – all Collections and Advertisements are created on the Configuration Manager server (usually the central server) that the Shopping Central components are pointing at. This requires a Shopping Receiver to be installed on that Configuration Manager server

  • False – sets Shopping to work in non-centralized mode, this is required when using user and machine model applications from Configuration Manager 2012

Check Pending Order Status After


Check Configuration Manager for the status of pending orders older than this number of hours. This is used when Configuration Manager receives status messages in the wrong order.

Clean Collections or Deployments for Disabled Applications after days


Number of days after which collections or deployments will be deleted after disabling the ConfigMgr application in Shopping.

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 900

Full Admin For RBAC

Set to a list of Configuration Manager administrators with rights on all configurable items in Configuration Manager. Each entry on the list should be separated by a semi-colon (;). Each administrator should be defined in the format Domain\UserName.

Mail Format


Information only setting that shows the format that will be used for user emails.

Number Of Receiver Order Processing Threads


Number of threads that simultaneously process Shopping Receiver orders. Most applicable when Shopping order volume is great enough to cause delays during Shopping Receiver processing. Additional threads beyond 3 add decreasing benefits. Restart the Shopping website and Shopping Receiver service after changing this value.

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: NA

RBAC Support Enabled


Determines if role-based access control (RBAC) is enabled or not. To enable RBAC you should also set WQL Support Enabled to True.

Values are:

  • True – enables RBAC to Configuration Manager via WMI

  • False – disables RBAC

Support for RBAC requires the Shopping Web application pool to have access to ConfigMgr WMI. Please refer to Preparation: Support for the Windows Servicing Assistant.Support for the Windows Servicing Assistant

Receiver Account

Set by installer

Sets the account that must be used by all the Shopping Receivers. If a Shopping Receiver is configured to use a different account to the one set here it will get errors when attempting to connect.

Receiver Processing Batch Size


Number of orders the Shopping Receiver will process in one batch. Most applicable when Shopping order volume is great enough to cause delays during Shopping Receiver processing. Restart the Shopping website and Shopping Receiver service after changing this value.

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 100

Reports Account

Set by installer

Sets the AD account or group permitted to view the Shopping reports pages. Initially set during installation.

Retry Status Update For Failed Installations for Time Interval


Time (in hours) for which status update will be retried for failed installations after the first update was received. This setting allows deployments that might succeed after a retry to properly reflect the success of that retry in Shopping.

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 2147483647

Service Account

Set by installer

Information only setting that shows the Shopping service account. Defined during installation

SMTP Server

Set by installer

The mail server alias or IP Address


Set by installer

Sets the web URL for the Shopping Web Portal. This is used when linking approval emails to the Shopping website.

WQL Support Enabled


Determines how calls to the Configuration Manager servers are made – using Windows Management Instrumentation Query Language (WQL) or structured query language (SQL).

Values are:

  • True – enables WQL calls for Configuration Manager servers

  • False – enables direct SQL calls for Configuration Manager servers

Tachyon Integration

Please refer to Enabling Tachyon integration for more detail about Order Tracking notifications, and Tachyon instruction applications.

Setting name

Default value


Order Tracking Enabled


Enables the Order Tracking feature on all clients when set to true.

The Order Tracking feature provides users with order tracking information via:

  • Shopping notification area icon and toast popups on clients

  • Notification emails.

To disable the icon and popups on a subset of clients, add Shopping client settings: Module.Shopping.OrderTrackingEnabled to the client configuration file and set to false. This setting does not affect emails.

You can control which notifications and emails that users receive using the web administration settings described in Managing Order Tracking.

Tachyon Base URL

Depends on installation

Set this to the base URL for your Tachyon Platform implementation.

For example: https://tachyon.acme.local:443/

Tachyon Instruction Processor Interval


Interval which Shopping checks to see if there are any new Tachyon Instruction Application orders to be run. This starts the gather period.

If you set this value smaller than the default, the Tachyon instruction applications will complete faster, but will add a bit more server load to the Shopping and Tachyon servers. Instruction applications will on average take half of whatever this value is. For example, when set to 5, instructions could take from 0 to 5 minutes to be effective, averaging 2.5 minutes.

Note that some instructions have their own stagger period to wait after being sent to the client and actually running.

Tachyon Instruction Status Processor Interval


Interval which Shopping polls Tachyon for status. Default value is 5 minutes.

Tachyon Instruction TTL Minutes


This defines the length of the gather period which Tachyon uses to wait for offline devices to come online and run the instruction.

When a Shopper shops for an Instruction application, they will be online. However, they may be offline if the instruction requires approval in shopping. A device may also be offline if administrators are shopping on behalf of the user.

Tachyon Integration Enabled

Depends on installation

This setting must be true if you want to use Tachyon Instruction applications or Order Tracking features.

If you change this from true to false, and restart the Central service, then pending Instruction applications will not be processed. Instruction applications will not be visible in the Shopping website for new users. Existing users will see them until their Shopping cache is refreshed, and any request will not be processed. Changing this setting back to true will continue to process the requests.

Tachyon Password

Depends on installation

Password for Tachyon Username - this is saved encrypted.

Tachyon Username

Depends on installation

Set this to the user name for the account you want to use for running the Tachyon Instructions.

Web Application

This section contains various settings for configuring Shopping.


Default value


1E Client loopback URL



Name and port for the Tachyon Agent web service used by the Shopping web application to retrieve machine information.


If you need to modify this setting, then only change the following bold values of this string.


You should only change https to http if you are deliberately reconfiguring Shopping from default HTTPS to HTTP.

This setting can be overridden on a Shopping client by configuring Shopping.Module.LocalHostUrl on the 1E Client.

When this setting is configured to use https, then the Shopping client creates the following certificates on startup, and deletes them when shutting down:

  • a self-signed certificate issued to 1ECA added to the machine's Trusted Root Certification Authorities (ROOT) store

  • a certificate issued by 1ECA issues to localhost added to the machine's Personal (MY) store.

Shopping client only allows inbound connections to localhost ( which prevents remote access.

Application Name


Sets the name given to the Shopping application as seen in the top left of the Shopping Portal.


You can make this blank or change the text but you should ensure the text fits.

Bypass Approval Accounts

No default value set

User groups or accounts that will bypass the approval process for any of the applications that are visible to them. Each entry must be separated by a comma.


This field must be populated with care for two reasons: firstly the accounts specified here are not validated in web settings; secondly the users specified as accounts or members of the specified groups will bypass all the approval processes in Shopping meaning that they will gain unrestricted access to all Shopping applications visible to them.

Visibility restrictions via User and Computer Categories along with licensing restrictions do still apply to superusers as they would apply to a normal user.

Comments Always Expanded


Determines whether the comments for applications are expanded by default or not in the Shopping web portal.

Values are:

  • True – comments are expanded by default in the Shopping web portal

  • False – comments are collapsed by default in the Shopping web portal

Cookie Timeout


Timeout (in days) for user-side cookies in the Shopping web-console.


English (United States) [en-US]

The locale that determines the currency and number formatting used in the Shopping display for application costs.

Default View Mode


Default view for each user. May be a grid or list view.

Values are:

  • Grid – default view is Grid mode

  • List – default view is List mode

Enable Full Text Search


This setting is deprecated as full text search is always available in the Shopping Web portal.

Enable Mandatory Approval Comments


Determines if comments are mandatory for approvers when approving applications.

Values are:

  • True – approval comments are mandatory

  • False – approval comments are optional

Force Comment For Approval


Determines if comments are mandatory for users when shopping for applications that require approval.

Values are:

  • True - comments are mandatory

  • False - comments are optional

Force Comment For Non-Approval


Determines if comments are mandatory for users when shopping for applications that do not require approval.

Values are:

  • True - comments are mandatory.

  • False - comments are optional.

Help Desk Cost


Typical cost for a help desk request in your organization – used to calculate the help desk cost savings to date, displayed on the Shopping home page.

Help Desk Time


Typical time taken (in minutes) to respond to a help desk request in your organization – used to calculate the help desk time savings to date, displayed on the Shopping home page.

License Dependency


Controls whether licensing is enforced or not. Values are:

  • True – all application requests, once max licenses have been used, will not be processed.

  • False – even when the license count exceeds the set max licenses value, Application requests will be processed as normal.

Maximum Machines Count


Maximum number of machines to be returned in machine searches on the web applications admin basket page.

Send Email When Application Deployed


Determines whether the user receives an email for application deployment success and failures.

Show Savings To Date


Determines if the Savings to date is displayed in the Shopping Web home page.

Values are:

  • True – shows Savings to Date information

  • False – hides Savings to Date information

Use Splash Message

Never Appear

Determines if a Welcome screen and message is displayed on the Shopping Web portal.

Values are:

  • Never Appear

  • AppearFirstTimeOnLogin

  • AppearEveryTimeOnLogin

Windows Servicing Assistant (WSA)

This section lets you configure the way that Shopping interacts with the Windows Servicing Assistant. Support for WSA requires the Shopping Web application pool to have access to ConfigMgr WMI. Please refer to Preparation: Support for the Windows Servicing Assistant.Support for the Windows Servicing Assistant


Default Value


Alternative URLs


A list of URLs from which 1E Client Shopping module will allow launching the WSA wizard. Multiple URLs should be separated by pipe characters. For example:|https://www.acme.local

Firefox support enabled


Enables support for the Firefox browser, specifically when using HTTPS, not required if using HTTP. This is required to allow launching the WSA wizard from third party websites like ServiceNow.

Firefox is stricter in which certificates it accepts for HTTPS connections, and by default uses its own certificate store. With this setting enabled, the Shopping client reconfigures Firefox to import certificates from the standard Windows certificate store, which then allows Firefox to use the local certificate created by the Shopping client. When Shopping is configured to use HTTPS (specifically when 1E Client loopback URL uses https) then the Shopping client creates the following certificates on startup, and deletes them when shutting down:

  • a self-signed certificate issued to 1ECA added to the machine's Trusted Root Certification Authorities (ROOT) store

  • a certificate issued by 1ECA issues to localhost added to the machine's Personal (MY) store.

Loopback exemption enabled



This setting is no longer used.

Sync WSA Orders Account


The name for the account or security group used to call the LatestOrders api for syncing WSA orders with third party systems. The account should be in the Domain\LoginName format.

WSA System Folder Exclusions




%PROGRAMW6432% |





Enter a pipe-separated list of folders that should be excluded from all Capture or Wipe and Load Windows Servicing Assistant deployment types.

Workflow Integration

This section lets you configure the way that Shopping manages its workflow integration. More details on integrating with 3rd party applications can be found in The Shopping workflow documentation.


Default value


Application Request Cancelled

C:\Program Files\1E\ Shopping\CentralService\ WorkFlowIntegration\ ApplicationRequestCancelled.vbs

Name and location for the Application Request Cancelled Workflow script.

Application Request Deployed

C:\Program Files\1E\ Shopping\CentralService\ WorkFlowIntegration\ ApplicationRequestDeployed.vbs

Name and location for the Application Request Deployed Workflow script.

Application Requested

C:\Program Files\1E\ Shopping\CentralService\ WorkFlowIntegration\ ApplicationRequested.vbs

Name and location for the Application Requested Workflow script.

Approval Process Completed

C:\Program Files\1E\ Shopping\CentralService\ WorkFlowIntegration\ ApprovalProcessCompleted.vbs

Name and location for the Application Process Completed Workflow script.

Approval Update

C:\Program Files\1E\ Shopping\CentralService\ WorkFlowIntegration\ ApprovalUpdate.vbs

Name and location for the Approval Update Workflow script.

Installation Process Completed

C:\Program Files\1E\Shopping\ CentralService\WorkFlowIntegration\ InstallationProcessCompleted.vbs

Name and location for the Installation Process Completed Workflow script.

Maximum Workflow Retries


Maximum number of times to retry executing a Workflow Integration script.

Number of Workflow Threads


Number of threads that simultaneously process workflow requests. If you use Shopping's workflow integration and process large numbers of orders concurrently, you can improve its efficiency by increasing the number of workflow threads. Restart the ShoppingCentral service for this change to take effect.

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 5

Workflow Integration Mode


Determines which callbacks are made to the workflow interface when shopping for an application. A callback is made for:

  • New requests

  • Approval updates

  • Approval process completes

  • Application request deployed

  • Installation process completed

  • Application request cancelled

Values are:

  • Off – no callbacks are made to the workflow interface.

  • BasicApproval – callback is made at new request, approval process complete, request cancelled.

  • FullApproval – callback is made at new request, approval update, approval process complete, request cancelled.

  • BasicApprovalAndConfigMgr – callback is made at new request, approval process complete, installation complete, request cancelled.

  • FullApprovalAndConfigMgr – callback is made at all 6 stages