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Script customization

To customize the pstachyonToolkit.psm1 script, simply change the variables at the top of the script to reflect the environment in which you are working. The current set of customizable variables are shown below.

$TACHYONCONSUMER = "Explorer" # Consumer to use when executing instructions
$INSTPREFIX = "1E-Exchange" # Instruction prefix that you have a license for and corresponding code signing certificate in your local machine cert store
$INSTRUCTIONSET = "DynamicScripting" # Instruction set name where dynamic instructions are created in Tachyon
$MAXTARGETDEVICES = 10 # Maximum number of devices allowed to be targeted by scope; this is a safety-catch to prevent you accidentally sending stuff out to a large device count


If you make changes to this script, you should reload the module using the -force option to ensure that the cached module code is correctly replaced in your PowerShell command instance, as follows:

import-module .\pstachyonToolkit.psd1 -force