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Investigate end-user devices

1E CMDB Connect can trigger 1E instructions on all available end-user devices at once. Because of this, 1E Information Services can play an important role in investigating any connected device.

1E Information Service
View existing records in 1E Information Services

Clicking on 1E Information Services (TIS) in 1E CMDB Connect displays a table displaying a list of all existing records with reference to the currently logged-in user.

A user must have any of the below roles to access this feature:

  • admin

  • x_1e_tachyon_cmdb.admin

  • x_1e_tachyon_cmdb.config_manager.

The list displays the unique identifier Number, triggered Instruction, required Parameters, current Status, Domain and Created time stamp. The Status shows the current state of the triggered instruction for the corresponding record.


You can only trigger instructions of type 'Question'.

Create a new record in 1E Information Service

To create a new record, click on the New button available on the header.


A new screen pops up with the following required fields:




This is an auto-populated field that identifies a unique record.


This is an autopopulated field, referring to the user who has created the record.


This is an auto-populated field that is filled in based on the submission of the record and execution of the instruction. By default, it takes the value None. The possible values of Status are: InProgress, Completed and Cancelled.

1E keep answers minutes (mandatory)

This value is used by 1E and specifies the time (in minutes) it keeps responses for the instruction. The default value is 60. The possible values can range in between 10 and 10800.

1E gather data minutes (mandatory)

This value is used by 1E and specifies the time (in minutes) at which 1E will gather data from end-user devices. The default value is 60. The possible values can range in between 10 and 10800.


This is the instruction to be triggered on 1E. The User can search from the list of available instructions. This is a mandatory field, and only instruction of type 'question' can be selected.

Clicking Submit saves the new record. As soon as the new record is saved, the 1E instruction is triggered.

Cancel record in 1E Information Services

A user can click on the Number field to open a record and displays the screen shown. The table shows the values provided when the record was created.

In our example, the status of the instruction is InProgress, meaning the instruction is being executed, and that it is still fetching data from 1E to the record.

You can see the time left to complete execution of this instruction is 10 minutes. Under Related Links, there is an option to Cancel Execution. This is available only for InProgress instructions, this cancels further execution of the instruction and the status is changed to Cancelled.


As shown in the picture, this record has the status Cancelled. 1E CMDB Connect by default attaches the responses received from 1E to the respective record.

Under Related Links, there is another option available to Download Attachments as ZIP. This is available for instructions with a status of either Completed or Cancelled. It allows users to download available files. Depending on the response size received from 1E, there could be one or more files available.

There could be one or multiple .xls files or a .zip file with the following naming convention:

  • xx_1e_tachyon_cmdb_tachyon_information_system_<sys_id of TIS record>

  • 1E_Platform_results_<TIS number>.xls
