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1E 9.x (on-premises)

Using Device Criticality

Assigning Criticality to devices according to their importance within your organization.


Device criticality is an attribute of a device that you define for its importance within your organization. You must first agree the criteria for importance within your organization, and ensure all 1E users have the same understanding of criticality and how they are expected to use it.

Criticality is set on devices using an instruction, as described below in Setting Device Criticality.

1E allows you to use Criticality to define the following:

  • Rules to create Management Groups - see Management Groups page

  • Coverage for instructions, for example, you can choose to target an instruction to be sent only to devices whose criticality is set to any one of the following:

    • Undefined (or not set)

    • Non-critical

    • Low

    • Medium

    • High

    • Critical.

Criticality is displayed in a number of app pages in the 1E Portal, including the following:

Experience Analytics

Endpoint Troubleshooting

Endpoint Automation

Content Distribution

Patch Success


Setting Device Criticality

Device criticality is set using the instruction Set the criticality of my devices to <criticality> where <criticality> is selected from the list above.

In Endpoint Troubleshooting, type the instruction and then choose the desired criticality from the dropdown.

Select the coverage for the instruction and submit it. After approval, devices which match the specified coverage value will have their criticality set to the specified value.

Any devices that do not have their criticality set are reported as Undefined or Not set.

There is a corresponding instruction What is the criticality of my devices?


The two instructions 1E-Explorer-TachyonAgent-GetCriticality and 1E-Explorer-TachyonAgent-SetCriticality are available by uploading the Classic DEXPack 1E-Explorer-TachyonAgent, which is included in the Tachyon Platform zip downloaded from the 1E Support Portal.