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1E 9.x (on-premises)

Design considerations

Information that will help you design and plan the implementation of AppClarity in your organization.

This page is part of the design phase of implementation.


The picture opposite shows the AppClarity consumer application installed on a 1E server, along with other applications that are installed using 1E Setup.

If you have an older version of 1E, or SLA Platform, then you will need to upgrade it to 1E 5.1 to install AppClarity. For more information on installing and upgrading, please refer to Installation scenarios below.

Software Reclaimer

The Software Reclaimer is an optional feature. It's an executable run on Windows clients responsible for implementing reclaim policies provided by AppClarity. For more information, please refer to Deploying Software Reclaimer.

If you intend to use Software Reclaimer, then consider whether you will use HTTP or HTTPS, and which port.

A default installation of 1E uses standard ports HTTP 80 and HTTPS 443. You may wish to use a different port for Software Reclaimer, for example, if you previously used:

  • HTTP 8335 or HTTPS 8336 with AppClarity 5.2

  • HTTP 8080 or HTTPS 8443 with SLA Platform 3.3 and AppClarity 6.1

You can manually add a website binding after installation of 1E. You may already be using a non-standard port if specified in 1E Setup during its installation, or you manually added a binding after installation for another application like Application Migration, or ActiveEfficiency.

If you intend on using Software Reclaimer with HTTPS then the following applies to the 1E website's SSL certificate:

AI Powered Auto-curation

Using the AI Powered Auto-curation feature, you'll be able to increase the total amount of normalized software in your Inventory repositories. This is done using AI that integrates with the inventory consolidation process. By using AI, your organization will benefit from significant numbers of normalized software and a reduced manual effort needed to normalize software.

You can enable AI Powered Auto-curation either when you install 1E or post installation. Refer to AI Powered Auto-curation to find out how you can do this.

Installation scenarios

For all installation scenarios you require:

  • A valid licensed installation of 1E

  • The license must include AppClarity and Inventory.

New installation


AppClarity is included with 1E, so you'll need to use the 1E setup wizard to install AppClarity. To activate AppClarity you'll need a valid license file.

1E will provide you with a Tachyon.lic license file that defines the products and features your 1E System is able to use, for how long, and how many devices it supports, this may be an evaluation or subscription license.

  • The license must be activated. Once activated, it may be used only by the 1E System that activated it.

  • Licenses can be renewed or updated, but if allowed to expire, then the affected products or features will not be usable.

  • For a new installation, the 1E Setup program will let you select the license file from any folder on disk.

  • For an existing installation, the license file is copied into the folder: %PROGRAMDATA%\1E\Licensing on your 1E Server.

For details of what the license file needs to contain, please refer to License requirements for consumer applications.

Before installing 1E, please refer to Planning for 1E, this includes details of server sizing. The addition of AppClarity does not affect sizing, as it is included with 1E.

Existing 1E installation

You may already have 1E installed, perhaps with the Application Migration consumer application installed to support 1E Windows Servicing Suite (WSS).

You can install AppClarity as a local consumer application on your existing 1E web server if it is 1E 5.1 or later.

Please refer to Upgrading to 1E platform.

Existing SLA Platform installation

You may still have a legacy SLA Platform installation, perhaps with Application Migration to support 1E Windows Servicing Suite (WSS), or AppClarity 6.1.

You can upgrade SLA Platform to 1E 5.1 and then upgrade that to 1E . Please refer to Upgrading to 1E platform.


If you only require the Inventory features of 1E, and do not require its Real-time features, then you do not need a Response Stack, and you can choose the 1E Master Stack configuration in1E Server Setup.

Migrating from AppClarity 5.x

There is no upgrade path to AppClarity from AppClarity 5.x.

If you have AppClarity 5.x, the simplest scenario is to install 1E platform and AppClarity on a separate server. Before installation, you should consider taking a copy of your existing Catalog database and using that for the new 1E platform installation. You will then have two installations of 1E Catalog, and you will have to maintain both site-defined Catalog entries separately until you decommission AppClarity 5.x.

You can install 1E platform and AppClarity on the same server as an existing AppClarity 5.x installation, provided the hardware specification is suitable. Both installations can share the same 1E Catalog, provided AppClarity 5.x is already using 1E Catalog 2.0 or later. You can have separate Catalog installations if you want, but sharing the same Catalog ensures your site-defined Catalog entries are accessible to both systems.

In either scenario, after installation, you can optionally migrate certain entitlements from AppClarity 5.2 to AppClarity using the AppClarity v5.2 connector.

Comparison of AppClarity 5.2 and AppClarity 6.1 features

The following differences are not definitive or exhaustive. Later versions of AppClarity have additional features not included in AppClarity 6.1.



New feature in 6.1

Comparison with 5.2



SKU, defined in Catalog, auto-populates product details and rights.


  • can be linked to agreements and link back to licenses

  • soft copies can be uploaded and attached

Entitlement storage is compliant with ISO 19770-3. AppClarity 5.x was first tool on market using this standard developed by 1E.

6.1 console does not have renewals reminder. Renewal Date column appears as End Date in 6.1.

The table below explains differences between entitlement entry screens.

Category name in 5.2



Entitlement types

The New Entitlement screen allows you to select the type of entitlement:

  • License

  • Maintenance

  • Evaluation

  • Other

You can also select if it is a renewal, upgrade or consolidation, and link to an existing entitlement.

Entitlement type must be selected first:

More options for linking.

Version, edition, upgrade, downgrade, and persistent rights apply only to Maintenance entitlements. Only one can be selected.

Default settings for upgrade, downgrade, and persistent rights depend on type of entitlement, and now specified in Rights category.


Edition must be selected before version.

One or more editions can be selected from the Catalog.

Version must be selected before edition.

Only one edition can be selected, depending on version.

Product name is now renamed Title.

  • All versions

  • < , <= , = , => , >

  • N/A

  • All versions

  • Specific version, with optional trailing wildcard

If the entitlement is for a bundle, you need to select the bundle option, and then identify other bundle products.

The Catalog determines if a product is part of a bundle.

SKU, defined in Catalog, auto-populates product details and rights

New options in 6.1:

  • Software Assurance (as an Entitlement modifier)

Quantity & Metrics

Supported metric types:

  • Device

  • User

  • Resource (CPU, RAM, Disk, etc.)

  • Other

The following exist only in 5.2:

  • Metric Name (imported as Metric Other only if Metric Type is Other)

  • Metric Description

Metrics is now part of new sub-category Summary.

Supported metric types:

  • Device

  • Processor

  • Core

  • Processor Value Unit (PVU)

  • Other

Rights & Limitations

The following exist onlyin 5.2:

  • Limitations (OS, hostname, country, language, etc.)

Category renamed as Rights.

New in 6.1:

  • Secondary use

  • More flexibility regarding rights - see above.

Cost & Order


  • Perpetual

  • Monthly

  • Yearly

Category renamed as Costs.


  • OnceOff

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Yearly

Invoice sub-category.

Sub-category moved to Additional information.

Purchase Order sub-category.

Sub-category moved to Additional information.

Direct Supplier Purchase Order sub-category.

Sub-category renamed as Direct Supplier and moved to Additional information.

Internal order sub-category.

Sub-category moved to Additional information.

Also includes Line item number.

Licensor sub-category.

Sub-category renamed as Licensor details and moved to Additional information.

Also includes Line item number.

Product Details

Separate category only in 5.2.

The following exist only in 5.2:

  • Entitlement Key

  • Channel Type

  • Product Family

  • Registration Key

  • Persistent ID

Category no longer exists.

  • SKU is now part of Product.

  • FOSS details is now a separate sub-category under Additional information.

New in 6.1:

  • FOSS trademark

Audit & Exclusions

The following exist onlyin 5.2

  • Audit penalty

Category exists with same name.

Internal Details

Sub-category doesn't exist in 5.2.

You must choose the management group before creating an entitlement. An entitlement can belong to only one management group.

Internal Details is a new sub-category of Additional information, with options:

  • Management group

  • Business Unit

  • Sponsor


Staged bulk upload as drafts for verification in the console, and then published.

  • 6.1's Entitlement .tsv connector (file upload of TSV) uses different headings to 5.2

  • 6.1 does not have:

    • The entitlements ISO utility (XML export)

    • importing of XML

License Demand Calculation


LDCs for the following complex metrics:

  • IBM Processor Value Unit (PVU)

  • Microsoft Core - only for SQL Server currently

  • Oracle Processor



  • Create separate compliance repositories for separate environments by linking them to a unique set of Inventory and Entitlement repositories

  • Server-based software licensing and compliance

  • Complex license metric covered such as core/processor

  • Effective license position summary table

  • Entitlement usage summary table

  • License optimization

6.1 does not use XPS for reports; XPS Viewer is no longer a requirement. The following is a list of XPS reports available in 5.2 and similar in 6.1. Some of these reports are not related to Compliance but included here for completeness. Also see other reports in Introducing Inventory Insights.

Adobe Acrobat

Viewing software install counts across all devices

Compliance Risk Report

Running your first Compliance License Summary

Product Installation

Viewing software install counts across all devices

Product Reclaimer

Viewing the software reclaim reports

Product Suite Optimization

Not available in 6.1

Shelfware Identification

Viewing your effective license position

Software Reclaim Savings

Viewing the software reclaim reports

Specific Device

Viewing product usage and Viewing the software reclaim reports

System Diagnostics

SLA report: Basic Summary report

Unused Software Identification

Viewing product usage

Vendor Compliance

Viewing your effective license position

VMware Optimization

Not available in 6.1


Default currency is configurable in the database.

Currency exchange rates, and consolidation into a single currency is not used.



A single policy can support multiple editions and versions. Multiple editions can be selected. Versions support wildcards. For example, Microsoft Visio 8.* to create a policy for Visio with major version 8.

Each VTVE in the 1E Catalog can then have its own custom command line.

6.1 allows reclaim policies to be created for products that are not yet inventoried, provided they exist in the 1E Catalog.

A reclaim policy can be applied globally or to one or more management groups. Any machine can only have one policy applied for a product, therefore AppClarity warns you if there are similar policies and lets you set a precedence for which policy to apply.

Usage is calculated slightly differently, so you will see different numbers in AppClarity 5.2 and 6.1. See Usage categories.

The following reclaim features are not available in 6.1:

  • multiple custom command lines (only a single command is possible) - fixed in 7.0 hotfix

  • integration scripts

  • custom SCCM Uninstall - added in 7.0

  • changing the 7/30/90 day Usage categories (in 5.2 these were configurable in the database)

  • reclaim on server OS (only Windows workstations are supported)

Big red button: The 'disable integration services' option in 5.2 is replaced by a Reclaimer provider on/off button in 6.1.

6.1 version of the pre-flight (evaluate) report does not have summary details.

Software Reclaimer

Software Reclaimer executable, its settings, and its API are the same as before. Only the base URL is changed, which means new deployments are required.

In 6.1, the Software Reclaimer and API are installed as part of the SLA Platform; policies are managed by the AppClarity consumer application.

SLA Platform


New web based UI instead of the old click-to-run Console. AppClarity 6.x is a consumer application, installed on the SLA Platform web server. This is why you sometimes see the name AppClarity Web.


SLA Platform console allows for bulk export of Catalog entries from the Console into a macro-enabled Excel spreadsheet, and using macros to import via theSLA Platform API.

For 6.1, SLA Platform connects directly to the 1E Catalog, allowing you to create site-defined entries via either the SLA Platform console, or Catalog console.

For 5.2, AppClarity connects directly to the 1E Catalog. Site-defined entries are created in the Catalog console.

BDNA integration is not included in 6.1.

Connectors to data sources

AppClarity uses SLA Platform connectors to get inventory and usage data from various data sources, including 1E, and third party sources such as SCCM, BigFix, ServiceNow, vCenter, as well as general SQL queries to SQL Server and Oracle, and file uploads.

The above connectors are provided by SLA Platform, AppClarity provides additional connectors for importing entitlements. See Connectors page.

AppClarity 6.x does not require ActiveEfficiency. ActiveEfficiency and its Scout are replaced by SLA Platform and its connectors.

AppV and iQSonar not supported in 6.1.

Management groups

More flexible. AppClarity now supports devices in multiple management groups, including global, and uses precedence to decide which reclaim policy should be used if a device is a member of different management groups with similar policies.

Management groups are configured in SLA Platform using rules. There are rules for device hardware, Active Directory, processor and product.

Management groups operate differently. In 5.x devices can be a member of only one management group according to precedence rules. In 6.x devices can be a member of multiple management groups.




Machine (Device)

  • name

  • OU name

  • domain name

  • same as 5.2 in 6.1.0

  • multiple new rules in 6.1.100

Application (Product)

  • publisher (vendor)

  • name (title)

  • multiple new rules in 6.1.100


  • tag name + value


In 6.1, Entitlement is assigned to a management group in the Additional information section, but this is not used in any built-in reports, but can be used in custom BI reports for example.

Access control

SLA Platform supports only users, not AD security groups.

SLA Platform does not have role-based access control (RBAC), therefore all SLA Platform users are able to access all platform and consumer features, including AppClarity.


No emails, therefore administrative alerts not sent by email.

Installation license key

Single license for AppClarity covering all features; previously Desktop, Server and Reclaim were separate licenses.


Admins can create multiple repositories for Inventory, Entitlement and Compliance, to allow opportunities for tasks like testing and audit projects.

Although not the same, 6.1 has Entitlement repositories, and 5.2 has Entitlement libraries.

Business Intelligence

BI Dashboard

BI 2.0 for 6.1 is an SLA Platform consumer application, and does not require any third party product, other than SQL Server Analysis Server (SSAS).


  • Top 5 compliance risk

  • Top 5 optimization opportunity

  • Top 5 reclaims opportunity

  • Upcoming renewals

  • Usage

  • Entitlements

  • Virtualization technology


  • installation count

  • compliance

  • usage

  • entitelments

  • management groups

  • OS

  • Device types

BI 1.0 for AppClarity 5.2 (Dundas) has the following dashboards:

  • Estate overview (tiles listed in bold are also visible in this overview)

  • Device Listing (by OS, Form Factor, listing)

  • Software (by OS, usage, end of support date, top vendors)

  • Entitlements (by value, management group, type, upcoming renewals, maintenance)

  • Reclaim (savings, status, history, operations)

  • Compliance (risks/gaps, list)