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1E 9.x (on-premises)

Naming conventions

Suggested naming conventions for connectors, repositories, schedules, and management groups.

1E and its applications create a number of default objects, therefore useful names will help differentiate them. Naming conventions will make it easier for you to see what you are working on in various places in the user interface, especially in drop-down menus where you might not see descriptions.

Scope describes where data is coming from or what it's being used for. For example Demo, Test, Lab, Q2 Audit.





Connector name

<connector type> <scope> <RCR>

Naming a connector with connector type first causes them to be grouped together in lists. This helps when creating an action or schedule and selecting a connector.

In fact, when creating an action or schedule, it is actions types which are listed, but their names include the connector name. For example, if the connector name is SCCM Demo then the resulting action type is Sync Data - SCCM Demo.

Note the drop-down list of actions types shows only the connector types relevant to the repository type.

Including the scope in the name helps to identify the data source.

Include RCR in the name if you have enabled Run Consolidation Reports.



File upload Uploads folder

Repository name

<scope> <repository type>

Naming with scope first makes it easier to know which repository you are using. The name of the repository you are currently using is visible in a drop-down list at the top of pages in the user interface.

Including the repository type in the name helps when creating an action or schedule.

Demo Inventory

Default Inventory

Schedule name

<action type> <repository name> <schedule>

A schedule is used to sync data or generate a report, using a specified action type for a specified repository on a specified schedule.

The names of action types have two parts, for example Sync Data - SCCM Demo and Generate Report - Basic Inventory Consolidation, in which case you would only use the second part in the schedule name.

Naming with action type first causes the same types of action to be grouped together so you can more easily identify if there would be any contention between them.

Typically, the scope will be the same for your action type and repository name therefore you can omit the repeated scope name.

SCCM Demo Inventory 11pm (only need to say Demo once)

SCCM Demo Default Inventory 3am (demo connector but default inventory)

SCCM with RCR Default Inventory Friday 2am

Management groups

<type> <rule summary>

Type helps by listing similar types together, for example, role, location, business unit, region, etc.

Rule summary is some text that summarizes the rules used to define group membership. You can be more specific in the group description.

Region EMEA workstations

City Paris datacenter servers

Role Exec laptops

BU Finance workstations