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1E 9.x (on-premises)


Entiry - Rules

Minimum API version 4.0




Permissions Required



Returns a specific Rule

Requires 'Read' permission on 'GuaranteedState' securable type



Returns all Rules

Requires 'Read' permission on 'GuaranteedState' securable type



Returns Rules that match the search parameters specified.

  • filter - filter expression.To learn about how to define filter check Using scope and filter expressions page.

  • sort - sort expression. To learn about how to define sort criteria check Sort Definition page.

  • start - starting index to support pagination. It begins from 1.

  • pagesize - number of results to fetch

Allowed filter columns:

  • Name

  • Type

  • ReadablePayload

  • Enabled

Allowed sort columns:

  • Name

  • Type

  • ReadablePayload

  • Enabled

Requires 'Read' permission to 'GuaranteedState' securable type


/Consumer/Rules/ Shallow/Search

Returns Rules that match the search parameters specified.

This endpoint returns only superficial information about Fragments used by the Rule. For detailed infirmation please use /Rules/Search instead.

  • filter - filter expression.To learn about how to define filter check Using scope and filter expressions page.

  • sort - sort expression. To learn about how to define sort criteria check Sort Definition page.

  • start - starting index to support pagination. It begins from 1.

  • pagesize - number of results to fetch

Allowed filter columns:

  • Name

  • Type

  • ReadablePayload

  • Enabled

Allowed sort columns:

  • Name

  • Type

  • ReadablePayload

  • Enabled

Requires 'Read' permission to 'GuaranteedState' securable type



Creates a new Rule

Requires 'Write' permission to 'GuaranteedState' securable type



Deletes a Rule

Requires 'Delete' permission on 'GuaranteedState' securable type


/Consumer/Rules/{id}/ Enable/{enable}

If 'enable' is set to True it enables given Rule. If it is set to False the Rule will be disabled.

Requires 'Write' permission to 'GuaranteedState' securable type



Minimum API version 5.1

Retrieves a list of Ids of Rules that use unlicensed Fragments

Requires 'Read' permission on 'GuaranteedState' securable type