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1E 9.x (on-premises)


Entity - InstructionHierarchies - Interrogates related instruction definitions




Permissions required



Returns the instruction hierarchy for a given instruction Id.

Follow-up instructions will be listed under the "Children" node

Parent instructions will be listed under the "UpperLevels" node

The last entry in the "UpperLevels" node will be the instruction itself

New for API version 8.0:

An error will be returned if the specified instruction is not accessible to the invoking user as per the Management Group criteria as stated in the note at the top of the page Issue an instruction, track its progress and retrieve responses.

Note that the call will return all the instructions in the Hierarchy, regardless of Management Group permissions. Under normal circumstances, the hierarchy will not contain any disallowed instructions, because the Management Group permissions check would not have allowed to send the child without permissions on the parent. However, if the Management Group assignments of the users are changed after the instructions were sent, there is a chance that the hierarchy might contain a a disallowed instruction. If the user then attempts to access such instruction, an error will be returned.
