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1E 9.x (on-premises)

1E Server Setup

Use the 1E Server Setup wizard to check and configure prerequisites, install and verify each 1E server that makes up your 1E platform. It installs the applications you are licensed for and does various maintenance and configuration tasks.

Required installation files

You can download the installer from Extracting the zip will create a folder structure containing the following, where the files highlighted in bold are required by 1E Server Setup.

Please refer to:




This folder contains msi installer files for components and applications that will be installed by setup if their prerequisites are met.


This folder contains apps folders for consumer applications that will be installed by setup if their prerequisites are met.

If you do not want to install a consumer application, then delete the folder before running setup.

Later, if you need to install the consumer application, then you can reinstate the folder and install the app using setup as described in Applications maintenance.


These DEXPacks are required to support various 1E features, for more detail please refer to 1E DEXPacks reference.

If your license permits, you can use additional DEXPacks available from 1E Exchange to meet specific use cases.

Classic Product Packs

Contain instructions, for use in Endpoint Troubleshootingand other 1Eapplications.

They can be uploaded using the 1E product pack deployment tool, or using Settings→Instructions→Instruction sets page in the 1E portal.

Integrated Product Packs

Contain policies, rules, and fragments for use by Endpoint Automation, and may also include instructions.

They can only be uploaded using the 1E product pack deployment tool.


You should also have access to the location of the Tachyon.lic file provided with your purchase or evaluation.

Running Setup

Logon to the server using the Server installation account.

To start the setup wizard, double-click on Tachyon.Setup.exe. It will then display the following screens, you may go directly to any screen by clicking on the list on the left side of the wizard, but for best results, we recommend that you follow these in the order they are presented.


Parts of each Setup screen will be greyed out if they are not applicable for the selected configuration type.


If you are installing a DMZ Server, please refer to Implementing a 1E DMZ Server before running 1E Server Setup.

The setup provides a two-stage process to install a new DMZ Server:

  1. Run Setup Maintenance on the Response Stack server (specifically the server that hosts the Core which the DMZ Server will connect to) to prepare the Response server and its database, and store details in an ini file.

  2. Run Setup to install the DMZ Server using the prepared ini file.

The two-stage process and its ini file are required because setup is unable to communicate through the DMZ firewall. In previous versions of 1E, the first stage required complex manual configuration.

To upgrade a DMZ Server, you only need to run setup on the DMZ Server, you do not require the ini file.


This screen provides the version number for 1E platform and outlines what the wizard will do. It also examines the system for installed versions of the components and displays warning messages in case any of them cannot be upgraded to the versions that you are currently installing.

Click Next to go to the next screen.


This screen provides links to several online resources that provide additional information about how to use and configure 1E.



About 1E

Links to the 1E platform page on the 1E website.

Main documentation page

Links to the Welcome page for this documentation are on the website.

1E Forum

Links to the 1E Forum where you can find technical resources, such as troubleshooting and FAQs.

1E Exchange

Links to the 1E Exchange where you can find 1E and community-supported product packs to supplement the product packs included in the 1E platform.

Once you've finished investigating the online resources, click Next to go to the next screen.

License agreement

You must read and then accept this license information by checking the I accept the terms in the license agreement checkbox. If you continue with the setup without checking the link to this screen will be highlighted in red and you won't be able to install it until it is checked.

Click Next to go to the next screen.

License File

On the License File field screen, you must enter the path to a valid 1E license file. You can also click Browse to locate the file using a standard file browser.

1E will provide you with a Tachyon.lic license file that defines the applications, tools, and features your system is able to use, for how long, and how many devices it supports, this may be an evaluation or subscription license.

  • The license must be activated. Once activated, it may be used only by the system that activated it.

  • Licenses can be renewed or updated, but if allowed to expire, then the affected products or features will not be usable.

  • For a new installation, the 1E Server Setup program will let you select the license file from any folder on disk.

  • For an existing installation, the license file is copied into the folder: %PROGRAMDATA%\1E\Licensing on your 1E Server.

Setup will attempt to connect to the 1E license service in the 1E cloud, and warn you if a connection cannot be established. The product will still install successfully and you will be able to connect to the 1E portal but you won't be able to fully use the system until you enable communications with the 1E license service.

For more details please refer to the License requirements page.


This screen displays the message "A DMZ Server installation does not require a license file" when installing a DMZ Server, and you have provided an ini file in the Setup folder that has the same name as the server hostname.

Select configuration

This screen lets you choose between installing all the 1E Server components onto a single server or selecting the components you want to install individually.

The options in the Select configuration list are:

  • All components on a single server (default) - all components required for 1E Master and Response Stacks

  • Tachyon Master Stack - all 1E systems require one Master Stack

  • Tachyon Response Stack - this is required for Real-time features of 1E

  • DMZ Server - this is required to provide Real-time features to Internet-facing clients


This screen automatically selects "DMZ Server" when installing a DMZ Server, and you have provided an ini file in the Setup folder that has the same name as the server hostname. For more detail, please refer to Implementing a 1E DMZ Server.

Optional components

When you select All components on a single server or 1E Master Stack, you can also select optional components:

  • 1E Experience Analytics - if you want to use the Experience Analytics application from 1E

  • Content Distribution - if you want to monitor Content Distribution in your environment, and features such as Single-Site Download and Pre-cache

  • AppClarity

  • Application Migration.

A component is included in this list because its installer .msi file has been detected by Setup in its Installers folder. A component is automatically enabled if its feature is enabled in the License File.

Setup will also automatically install additional applications it detects in its Installers\Apps folder, which includes apps that do not have their own installers, such as Endpoint Troubleshooting , Endpoint Automation , Inventory Insights , and Patch Insights . After installation, these apps are visible in the 1E portal if their consumer is enabled in the License File. The Settings app is always available.

Custom configuration

A custom configuration can be made available where you can select the components you wish to install on the server. For guidance please contact 1E.

You can also change the folder you wish to install to.

After selecting the installation options you want, click Next.

Check prerequisites

This screen performs prerequisite checks on the local server and user account. The list varies depending on which components you selected on the Select configuration screen.

Click Start Checking to start the checks.

If any of the checks fail, 1E Server Setup may be able to install the missing prerequisites. To install these, click the Install missing prereqs. button.


If .NET Framework 4.8 is missing, the checker will stop at this point, for you to select Get & Install. You must reboot after you have installed .NET Framework, and then start 1E Server Setup again.


If there are missing prerequisites that 1E Server Setup is able to install, then the Install missing prereqs. button is enabled. If you click this button, the missing prerequisites will start the installation immediately.

Not all prerequisite checks have automated fixes. If your environment fails a check and the Install missing prereqs. button has not been enabled then you will need to install or configure the missing prerequisites by hand.

You can click Check Again to re-run the checks once any remediation steps have been made.

Identity Provider

This screen configures 1E to use values from your pre-configured Identity Provider (IdP).


Before installation, each certificate must be installed in the server's Certificate Store.

You must also add permissions to the private key for the Network Service account. This can be done manually before, or during Setup by using the link Add permissions for the private key. Although these certificates have no specific requirements, there are some considerations explained in Certificate requirements which contains guidance on how to create the certificates.

Choose your Type of Identity Provider from the drop-down list and complete the fields as indicated.

Windows Active Directory


This feature is only available in 1E platform version 9.1.

Make sure you have configured your IdP following the guidance in Windows Active Directory as an Identity Provider.




Setup user

The User Principal Name for the user in the IdP, the user entered will be added as a Principal in 1E and will be granted permissions for performing the initial configuration.

Promote to Full Administrator, this checkbox should be selected to make the user a Full Administrator of 1E ,

Signing certificate for platform tokens

In this field either enter the thumbprint for the certificate to be used for the signing requests between components. You can also browse for the certificate and the thumbprint will be selected automatically.

This certificate is also known as the Platform certificate. This certificate must be installed on all 1E servers in the same system. This means the certificate needs to be created with its private key exportable, although it does not need to be exportable when installed on each server.

Active directory configuration

The default GC:// is sufficient for 1E platform in a simple Active Directory environment of one forest which has a Global Catalog. You can include, but it is not required, the name of the server's local domain or root domain, for example: GC://domain.local.

To add support for a remote forest which has its own GC, you would for example have GC://domain.local;GC://domain2.local adding the root domain of any other forests to the list of GC URLs.

AAD and Okta

Make sure you have configured your IdP following the guidance in AAD Applications or Okta Applications.AAD Applications




Provider-specific Application Identifiers

App ID - PKCE App ID: This is the application ID of the Interactive Authentication Application you have configured.

Directory App ID - Client Assertion App ID: The application ID of the directory search operations by application.

Metadata endpoint

The URL provided by your configured IdP is used to retrieve the metadata for your application.

Setup user

The User Principal Name for the user in the IdP, the user entered will be added as a Principal in 1E and will be granted permissions for performing the initial configuration.

Promote to Full Administrator, this checkbox should be selected to make the user a Full Administrator of 1E ,

Signing certificate for platform tokens

In this field either enter the thumbprint for the certificate to be used for the signing requests between components. You can also browse for the certificate and the thumbprint will be selected automatically.

This certificate is also known as the Platform certificate. This certificate must be installed on all 1E servers in the same system. This means the certificate needs to be created with its private key exportable, although it does not need to be exportable when installed on each server.

Signing certificate for IdP requests

In this field either enter the thumbprint for the certificate to be used for the signing requests to your IdP. You can also browse for the certificate and the thumbprint will be selected automatically.

This certificate is also known as the Directory Search certificate. The public key of this certificate must be uploaded to the IdP application you have configured for Directory Searches.

Click Validate to verify your data is correct.

Click Next to continue.

Server certificate

This screen displays a list of certificates from the Local Computer\Personal certificate store, letting you select a specific certificate you want to use for the 1E Server website and 1E Switches. 1E Server Setup will then evaluate the suitability of the selected certificate.


You may notice a warning for the Subject alternate name indicating that Two DNS Names are recommended. This is a requirement when performing a 1E Server Setup in a DMZ scenario. In all other scenarios, although recommended this warning can be ignored and still result in a successful setup.

The option to Use the Switch certificate from a previous installation can be used if you are upgrading, or you can choose a different certificate.

If there are issues with the certificate after installation, they may be resolved using the steps in Server installation issues.

Client certificates

This screen lets you manage the trust(s) between the 1E Server and clients.

If your clients do not have certificates or you do not want to use them, then uncheck Switches require client certificates to be presented by Tachyon client features of the 1E Client. This option configures Switch(es) to not require client certificates. Clients will effectively use anonymous authentication.


For a new installation, this setting is checked by default.

For an upgrade, this setting is determined by the current configuration of the Switch(es). If any Switch is configured to require client certificates, then this setting will be checked and re-applied to all Switches.

Please refer to Switch Command Lines if you want to reconfigure switches post-installation.


The 1E Client requires that the client certificate it presents to the platform has both the Signature and Encryption request handling options. These options are the defaults if provisioning using a Computer Certificate template from a Microsoft Windows Certificate Authority. If you are using a custom template, or an alternative certificate authority, you should confirm that both these options are enabled.

Using certificates issued by a differant CA

If you want clients to present certificates, that were issued by a different Certificate Authority than the certificate used by Switch(es), then the process described below must be used for each different Certificate Authority:

  1. Create .cer or .pfx files containing the public key of the issuing CA, its root CA, and any intermediate CA in the trust path of the client certificate.

  2. Import the CA files into the corresponding CA stores on the 1E server.

For more detail about client certificates, please refer to 1E client certificate requirements.

Database servers

On this screen, you select the SQL Server instances where you want to install each of the databases that will be deployed:

  • Master

  • Responses

  • 1E Catalog

  • SLA databases (SLA-Data, SLA-Shared, and SLA-Integrate databases must be installed on the same instance)

  • Content Distribution

  • Experience Analytics .

For each database, a combo box containing a list of available SQL Server instances is displayed. This list of instances is generated as a background task, so it may take a few seconds to populate. It may also return instances that are accessible but not necessarily on the local network. You may select one from the list or type in your own. 1E recommends all databases are installed on the same SQL Server instance.

For each database, there is a Drop existing <title> database checkbox, which if you are upgrading you can check to remove any existing data from that database on the specified database server. You should be careful when checking these checkboxes and sure that you want to continue, as data will be deleted if they are checked and the installation is started.

A Validate button is provided that performs some basic tests to check that the selected SQL instances can be accessed using the current user account.

Once the SQL Server instances have been selected and validated, click Next to continue.

Number of devices

Enter the number of devices supported by this server.

The number of devices supported by a 1E Server determines the number of Switches configured on the server.

The range is 1 to 250,000; default is 1,000.

A single server with suitable resources can support up to five Switches and up to 250,000 devices, with each Switch supporting up to 50,000 devices. Additional servers or configurations may be required according to the design of the system. The total number of devices supported across the system must not exceed the license file allocation.

Switch configuration

This screen is only relevant if you selected one of the following configuration options:

  • All components on a single server

  • 1E Response Stack

  • DMZ Server.

This screen displays a list of IP Addresses that can be assigned to each Switch in your configuration. 1E Server Setup will estimate how many Switches are required for the number of devices selected in the earlier setup screen and try to assign an IP Address for each. You will need to confirm or change which IP Address is used by each Switch.


The screen only displays a list of IPv4 IP Addresses available on the server. If you need to use IPv6 and have a functioning IPv6 network infrastructure then please contact 1E for further advice on how to use this screen.

Ideally, to maximize the performance of 1E you should have the following configuration:

  • You have enough Switches configured to support the selected number of devices - you can add additional Switches by clicking extra checkboxes if you have enough IP Addresses configured

  • One interface per Switch - interfaces may have more than one associated IP Address, so you'll need to check the MAC Addresses to make sure that the IP Addresses are on different interfaces

  • An additional interface if you have a remote SQL Server, is necessary to separate incoming and outgoing response traffic, using a persistent route as described in Configuring a persistent route for SQL traffic.

However, in a lab or other environment which has less than 500 devices, you can have all components using a single IP Address.

If you have a local installation of SQL Server, then Used for SQL will show No for all IP Addresses, and you can select whichever IP Address you wish to for each Switch.

If you are using a remote SQL Server, then Used for SQL will show Yes for the IP Address, which is the validation process used in the Database servers screen to validate the connection to the SQL Server you selected for the Responses database. If this is not the same interface you prepared a persistent route for, then you will need to configure the persistent route and restart 1E Server Setup. The validation checks do not test if the route is persistent.

For an installation with multiple Switches, aside from each selected IP Address, all Switches will have an identical configuration.

Click Validate to check that your selection conforms to the best practice rules for configuring switches.

Once the selection has been validated, click Next to continue.

Website configuration

Confirm that the details are correct on this screen. If the defaults are changed, then ensure you use the Validate button.


Many of the fields on his screen are pre-populated with default ports (the Main website binding ports should not be changed), and DNS Names found in the certificate selected in the Server certificate screen.

When installing a DMZ Server, and you have provided an ini file in the Setup folder that has the same name as the server hostname, the fields are pre-populated using values from the ini file. You should not change these.

For more detail, please refer to Implementing a 1E DMZ Server.



HTTP Host Header

(Main binding)

Sets the host header used by the main HTTP binding for the website.

The default value is set to the FQDN for the local computer, and should not need to be changed.


If you are upgrading from SLA Platform 3.3 and SLA Platform had a custom host header defined for HTTP, you should change the host header to the host header used for the SLA Platform website. If the 1E website uses a different host header port than was previously used by SLA Platform and you are using Application Migration, the Application Migration Task sequence step and Shopping integration will stop working until these URLs are updated.


(Main binding)

Sets the port used by the main HTTP binding for the website. Together with the Host Header and IP Address, these bindings uniquely identify the website which 1E Switches use to connect to the 1E Core.

The default value is set to 80, and should not need to be changed.


If you are upgrading from SLA Platform 3.3, you should change this port to the HTTP port previously used for the SLA Platform website (default 8080). If the 1E website uses a different port than was previously used by SLA Platform and you are using Application Migration, the Application Migration Task sequence step and Shopping integration will stop working until these URLs are updated.

HTTPS Host Header

(Main binding)

Sets the host header used by the main HTTPS binding used by the website. This is used by:

  • 1E administrators to communicate with the 1E portal and apps

  • 1E clients connecting to the background channel, if installed.


The FQDN used for the host header must be included as a Subject Alternate Name (SAN) in the Web certificate.

The default value is set to 1E .<domainFQDN>


(Main binding)

Sets the port used by the main HTTPS binding used by the website.

The default value is set to 443, and should not need to be changed.

HTTPS Host Header

(Alternate binding)

Sets the host header used by the alternate HTTPS binding used by the website.

This is mandatory when installing on a DMZ Server, and used for the internal-facing network.

Optionally used by the following if you do not want the main HTTPS binding, for example if you want to use a different HTTPS port:

  • 1E clients connecting to the background channel

  • Application Migration clients running task sequences and connecting to the SLA Provider API

  • AppClarity software reclaimer connecting to the SLA Provider API.


If used, the FQDN used for the host header must be included as a Subject Alternate Name (SAN) in the Web certificate.


If you are upgrading from SLA Platform 3.3 and SLA Platform had a custom host header defined, you should change the host header to the host header used for the SLA Platform website. If the 1E website uses a different host header port than was previously used by SLA Platform and you are using Application Migration, the Application Migration Task sequence step and Shopping integration will stop working until these URLs are updated.


(Alternate binding)

Sets the port used by the alternate HTTPS binding used by the 1E portal website. This is used by clients to communicate with the 1E server using the background channel.

The default value is set to 443.


If you are upgrading from SLA Platform 3.3, you should change this port to the HTTPS port previously used for the SLA Platform website (default 8443). If the 1E website uses a different port than was previously used by SLA Platform and you are using Application Migration, the Application Migration Task sequence step and Shopping integration will stop working until these URLs are updated.

Workflow port

Sets the port used by HTTPS binding of the Coordinator Workflow module. This is separate from the 1E website.

1E Server Setup suggests 8081 by default, and should not need to be changed.

Integrate REST port

This is used internally by the SLA Integrate services. You will normally not need to change it unless it conflicts with any other service that is already using the same port.

After installation, you will need to manually verify the certificate bindings, as described in 1E Server post-installation tasks.

A Validate button is provided that performs some basic tests to check that the selected HTTP/HTTPS Host Header and ports as well as the service ports do not conflict with each other and that the addresses are resolvable from DNS.

When all the settings have been made and validated, click Next to continue.


Versions of 1E Server Setup before 5.2 had the option to change the IP Address used by the Main website bindings for HTTPS and HTTP. By default, this is * for both bindings. You can manually edit the bindings later using IIS Manager if you need to change the IP Address for any binding.

Email configuration

On this screen, you enter the details for the search method. You can choose to enable email and enter the SMTP server details. When email is enabled you can also select if you want two-factor authentication to be enabled.



Enable Email

Determines whether 1E email features are available. 1E uses email for:

  • Notifications

  • Two-factor authentication

  • Sending Telemetry data to 1E.

For guidance about using non-default SMTP settings, see Email and 2FA requirements.

If email notifications need to be disabled after installation, then see Changing the SMTP Host configuration.

To configure Telemetry after installation, please refer to Enabling or disabling Telemetry features.

SMTP Server

Sets the FQDN of the SMTP relay/gateway.

If the FQDN needs to be changed after installation, then see Changing the SMTP Host configuration.


Sets the port used to connect to the SMTP relay/gateway.

Default is 25.

If the port needs to be changed after installation, then see Changing the SMTP Host configuration.

Mail from

Sets the mail-from email address used by the 1E Server when it sends emails.

For guidance about the Mail-From address see Mail-From address.

Enable two-factor authentication

Determines whether 1E uses two-factor authentication.

If email is disabled then so is two-factor authentication which relies on email.

See Email and 2FA requirements.

A Validate button is provided that performs some basic tests to check that the selected SMTP server and port can be contacted.

Click Next to continue.


On this screen, you choose whether to enable or disable the 1E telemetry features.

The Default setting of Server telemetry feature is enabled

The Default setting of User Interface telemetry feature Is Full

Click Next to continue.


Server telemetry

1E will periodically send summarized, statistical information about the usage of the product to 1E. This enables 1E to improve your experience as it helps us understand how features are being used, focus future development, ensure we continue to support the Operating Systems you currently use, spot early warning signs of potential issues, and identify instructions that may be causing issues or could be improved. No personally identifiable data is collected. The data is compressed, encrypted, and sent to 1E through email.

Full details of what data is collected are provided here: Server telemetry data.

How to configure the frequency with this data sent to 1E is described here: Enabling or disabling Telemetry features.

The Server Telemetry feature is only available if the following dependencies are enabled:

1E Cloud connection from the server must also be whitelisted, as described in Whitelisting connections to 1E Cloud.

You can change the configuration after installation, as described in Enabling or disabling Telemetry features.


User Interface telemetry

User Interface telemetry reports how the user interface is used, and data is sent directly from administrator browsers to the 1E Cloud.

1E Cloud connection from administrator browsers must also be whitelisted, as described in Whitelisting connections to 1E Cloud.

You can change the configuration after installation, as described in Enabling or disabling Telemetry features.

There are three options available, they all gather user interaction data that 1E uses to improve 1E platform and its associated applications. They are described in the following table:




When this option is selected the data is aggregated and anonymized so there is no way to identify the customer the data is being collected from.


The data collected for this option is the same as the Limited option, except that it is associated with the name used in the license file. The 1E customer success team can use this information to help improve the experience for our customers.


The data collected for this option is the same as the Basic option, except that it also records a unique identifier for each user. The user's name is not captured. The 1E product team can use this information to see how users are interacting with our products and understand their user journeys.

SLA and 1E Catalog

1E AI Powered Auto-curation feature automatically recognizes software without the need to first create mapping rules in the 1E Catalog . This means you can have greater visibility of software installed across your organization. Please refer to AI Powered Auto-curation for more details, this also includes information on how to enable the feature post setup.

On this screen, you can configure whether the AI Powered Auto-curation feature is enabled or not. If you are installing or upgrading 1E Catalog using 1E Server Setup , enabling this will also configure 1E Catalog to download the files needed by SLA to support this feature.

To enable the feature, check the Enable AI-based auto-curation checkbox.

Click Next to continue.

Content Distribution

If you have selected the option to install Content Distribution on the Select Configuration screen, then you need to set the following options.

Name for the Configuration Manager Site server

Provide the name for the Configuration Manager Site server.

Doing this allows the Configuration Manager database to be located using a WMI query - for this to work the installation account must have Read-only Analyst permissions in Configuration Manager.

Use the Validate button to verify the specified Configuration Manager Site server can be located, and that the installation account has the required permissions in Configuration Manager.


If your installation account does not have sysadmin rights on the SQL instance that hosts the Configuration Manager database, then you will see a popup warning you that Setup could not validate the membership of the 1E server's computer$ account in the ConfigMgr_DViewAccess localgroup. This is not a fatal error as long as you are sure the account is a member of the localgroup. If you proceed without this, then you will need to add it later to ensure Content Distribution functions correctly. For more information about the ConfigMgr_DViewAccess localgroup, please refer to Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager preparation.

Synchronization interval

Select a synchronization interval in minutes that governs how often the Content Distribution app and Pre-cache feature synchronizations will happen. This is set to 30 minutes by default.

You must also configure the following authentication options. If you do not configure these settings now, then you will have to manually configure them later if you decide to use Content Distribution .

Authentication from Background Channel Proxy to Content Distribution

Determines how the Background Channel Proxy communications with the Content Distribution application, you have these options:

  • Token authentication:

    When Token Authentication is selected, useServerTokenAuthenticationForTarget is set as true under C:\Program Files\1E\Tachyon\Background\Web.config

    Using Token Authentication causes the BackgroundChannel to use an internal server token to authenticate communications from the Background Channel by Content Distribution.

  • Certificate:

    On choosing this option, you then need to select a valid Client Authentication certificate on the local server, that will be used to authenticate communications from the Background Channel by the Content Distribution component.

    Use the Validate button to verify the selected certificate.

Authentication used by Content Distribution clients connecting to the Background Channel Proxy

Determine how the Content Distribution clients will authenticate with the Background Channel Proxy. This is separate from the Content Distribution client configuration for Peer-to-Peer communication features, you have these choices:

  • Client certificates:

    This option is the natural choice if you have also chosen, in the Client certificates screen, for clients to their present client authentication certificates to Switches on the same server as the local Background Channel.

    Use this if you are installing the Background Channel on a DMZ Server that is not domain-joined, or any of your 1E Clients are non-Windows or not domain-joined (workgroup) computers.

  • None:

    If neither of the above options is possible. This means any clients will connect Anonymously.


The Background Channel provides a reverse proxy feature that forwards communications from Content Distribution clients (internal and external) to the Content Distribution API, devices that are external to the organisation will communicate via the 1E DMZ server.

Click Next to continue.

Ready to Install

To start the 1E Server installation with the information you have provided, click the Install! button at the bottom of the Ready to Install screen.


Because you can click on this screen at any point, the Install! button is only enabled when enough information and responses have been provided on the other screens to enable installation to start.

For example, one of the conditions is that until you respond by checking the I accept the terms in the license agreement checkbox on the License Agreement screen the Install! button will not be enabled. Other items such as selecting a valid 1E Server website certificate are also requirements.

Once you have reached this stage and no errors are displayed, a file named Tachyon.Setup.ini is written to disk in the same folder that contains Tachyon.setup.exe. This .ini file contains the selections that you made up to this point, and can be used to re-launch the installer without having to re-enter all the settings.


When you've configured the installation properties you can click the View command line button to view the command lines used to run the various .msi installers to install 1E Server along with the bundled components with the settings you have entered.


1E Server Setup is the only supported method of installing, upgrading, and patching a 1E server.

Installation using standalone msi or msp files is not supported unless advised by 1E, which may be necessary in complex installations, using non-interactive (quiet/silent) command-lines, and may require further post-install configuration steps.

Installation results

This screen displays the current progress of the installer. The installer log information is displayed as it occurs in the Installation Log window.

Once the installation has finished successfully the message: The installer exited and reported successful completion, will be displayed in the Installation Log window.

You can find the installation logs on disk (*.log) in the same folder from where Tachyon.Setup.exe was launched.

Post-installation checks

After an installation, you can opt to run the Post-installation checks by clicking on the Start checking button.

The aim is to achieve 100% check success results in the Result column. If any of the checks fail, look for additional information in the Info column. You can use this information to help troubleshoot the issue in combination with the Troubleshooting section and/or share with 1E Support.

One of the post-installation checks is: Tachyon Portal web application responds. When this check passes, it will display a link Open which can be used to start the default browser and connect to the Tachyon Portal.


You can start Tachyon.Setup and click directly on the Maintenance link in the left-hand menu.


From this screen, you can:

  • Uninstall... all or part of the components deployed from 1E Server Setup

  • Install, re-install or update any Applications...

  • Change the Server certificate... used by the 1E website, switches, and services - or fix their bindings

  • Upload and apply a 1E Hotfix bundle by clicking on Hotfixing....


A 1E Hotfix bundle contains the latest hotfixes for a specific version of 1E. It consists of a manifest XML file containing commands, and files which can include scripts as well as MSP files, to patch one or more components on the local server.

If you need to apply a 1E Hotfix bundle, then you must run 1E Server Setup on all of your 1E servers, according to the instructions provided with the bundle.

See screens below:

Setup 8.1 - Maintenance

From this screen, you can uninstall all or some of the components deployed from 1E Server Setup.


1E Server Setup is the recommended method of uninstalling all or individual components instead of using the Windows Control Panel.

This is because 1E Server Setup can undo any changes that were done after deploying the components, which would not be undone by the standard application uninstaller. For an example of why this is important, see the information box below.

Setup 8.1 - Uninstall
Applications maintenance

In this dialog, you can select to install or re-install any Applications used by the Portal.

The top grid displays the Applications that are already installed and their versions.

To install or re-install applications:

  1. Type or select a folder in the Applications folder field.

  2. Click on Show Applications. Doing this displays all applications found under the selected folder. The Applications are displayed using the Name, Title , and Version.

  3. Click on Install Applications. This will upload the Applications into the server:

    • Any newly uploaded Applications are added to the server

    • Any uploaded Applications with a newer version number will replace the older versions

    • If any uploaded Application has a version number prior to an existing Application, an error message will be generated and the version will not be downgraded.

    Setup 8.1 - Applications maintenance
Certificate Bindings

In this dialog, you can change the certificate bindings used by the Switches, Website, Coordinator, and Integrate REST components. Currently, you can apply one certificate across all the components.

To view the certificate that is being used, click on any of the View buttons.

Setup 8.1 - Certificate Bindings

To change the certificate, click the Change... button and select the new certificate from the Certificate Selector dialog subsequently displayed. This dialog behaves in a similar way to the Server certificate screen displayed earlier in 1E Server Setup. When you've finished making the selection in the Certificate Selector, click Ok.

Setup 8.1 - Certificate Selector

The certificate displayed for the Switches, Website, Coordinator, and Integrate REST components will then change to the selected certificate. Click Ok in the Certificate Bindings dialog to apply the changes.

Upload and apply a 1E Hotfix bundle

In this dialog, you can locate and upload a 1E Hotfix file, using the ... button at the end of the File to upload: field.

After locating the file, you click on the Go! button.

The Process Log will show the result of attempting to upload the Hotfix.


A 1E Hotfix bundle contains the latest hotfixes for a specific version of 1E. It consists of a manifest XML file containing commands, and files which can include scripts as well as MSP files, to patch one or more components on the local server.

If you need to apply a 1E Hotfix bundle, then you must run 1E Server Setup on all of your 1E servers, according to the instructions provided with the bundle.

Setup 8.1 - Upload and apply a Hotfix
Add DMZ Server


1E Server Setup provides a two-stage process to install a new DMZ Server:

  1. Run Setup Maintenance on the Response Stack server (specifically the server that hosts the Core which the DMZ Server will connect to) to prepare the Response server and its database, and store details in an ini file

  2. Run Setup to install the DMZ Server using the prepared ini file.

The two-stage process and its ini file are required because the setup is unable to communicate through the DMZ firewall. In previous versions of 1E , the first stage required complex manual configuration.

To upgrade a DMZ Server, you only need to run setup on the DMZ Server, you do not require the ini file.

Stage 1 of a two-stage process for installing the DMZ Server. Please refer to Implementing a 1E DMZ Server for full details on how to use this screen and install a 1E on a DMZ Server.

The Import... button allows you to read an existing or prepared ini file.

The Undo... button allows you to undo the changes written to the database so that your server will not think anymore that you have a DMZ Switch and Background Channel. This can be useful if you find an error in your configuration or if you need to revert the changes to avoid the errors mentioned above, or if you wish to uninstall your DMZ server.

If you need to do this after you have already closed the form, you can re-open it and reload the information by means of the Import... button.

Content Distribution Proxy

Selecting the proxy option lets you configure the communications and certification options for the Background Channel Proxy.

Setup 8.1 - Nomad BGC Proxy configuration

Authentication from Background Channel Proxy to Content Distribution

Determines how the Background Channel Proxy communicates with the Content Distribution application.

You have the following choices:

Token authentication

Token authentication will be used to authenticate communications between the Background Channel and Content Distribution.


On choosing this option, you then need to select a valid Client Authentication certificate on the local server, that will be used to authenticate communications from the Background Channel by the Content Distribution component.

Use the Validate button to verify the selected certificate.

Authentication used by Content Distribution clients connecting to the Background Channel Proxy

Determine how the Content Distribution clients will authenticate with the Background Channel Proxy. This is separate from the Content Distribution client configuration for Peer-to-Peer communication features.

You have the following choices:

Client certificates

This option is the natural choice if you have also chosen, in the Client certificates screen above, for clients to their present client authentication certificates to Switches on the same server as the local Background Channel.

Use this if either of the following is true:

  • You are installing the Background Channel on a DMZ Server that is not domain-joined

  • Any of your 1E Clients are non-Windows or not domain-joined (workgroup) computers.


This means any clients will connect Anonymously.


The Background Channel provides a reverse proxy feature that forwards communications from Content Distribution clients (internal and external) to the Content Distribution API, devices that are external to the organisation will communicate via the 1E DMZ server.

Next Steps

After installation, you should do the following: