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1E 9.x (on-premises)

FileSystem.GetFilesInFolder (deprecated)


GetFilesInFolder (deprecated from v3.2)






Returns the filename, size, created time and modified time of each file in a directory.


Directory (string): Full path of the directory whose contents will be returned.

Recursive (boolean; optional, default true): Whether or not to return the contents of subdirectories.

Return values

If Directory does not exist then an ExecutionError status is returned along with the following string:

Directory '<directory>' does not exist


Folder '<folder>' does not exist

If Directory is actually a file then an ExecutionError status is returned along with the following string:

Directory '<directory>' is not a directory


Folder '<folder>' is not a folder

If Directory itself cannot be opened (exceptions will be logged by the agent) or no files are found then this is considered a successful execution but no results are returned.

If Directory itself can be opened and Recursive is true but then a subdirectory or file cannot be accessed then those items will be skipped in the results (the agent will log warnings).

Otherwise if any files are found then the result returned will have this form:

  • FileName (string): The full path of the file

  • FileSize (int): The size of the file in bytes

  • DateCreated (string): The creation date of the file

  • DateModified (string): The last modified date of the file


 FileSystem.GetFilesInFolder(Directory:"c:\\tmp", Recursive:false);


  • Windows

  • Linux

  • MacOS


The DateCreated concept does not exist on some operating systems and consequently this field will be blank where it does not apply.

Where the agent cannot access Directory itself then the instruction will return ExecutionError.

The method has been deprecated from v3.2. Use GetFilesInDirectory instead.