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1E 9.x (on-premises)

Alphabetic NomadBranch registry values

The following table shows the supported NomadBranch registry value and any associated installer properties. Installer properties must be upper-case and those that use numeric values must be set using decimal integers on the command-line.

Registry value



The URL of the Tachyon Platform, specifically the Tachyon Background Channel, which provides a reverse proxy for the Content Distribution component of Tachyon Platform. Usually of the form https://<BackgroundChannelServer>:<BackgroundChannelPort>/Background/


Determines if content in Nomad's cache (packages, applications, software updates, boot images, etc.) is registered with Content Distribution. Content registration is necessary if a host is to be available as a Single Site Download (SSD) provider or can be woken up if a Nomad peer requires the content locally.


Determines whether a device on a WLAN can become content provider. By default, only devices connected to a LAN can become content providers when using Single Site Download (SSD).


This setting is only applicable to SSD and has no effect on P2P content transfers on the local subnet.



AssumedLinkSpeed is obsolete. Its value may exist in the Nomad registry but it is not used. Instead Nomad now relies on the actual content being downloaded to gauge link speed.


Determines which of the built-in security groups is granted read-only permissions to the Nomad cache.


Value (in bytes) for the minimum size of each block of data Nomad copies from the package source folder.


Determines the number of hours between automatically running the Nomad cache cleaner.


If enabled, sets the cache clean subnet lookup.


An integer value that sets the delay for receiving Central Multicast. Normally you would not need to set this value.


Defines one or more certificate issuers that Nomad will use to select the appropriate PKI certificate for the:

  • Configuration Manager (CM) client authentication certificate - used when downloading over HTTPS from Distribution Points and when communicating with Management Points during pre-caching

  • Nomad Server Authentication certificate - used to share content between peers over HTTPS

  • Client Authentication certificate - used for certificate-based client authentication when sharing content between peers over HTTPS.

In most cases Nomad will be able to identify a suitable certificate in the Local Computer Personal certificate store without needing to specify CertIssuer (refer to Peer copy over HTTP or HTTPS: Certificate Selection for more details). You should use CertIssuer if the CM client is not using PKI certificates and there are multiple Client Authentication certificates issued by different Certificate Authorities in the store, and if there is a chance some of those certificates may not be trusted by other peers or CM site systems.


Defines one or more certificate subject names that Nomad uses to select the appropriate PKI certificate for authentication with Configuration Manager (CM) site systems configured to use HTTPS. It does not affect certificate selection for client authentication certificates used for peer-to-peer authentication or for selection of server authentication certificates.

In most cases Nomad will be able to identify a suitable certificate in the Local Computer Personal certificate store without the need to specify CertSubject (refer to Peer copy over HTTP or HTTPS: Certificate Selection for more details).


Determines different compatibility settings which relate to specific customer related functionality and should not generally be changed from the default value under normal conditions, unless advised.



ContentRegSyncCycleHrs is obsolete. Its value may exist in the Nomad registry, but it is not used. Instead, please refer to CacheStateSyncIntervalMinutes.



ContentRegSyncReqDelay is obsolete. Its value may exist in the Nomad registry, but it is not used. Instead, please refer to CacheStateSyncIntervalMinutes.



ContentRegSyncBatchSz is obsolete. Its value may exist in the Nomad registry, but it is not used. Instead, please refer to CacheStateSyncIntervalMinutes.


The level of messages logged in the Nomad logs for debugging purposes.


The level of messages related to the Dynamic Block Size (DBS) feature logged in the Nomad logs for debugging purposes.


Enables Delivery Optimization monitoring and reporting if ContentRegistration is enabled.


Sets the timeout in seconds after which a job will be cancelled if the download has not been successful.


Determines which error codes will cause Nomad to retry a download using an alternative distribution point.


Delete all obsolete LSZ files on the DP where the associated content is no longer present in ContentLib.


Determines whether a device on a WLAN can become content provider. By default, only devices connected to a LAN can become content providers when using Single Site Download (SSD).


This setting is only applicable to SSD and has no effect on P2P content transfers on the local subnet.


Determines the type of encryption used by Nomad to encrypt its communications between Nomad peers.


Determines whether Windows Error Reporting memory dumps should be sent to Microsoft Winqual.


The installation directory for Nomad.


The location of local Nomad package cache.


The path and filename of the Nomad log file.


(Optional setting) If set, defines the maximum possible link speed in bits per second.


The maximum duration (in seconds) that Nomad backs-off between blocks of data.


When the Nomad cache cleaner runs, delete any application or package content that last triggered Nomad elections before the specified number of days ago.


This is the maximum number of days content is present on a client.


Provided for backward compatibility only – use PercentAvailableDisk instead. The value (in bytes) for the maximum size the cache is allowed to grow to, before automatic cache cleaning takes place.


The maximum number of devices with the content that Nomad can retrieve from Content Distribution in one call.


Defines the number of election responses Nomad will write to the log for a given election.


The maximum size (in bytes) of the Nomad log file. Default is 5MB.


The maximum size (in bytes) of a package that Nomad attempts to cache on a Fast LAN (>500 kbps) connection.


The maximum size (in bytes) of a package that Nomad will attempt to cache on a RAS (<55 kbps) connection.


Maximum size (in bytes) of a package that Nomad attempts to cache on a Slow LAN (55-500 kbps) connection.


The maximum rate at which multicast packets are sent.


When the Nomad cache cleaner runs, delete any pre-cached content that last triggered Nomad elections before the specified number of days ago.


he minimum interval (in seconds) between sending transfer progress status messages, thereby governing the overall maximum frequency for sending the messages.


Registry value to hold an integer determining the number of times Nomad attempts to copy content and gets stuck before aborting.


When the Nomad cache cleaner runs, delete any software updates that last triggered Nomad elections before the specified number of days ago.


MaxWorkRates is a registry key, that must be created, to hold registry values for each day of the week (Day0 to Day6) where the hourly maximums for the variable work rates are set.


The MADCAP scope for multicast.


The behavior of local multicast.


This value holds the location of the base peer backup assistant (PBS) share where user data is copied to.


Determines whether Windows Disk Quotas (if configured) are enforced on the PBA share defined in CachePath.


Time by which PBA peer reply window should be extended to avoid network spikes.


The time-out period in minutes for the Peer Backup Assistant - High Availability (PBA-HA) task sequence action. If a machine running this action does not receive an acknowledgement message within this period from the PBA host performing the additional backups, the action will fail.


Sets the maximum amount of space in MB that can be requested by each PBA client.


Sets the maximum number of concurrent PBA sessions that may be in use on the host.


The maximum amount of space (in MB) that can be used for all the PBA shares combined on the host.


The duration (in hours) after which the PBA share is deleted from the host.


The duration (in hours) after which PBA share is deleted from the host.


Determines whether hard links are used between the Nomad cache and the Configuration Manager cache.


Prevents Nomad from calling an election when it is connected to a specified AD site, meaning that each Nomad client on the listed AD sites will automatically become a Nomad master. This prevents P2P sharing, as each master downloads its own copy of the content.


Prevents Nomad from calling an election when it is connected to a specified IP subnet, meaning that each Nomad client on the IP subnet automatically becomes a Nomad master. This prevents P2P sharing, as each master downloads its own copy of the content.


Prevents Nomad from using specific network adaptors based on the IP subnet. For example, this can be used to exclude Server backup subnets.


Defines the number of minutes that Nomad waits from the start time of the download job for a valid client authentication certificate before failing the download job.


Defines the max number of devices which a device will disqualify during a peer-to-peer copy.


Defines the max number of minutes within which a device will disqualify a peer during a peer-to-peer copy.


Determines the outcome of Nomad elections.


Determines how the Nomad cache is accessed. Please refer to Nomad cache for more details.


The HTTP port to use for peer copy.


The HTTPS port to use for peer copy.


Port used to broadcast election messages, for connectionless cache access and package status broadcasts.


Defines server and client authentication options when using HTTPS for P2P content transfer (i.e. P2PEnabled 0x60 option is set).


The limit on the Nomad cache. Specified as a percentage of the available disk space, it controls the automatic cache cleaning to ensure that the cache does not grow to a size whereby the percentage of available disk space is less than this value.



PercentDelayedContentReg is obsolete. Its value may exist in the Nomad registry, but it is not used. Instead, Content Registration Sync Cycle is now used, please refer to CacheStateSyncIntervalMinutes.


Restricts Nomad LSZ file generation requests to a list of permitted package source locations.


The number of notifications a client processes in one pre-cache poll cycle.


The interval (in minutes) between Nomad polling Content Distribution for new pre-cache jobs.


The delay (in seconds) before restarting retries from the first DP after the whole list of available DPs have been tried.


Determines where the download package is run from under certain conditions.


The path to the Configuration Manager signature files.


Sets various special feature options related to the Nomad share.


Enables Single Site Download (SSD).


Enables the use of Single Site functionality for PBA data stores. See Single Site peer backup assistant for more details.


Determines which Nomad events are reported using Configuration Manager status messages.


A list of Nomad return codes that are translated as success to the Content Transfer Manager (CTM) component of the Configuration Manager client.


Provides support for Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD).


The maximum number of machines to wake up in a single call.


Enables WakeUp integration, see Integrating Nomad with WakeUp for more details.


The minimum size of content (in megabytes) that will cause a request for a wakeup. See Integrating Nomad with WakeUp for more details.


The duration for temporarily disabling a wireless connection when a wired LAN connection becomes available, to provide time for the OS and Nomad to switch to the LAN connection. This is useful for OS versions and drivers that do not automatically switch to a preferred wired connection.


A list of wireless SSIDs to enable switching from wireless to wired LAN connections.