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1E 9.x (on-premises)









Returns a list of visible WiFi networks.


Scan (boolean): If true, perform a WiFi network scan on each adapter; if false, results are returned from the operating system cache.

Return values

Adapter (string): The name of the WiFi network adapter to which this network is visible.

SSID (string): The Service Set Identifier (SSID) of the network, or empty if the network is hidden.

Authentication (string): The default authentication mechanism supported by the network.

Encryption (string): The default encryption mechanism supported by the network.

IsSecure (boolean): True if the WiFi network is secure; false if the network is open.

IsHidden (boolean): True if the WiFi network is not broadcasting a public SSID.

IsConnected (boolean): True if the corresponding adapter is presently connected to this network.

Signal (integer): Quality of the WiFi signal; from 0 to 100 (worst to best).

BSSIDs (string): For Windows, this is a comma-separated list of the Basic Service Set Identifiers (BSSIDs) supporting this network. For macOS, this is always an empty list.


Network.GetWiFiNetworks(Scan: true);


  • Windows

  • MacOS (New in v8.2)


Calling this method with false for the Scan parameter will not trigger the network list to be refreshed; it will instead be fetched from the operating system's cache.

Calling this method with true for the Scan parameter will trigger a WiFi network refresh on all enabled WiFi adapters. This process takes approximately 5 seconds to locate WiFi networks on Windows.

If multiple WiFi network adapters are present, it is likely that they will each see a similar list of networks. This method will show each network as seen by each network adapter.

On macOS, the BSSID list for each network is empty because BSSID is not accessible to the 1E Client.