Viewing your effective license position
AppClarity can take Inventory and combine that with your entitlements to show your current compliance position, or the license position. The compliance position shows the result of matching up your current installations with your currently defined entitlements so that you can tell whether your entitlements are deficient, sufficient or surplus to your installations.
In this example, we will show how to use the License Summary and License Position pages to identify license deficits and how you can work to quickly implement the entitlements you need to change the deficits into surpluses. Before viewing License Summary, please ensure allLicense Demandreports have refreshed to get the correct numbers for complex metric based products.
Viewing your license position
Your license position contrasts with your product compliance position, as shown in the previous Viewing product compliance example, in that it not only shows you license deficiencies it also shows your surplus licenses. This lets you work towards the ideal position where you roughly balance the two, so that you are completely compliant but have not drastically overspent on your licenses - some slight excess may be desirable to cater for future demand.
Navigate to the AppClarity→Compliance→License Position page. For more details on the fields in this page please refer to License Position page.
In our example, on this page in the License Position column we can see the 5 excess of licenses implemented for the Microsoft Visio product.
Scanning down the products we can see a -8 deficit for Microsoft Project. Based on 10 licenses we have purchased for Microsoft Project we'd like to turn this now into a similar excess of 5 licenses.
You can choose which columns are displayed in Inventory and AppClarity detail tables to increase readability. On pages where you can pick the displayed columns you'll see a new control like the one highlighted below:

To find out more about this feature refer to Running your first Compliance License Summary: Choosing the columns to display in reports.

The quickest way of doing this is to navigate to the AppClarity→Licenses / Maintenances page, we then set a filter to get directly to the Microsoft Project installations:
Click the filter at the right-hand under the Title Column header.
Construct the filter Contains Project.
Click Apply to set the filter.
In our example select the row with Microsoft Project and a Type of License click the Edit button when it becomes enabled.

In the Edit License page prefilled with the details for Microsoft Project we set:
Quantity to 24
Unit cost to $400.
You can change the default displayed currency from USD to a currency of your choice, refer to Changing the default currency in AppClarity for details.
Then click Publish to publish the new entitlement and then refresh the necessaryCompliancereport to make the new entitlement count against our installations, using the Refresh reports icon on the top right of the page.
You can refresh reports from individual AppClarity screens as well as using the Settings App. You can do this by using the refresh icon next to theLast Refreshedbox, for example:

For a complete list of the specific reports you can run from particular pages refer to Running your first Compliance License Summary: Refresh Reports.
The multiexcerpt named 'RefreshReportsUsingSettings' was not found. Please check the page name and MultiExcerpt name used in the MultiExcerpt Include macro.
Having made the entitlement count we now navigate back to the AppClarity→Compliance→License Positionpage where in our example we can see that the deficit of -8 for Microsoft Project is now a surplus of 5.

In this example we've seen how to view the license position for each product. We've identified a deficit of -8 for Microsoft Project and used the License Summary page to add additional Microsoft Project licenses. We've then browsed back to the License Position and seen the deficit turn into a surplus.