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1E 9.x (on-premises)

Server installers

Windows Installer properties for each of the 1E server installers.


1E Server Setup is the only supported method of installing, upgrading, and patching a 1E server.

Installation using standalone msi or msp files is not supported unless advised by 1E, which may be necessary for complex installations, using non-interactive (quiet/silent) command lines, and may require further post-install configuration steps.

1E Setup installation order

When installing all components on a single server, 1E Setup installs them in the following order:

  1. 1E Server - TachyonServer.msi

  2. 1E Catalog - 1ECatalog.msi

  3. SLA Platform - SLA.Platform.Installer.msi

  4. SLA Business Intelligence - SLA.BI.Installer.msi (optional but required for Patch Insights)

  5. Content Distribution - ContentDistribution.msi (optional but required for Content Distribution)

  6. AppClarity - AppClarity.msi

  7. Application Migration - ApplicationMigration.msi

The installer properties for these MSI are provided in the following pages, including some notes on how the setup uses the properties.

1E platform zip file

The 1E platform file can be downloaded from 1E Support Portal Extracting the zip will create a folder structure containing the following, where the files highlighted in bold are required by setup.

  • Licenses.txt

  • Tachyon Release Information.html

  • Tachyon.Setup.exe

Please refer to:

  • 1E Server Setup, for detailed information about each screen in setup

  • Quick Start if you want a brief overview of installing Tachyon.


1E Server Setup is the only supported method of installing, upgrading, and patching a 1E server.

Installation using standalone msi or msp files is not supported unless advised by 1E, which may be necessary in complex installations, using non-interactive (quiet/silent) command-lines, and may require further post-install configuration steps.

  • Installers\1ECatalog.msi

  • Installers\AppClarity.msi

  • Installers\ApplicationMigration.msi

  • Installers\ContentDistribution.msi

  • Installers\SLA.BI.Installer.msi

  • Installers\SLA.Platform.Installer.msi

  • Installers\TachyonServer.msi

  • Installers\TachyonToolkit.msi

This folder contains msi installer files for components and applications that will be installed by setup if their prerequisites are met.

  • Installers\Apps\Experience\

  • Installers\Apps\Experience\metadata.json

  • Installers\Apps\Explorer\

  • Installers\Apps\Explorer\metadata.json

  • Installers\Apps\GuaranteedState\

  • Installers\Apps\GuaranteedState\metadata.json

  • Installers\Apps\Inventory\

  • Installers\Apps\Inventory\metadata.json

  • Installers\Apps\Nomad\metadata.json

  • Installers\Apps\Nomad\

  • Installers\Apps\PatchSuccess\metadata.json

  • Installers\Apps\PatchSuccess\

  • Installers\Apps\Settings\metadata.json

  • Installers\Apps\Settings\

This folder contains apps folders for consumer applications that will be installed by setup if their prerequisites are met.

If you do not want to install a consumer application, then delete the folder before running setup.

Later, if you need to install the consumer application, then you can reinstate the folder and install the app using setup as described in 1E Server Setup.


Some consumer applications are installed using their msi instead of an apps folder, for example AppClarity and Application Migration.

  • ProductPacks\Newtonsoft.Json.dll

  • ProductPacks\Tachyon.ProductPackDeploymentTool.exe

  • ProductPacks\Tachyon.ProductPackDeploymentTool.exe.config

  • ProductPacks\Tachyon.SDK.Consumer.dll

  • ProductPacks\Classic\

  • ProductPacks\Classic\

  • ProductPacks\Classic\

  • ProductPacks\Classic\

  • ProductPacks\Classic\

  • ProductPacks\Classic\

  • ProductPacks\Classic\

  • ProductPacks\Classic\

  • ProductPacks\Integrated\

  • ProductPacks\Integrated\

  • ProductPacks\Integrated\

  • ProductPacks\Integrated\

These Product Packs are required to support various features, for more detail please refer to 1E DEXPacks reference. If your license permits, you can use additional Product Packs available from 1E Exchange to meet specific use cases.

Classic Product Packs

Contain instructions, for use in Endpoint Troubleshooting and other applications.

They can be uploaded using the 1E product pack deployment tool, or using Settings→Instructions→Instruction sets page in the 1E portal.

Integrated Product Packs

Contain policies, rules and fragments for use by Endpoint Automation, and may also include instructions.

They can only be uploaded using the 1E product pack deployment tool.


The 1E product pack deployment tool can be started independently or at the end of the 1E Server Setup process via the Post-installation checks screen, where the screen contains a link that launches the tool. The 1E Server Setup method of starting the tool is recommended because 1E Server Setup ensures you have the correct permissions to upload the DEXPacks.