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1E 9.x (on-premises)


Entity - Custom property value




Permissions required

GET - for property by id

/Consumer/CustomPropertyValues /Property/{propertyId}

Gets list of all available custom property values for a property by its id

Following product pack related permissions

  • Questioner

  • Actioner

Following custom property related permission

  • Read

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions.

GET - individual property value by its id

/Consumer/CustomPropertyValues /Id/{Id}

Gets an individual custom property value by id

Following product pack related permissions

  • Questioner

  • Actioner

Following custom property related permission

  • Read

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions.



Creates an custom property value.

Example Request

  "Value": "Marketing",

Following custom property related permission

  • Write

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions.



Minimum API version 4.0

Replaces all values for given custom property with the values passed in this call.

propertyId (URI parameter) - id of the custom property whose values are to be replaced

values (BODY parameter) - an array of strings that should become the new values for the custom property

Following custom property related permission

  • Write

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions.



Deletes an custom property value by id

Following custom property related permission

  • Write

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions.



Minimum API version 4.0

Deletes multiple custom property values.

Body of the request should contain an array of custom property value ids.

Following custom property related permission

  • Write

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions.