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1E 9.x (on-premises)

1E Patch Success Product pack

Classic Product Pack used to create the 1E Patch Success instruction set required by the Patch Success application.

For more details please refer to:


Instruction text (ReadablePayload)



Instruction file name


<action> patch(es) specified by <patchSpec> identifier(s) from <source> source to targeted device(s)


  • <action> is either Deploy or Download only

  • <patchSpec> is a list of comma separated GUIDs and/or KB numbers (without KB prefix) of patches to be installed

  • <source> is the patch download source:

      • WSUSR - Microsoft Update via the Internet

      • WSUSL - WSUS

      • SCCM - Configuration Manager

      • Default - the value of PatchSuccessSource in the GlobalSettings table of the TachyonMaster database, as described in Configuring the source for Patch downloads.Configuring the source for Patch downloads


Deploys a specific patch or patches to targeted devices.


Unlike the other instructions, the <patchSpec> parameter in this instruction does not support all. You must be specific which KBs you want to deploy.

This instruction is used by the Deploy and Download only buttons, which allow users to deploy selected patches to devices.

The 1E Patch Success Actioners role requires Actioner permissions to see the Deploy and the Download only buttons.

See Patch.Deploy in the Tachyon SDK.



Returns patch status from <source> for <patchSpec> identifier(s)

Where :

  • <source> is the patch download source, as above

  • <patchSpec> is either all, or a list of comma separated GUIDs and/or KB numbers (without KB prefix) of patches to be reported.


Returns patch status for given KB article numbers on targeted devices.

The instruction is used by the Check Status button, which allow users to check the patch status of the selected patches and represent the results in Explorer for further investigations.

The 1E Patch Success Actioners role requires Questioner permissions to see the Check Status button.

See Patch.List in the Tachyon SDK.



Returns patch status from <source> of given<patchSpec> identifier(s) for PatchSuccess consumption


  • <source> is the patch download source, as above

  • <patchSpec> is either all, or a list of comma separated GUIDs and/or KB numbers (without KB prefix) of patches to be reported.


Returns patch status for all known patches on targeted devices. Information is based on offline cache.

When run, its response data is offloaded direct to the SLA-BI cube.

The instruction is used by the Update Status button, which allows users to update the dashboard with the status of selected patches, to see for example Pending reboot and Installed states.

The 1E Patch Success Actioners role requires Questioner permissions to see the Update status button.

See Patch.List in the Tachyon SDK.
