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1E 9.x (on-premises)

Known issues

Lists of the current known issues when installing Nomad and using the Nomad features.

Installing 1E Client




1E Client installer adds Nomad registry settings even when Nomad module is NOT enabled while installation. If someone deletes those registry settings and enables Nomad module later, Nomad won't function right.

The installer is currently creating the majority of Nomad registry values because the service doesn’t create them all and Nomad doesn’t tolerate the absence of all the settings that the service doesn’t create. If someone deletes those settings and enables Nomad module later, Nomad won't function right.

In such a scenario, we recommend reinstalling the 1E Client with a new set of properties / transform that enables the Nomad module.

This will be fixed in a future release of 1E Client.

On Windows XP, 1E.Client.log displays a warning "Unsupported OS version. Will not install Nomad." however the very next log lists that "Module 'Nomad' has been installed".

Nomad is not support on Windows XP therefore when 1E Client is installed with Nomad module, the module is not enabled, and the Nomad Branch service is not installed.


Nomad may be downgraded by active Application deployments in CM, which may cause issues with behaviour of the 1E Client Nomad module.

If there is an active Application deployment in CM of an earlier version of Nomad, clients that have been upgraded with the 1E Client with the Nomad module enabled may be downgraded when the Application Enforcement cycle runs. In this scenario, if the 1E Nomad module is subsequently disabled in the 1E Client, the Nomad service will be removed. This is because once the Nomad module has been enabled, it is not aware nor does it check for older versions. If the Nomad module is subsequently disabled, the service is removed as the Nomad module believes it is not longer required.

To avoid this situation, always define Application Supersedence on the 1E Client Application such that it supersedes any Applications that install previous versions of Nomad (and the 1E Client when introducing new versions of the 1E Client).

To resolve this issue should it occur, first address the Application Supersedence to prevent it from recurring. Then run the following command from the 1E Client installation directory on the affected devices.

1E.Client.exe -reconfigure MODULE.NOMAD.ENABLED=false -restart & 1E.Client.exe -reconfigure MODULE.NOMAD.ENABLED=true -restart

This will disable the Nomad module and remove the Nomad service, then re-enable the Nomad module, which will in turn uninstall the earlier version of Nomad and install the Nomad module. The settings defined by the earlier Nomad install will be migrated - these may differ from the settings with which the Nomad module was initially configured with.

1E Nomad Branch and 1E Client Health services may be stopped if upgrading to Nomad 8.0 if previous version of Nomad installer is no longer in source folder or the Windows Installer cache.

The 1E Client installer stops the 1E Nomad Branch and 1E Client Health services if the Nomad module is enabled. The 1E Client installation completes successfully, after which the Nomad module attempts to uninstall the older version of Nomad. The uninstallation fails as Windows Installer cannot find the original source installer. The Nomad module is not enabled and the Nomad and Client Health services remains stopped.

In this scenario, to immediately restore Nomad functionality simply start the services. To fix completely you will need to remediate the installer source for the old version of Nomad on the affected client, then run the following command from the 1E Client installation directory to restart the 1EClient service.

1E.Client.exe -restart

Uninstalling 1E Client doesn't delete Nomad's P2P server certificate.

When P2PEnabled value was set to 79 then NomadBranch server certificate does not get deleted after uninstallation.

NomadBranch - 1EClient - Creation of Nomad COM object failed with 0x80070424

Install the latest build with Nomad. Creation of Nomad COM object failed with 0x80070424-

Disable the Nomad module and restart the 1E Client service. Enable Nomad again and restart the 1E Client service. Nomad should install successfully.

Nomad users see the 1E Client UI in the device system tray even when the Tachyon module is not enabled.

The 1E Client UI runs despite only the Nomad or Shopping modules being installed, without the Tachyon feature enabled.


Working with Nomad




Nomad crashes while downloading an application in original content having source path greater than 290 length.

When the source path of an application is longer than 290 chars and Nomad starts downloading application in original format (that is format 0) then Nomad crashes in between but successfully downloads the content and passes the hash check as well.

Use Nomad SECure when a package has source path greater than 255 characters in length. Compressing and/or encrypting content results in a single file which the possibility of an overly long path.

PBA find will fail if P2PEnabled registry changes on host machine

After PBA capture when data is sent to host over https, pause the task sequence and change the value of P2PEnabled=9 on the host machine. On resuming task sequence would get failed.

None. This is as per design and so is not suggested to change the value of P2PEnabled in between.

Installer log file may not be launched after installation

In Windows Server 2019 when installation was initiated by the Built-in Domain Administrator and "Show the Windows Install log" option was selected after installation then log file does not get launched. However it works with other admin users.

Initiate the installation from elevated command prompt using /l*v properties to generate the log file, for example:

msiexec /i <installer.msi> /l*v <filename.log>

By default NomadBranchGui is upgraded into Basic mode

If previous version was setup in the Advanced mode and user upgrades it to the latest release then it does not recognize the previous setup mode and so gets upgraded into Basic mode by default.

Reinstall NomadBranchGui.

Nomad is not able to download from CCMTOKENAUTH_SMS_DP_SMSPKG$ content location virtual directory on Distribution Point, which is created when Distribution Point is configured to communicate over HTTPS starting CM CB 1810.

Enhanced HTTP was first introduced in CM1806 as a pre-release feature and it became a standard feature in CM1810. It allows administrators to use secure communication between clients and DP without the need for PKI-generated certificates or a Network Access Account.

Nomad currently can’t use the new Enhanced HTTP features when downloading from the DP, but it will continue to work when there are still Network Access Accounts available to allow it to authenticate non-Domain joined machines (such as those in WinPE and Workgroup machines).


We are working with Microsoft to determine the best approach to enabling download from the Enhanced HTTP virtual directory. You can upvote our request at

Nomad download halts for some time if block size is different on a machine acting as a master.

Nomad may not be able to download whole content from the master and stuck in a loop for some time if the master has incomplete content and different block size.


Different block sizes on DP and Clients may leads to RDC failure.

RDC may not work properly if distribution point and client has different block size.

To fix this, have same block size on all Distribution Points and clients.

Nomad would fail to download content when client switches from Intranet to Internet DP having higher content version.

Nomad may fail to download the content when switching from Intranet to Internet DP and Internet DP has higher version of content than required.


Nomad fails to use already precached content in secure format even if same content is requested in original format.

Nomad won't convert the secure format content into the original format on the client side and downloads the content again.


Nomad settings on Configuration Manager client policies don't replicate between CAS and primaries

Nomad settings do not replicate between CAS and Primary site, the user has to manually do settings on both the sites.

Change the settings manually on both sites.

Nomad won't handle SUSPEND by CM when in PauseJobQueue state

When Nomad JobQueue is paused using Download Pause and during the pause if CM sends suspend for a job then Nomad won't honor that instruction and would continue to run that job once JobQueue resume.


NomadBranch GUI does not work when File sharing is connected with Remote machine

When NomadBranch GUI is installed on machine and connected to remote machine then it may not show any download progress and remains in paused state.


NomadAdminUIExtension always give "stopped working" error but installs successfully on Windows Server 2012.

Installing NomadAdminUIExtension on Windows Server 2012 would give error "stopped working" however installs successfully.

Ignore the error message and click OK.

Incorrect protocol status download reported in the NomadBranch.log for SMB downloads in SSD

The NomadBranch.log erroneously logs a SMB download as SM_HTTP over SSD.

Ignore the error message.

The correct installer may not be picked up by the Install 1E Client custom task sequence action if there are multiple installers in the content source for the Nomad package.

The Install 1E Client custom task sequence action randomly selects a Nomad MSI if there are multiple installers in the content source for the Nomad package.

We recommend having only one installer in the Nomad package source.

Job fails if disk space is low when compress/encrypted content is uncompressed.

For compressed/encrypted content, Nomad reserves disk space equivalent to size of compressed/encrypted content only before download. When disk space is low the, job will fail when it uncompresses the content in the Configuration Manager cache.


Status messages are not sent when Nomad runs in WinPE mode.

When Nomad is installed in WinPE and starts downloading packages, send status messages are not sent to CM server as it does not have Configuration Manager client.


Peer-to-peer transfer fails if one of the machine name is longer than 50 characters.

When on a subnet, machine1 has hostname longer than 50 characters with content A, and machine2 requests content A, P2P transfer fails and content will be downloaded from DP.

Do not use hostnames longer than 50 characters.

Attempting to downgrade nomad using Configuration Manager puts the machine in such a state that any further upgrades would fail.

When a downgrade is attempted using a ConfigMgr job, the rollback doesn’t happen cleanly and a few traces are left in the system leading to failure in future upgrades.

To fix this, please contact 1E support.

Log files may contain a large number of error messages if a mixture of encryption methods is used for Nomad communications.

It is possible to configure different installations of Nomad to use different encryption methods. Nomad 6.0 supports two options: the default encryption method and a new FIPs compliant encryption method. The error messages in the log files indicate that Nomad communications are being impacted and the fault should be rectified.

This state is liable to occur if hybrid installations are allowed with unsupported versions of Nomad, because encryption is required in Nomad 6.0 owards.

You should ensure that all the installations of Nomad are set to the same encryption method.

Clients may not be able to download content using HTTP/HTTPS from the Distribution Point if the content URL contains hidden segments or double-escape sequences.

This issue is specific to Distribution Points running IIS 7.0 and above and may occur when the requested content URLs contain hidden segments or double-escape sequences. When this happens the client displays HTTP error 404.8 (Hidden Namespace) and 404.11 (Double Escaping) in the NomadBranch.log file while processing the content.

Modify the IIS Request Filtering settings on the DP to allow download of such content.

Please refer to Post-installation tasks#installationtasks-IISrequestfiltering.

Using Nomad on multihomed machines results in extraneous network traffic.

Please contact 1E Support for a detailed workaround if you have multihomed machines in your environment.

Disk Full error retries with Configuration Manager Client

If the Nomad job returns with the error Disk Full, the Configuration Manager Advanced Client regards this as a non-fatal error and will retry the deployment on a scheduled basis.

None. This is by design.

Nomad Provider Settings overwrite Third party Provider settings in Task Sequences

When making changes to Nomad Properties for a Task Sequence the settings are written to all the Task Sequence's reference Packages. This does not take into account any third party configurations that may already be in place.

To avoid this you should set Nomad Provider settings for each of the reference Packages individually.

Nomad encounters problems when WebDAV is used to connect to a server.

Use of WebDAV is not supported by Nomad.

WebDAV may be present because older versions of Configuration Manager required it, but not any longer.

None. Remove WebDAV from the server.

Uninstalling and reinstalling Nomad results in unverified cached data.

When uninstalling Nomad, cache content is not deleted as files may still be required (for example for Windows Installer repairs). If you subsequently reinstall Nomad on the same machine, Nomad will enumerate the existing cache and will be aware that it has cached content for certain packages. It is not possible to verify that the package content has not been altered in the interim period, therefore these are referred to as zombie packages i.e. they have returned from the dead.

The Nomad client will be able to participate in elections for zombie packages, but will only win an election if other machines do not have verified content. This ensures minimum WAN utilization. Prior to execution, package content is verified by Configuration Manager.

To manually force verification of the cache after upgrading Nomad or uninstalling and reinstalling Nomad, please use the command:

NomadBranch.exe -activateall

If you wish to delete cache content, please use the CacheCleaner.exe utility prior to uninstall.

Nomad fails to download the content, which has one or more empty file (of zero file size), from a cloud distribution point.

In this case, Nomad gets stuck in a loop and won't be able to download the content from cloud distribution point due to blocks mismatch errors.


Configuration Manager




User cannot go back to Configuration Type page in the Create Nomad Baseline Wizard.

If user moves forward with 'Configure settings using MSI Transform' option then he cannot go back to Configuration Type page in the Create Nomad Baseline Wizard without selecting MSI and MST files. A popup would be displayed with message: Please use valid MSI and MST files.

Start again.

The Nomad Content Pause feature is not visible in the Configuration Manager console after upgrading the Nomad Admin UI extensions.

The page: Installing the Configuration Manager console extensions was not found. Please check/update the page name used in the 'multiexcerpt-include' macro.

You will need to ensure that this checkbox is checked in the installation wizard or that the ENABLETACHYONINTG=true installer property is set on the installer command-line if you want the Nomad Download Pause feature to work.

The Nomad Content Pause feature is not working after installation.

If the site server does not have a local SMS Provider, the Nomad Branch Admin UI Ext installer does not create the Nomad Custom Role, required Instruction set and add the Nomad Core instructions in Tachyon.

The feature requires:

  • Tachyon Platform 8.x installed

  • Uploaded Tachyon instructions

  • Permissions allowing Configuration Manager (CM) administrators to execute the uploaded instructions.

These steps should be completed by a user that has Global Admin role in Tachyon, refer to Installing the Nomad app and 1E Content Distribution for details about Tachyon Platform setup, Nomad Administrator role and the 1E Nomad product pack.


If you are upgrading Nomad or Tachyon and you have previously installed Nomad Download Pause then you can continue using your existing setup, you do not need to do anything further, and you can ignore the information and steps below.

However, you are recommended to rename the old instruction set fromNomad Core Instructionsto1E Nomadto match the name used in the steps below for new installations. The renamed set will retain the permissions you previously configured.

Prior to Nomad 7.0.200, you were advised not to change the name of the instruction set. This was because the NomadBranchAdminUIExt.msi installer uploaded the instructions into an instruction set named Nomad Core Instructions. From version 7.0.200 onwards, this restriction no longer applies, because the instructions are no longer in the installer, and instead are only available in the 1E-Nomad product pack.

The installation steps below use the Settings app to create the 1E Nomad instruction set and upload instructions for a new installation. However, if you instead use the Tachyon Product Pack Deployment Tool to upload the 1E Nomad product pack, the tool will create an instruction set called 1E Nomad and place new instructions there. If the instruction set Nomad Core Instructions has not been renamed, any existing instructions in it will remain or be updated if they are new versions. You may end up with two instruction sets. You can keep both sets, or you can do the following, which will retain the permissions you previously configured:

  • move the new instructions from 1E Nomad to Nomad Core Instructions

  • delete the now empty instruction set 1E Nomad

  • rename the old instruction set from Nomad Core Instructions to 1E Nomad

The 1E-Nomad product pack is provided in the Tachyon Platform download zip, and includes new versions of the same instructions. A list of these instructions is provided below under the heading 1E-Nomad product pack, which include the two instructions required by Nomad Download Pause.

Dynamic packages in Task Sequences sometimes remain in Installing state.

When SMSTSNomad is used to download Dynamic Packages, through using the Set Nomad as Download Program action in a Task Sequence, they may remain in Installing state.

Download using Nomad during a Task Sequence occasionally reverts to using the default Configuration Manager download process.

When SMSTSNomad is used in a Task Sequence by using the Set Nomad as Download Program action, certain error conditions that would normally be translated to success codes by the list held in the SuccessCodes registry value are instead being returned as failures, thereby causing Configuration Manager to revert to the use of BITS for the transfer when those errors occur.

Task Sequence downloads may failover to using the default Configuration Manager download process if any errors occur during the Nomad download.

Due to a problem in Configuration Manager the Always return success option in the Set Nomad as Download Program action is not working. This means that downloads may failover to using the default Configuration Manager download process.

You will need to regularly check the Nomad logs to check that this is not occurring in order to address any issues that may have arisen.

The Nomad properties dialog in the Configuration Manager console does not save changed values when focus moves to another tab.

Where the Nomad Admin UI extensions are installed, in any of the dialogs in the Configuration Manager console where the Nomad properties appear as a tabbed pane (e.g. in the properties of a package), if a Nomad property is modified but the "Apply" button is not clicked before moving to another tab, the value is not saved and reverts to the original value.

Save the values by clicking the "Apply" button before moving to another tab.

An exception may be seen when Nomad Admin UI extensions are upgraded and Task sequence editor is immediately launched.

A rare exception may occur when Nomad Admin UI extensions are upgraded and Task sequence editor is immediately launched.

Launch the Task sequence editor after 30 minutes once the upgrade has completed.

Resume and Pause GUI menu items in CM Console is not available to all users who are Full Admin in CM and assigned to Nomad Admins role in Tachyon.

It happens with users who belong to a security group which is Full Admin in CM. The same users should be able pause and resume from Tachyon Explorer app.

Offer ID status message attribute is missing in some of the Nomad Status Messages.

The status messages sent by Nomad in case of content download for application and software update deployments, have missing Offer ID attribute.





Nomad may not check available disk space in a timely fashion during a Multicast transmission.

If a PC joins the multicast session mid-way through, it immediately starts to cache data locally and is not aware of the Package size. This is by design.

In environments where disk space is critical this issue is mitigated by:

  • Ensuring that machines have enough disk space prior to sending the deployment

  • Deferring the deployment start time to ensure that a Policy refresh has occurred on all the machines. This enables all the machines to start at same time, and they will therefore check for sufficient disk space.

“Slow sockets” log message.

This error message occurs during distributions using multicast if some datagram packets are lost. Some packet loss is to be expected, especially if a network traffic peak occurs, Nomad is designed to fill in the lost data at the end of the distribution. If excessive logging of this error message occurs and the statistics are returning a low percentage of data multicast, your network infrastructure may not be suited to efficient multicast. This can occur if you have an infrastructure with mixed network speeds for example.

Using MADCAP over very slow links with pre-cached data.

In scenarios with very slow WAN links (i.e. <256kbps) and pre-cached package data, peer copying is used instead of local multicast. If this occurs the following warning message will be displayed in the log file.

WARNING: MADCAP_Request for PACKAGE_ID discarded $$<MCastControl><datetime>

This happens due to the time taken to get a MADCAP address over the WAN. Package data is still shared at the branch and only copied once over the WAN successfully, however local network traffic will be higher as peer copying is used instead of local multicast.

MADCAP performance can be improved by specifying the MADCAP server IP address in the Nomad MULTICASTMADCAPSCOPE registry value.

Multicast continues after deployment has expired.

If the deployment expires during a multicast transmission, the transmission will continue.

Multicast is not supported on FAT file systems.

Nomad with Multicast is not currently supported on FAT file systems. This may be addressed in a later version, pending customer feedback.


SMSNomad.exe as a program command-line




Using “Start in” Configuration Manager Program property.

SMSNomad.exe assumes the working folder is the Distribution Point. If a “start in” location is specified as an Configuration Manager Program property then SMSNomad.exe is unable to locate the package source and fails to distribute software.

Single-Site Downloads




Nomad registers with ActiveEfficiency platform using network interface other than primary interface on multihomed machines.

On multihomed machines Nomad may register with a network interface other than the primary network interface. This may result in the machine becoming unavailable for single site download to other machines in the same site since it has registered itself with a network interface other than the intended one.

Nomad Pre-caching




Download may fail for Pre-caching jobs that are setup for content that is still being distributed to distribution points

Download may fail for Pre-caching jobs that are setup for content that is still being distributed to distribution points.

It is always advisable to setup Pre-caching jobs for content that has been successfully distributed to distribution points.

Office 365 updates




Office 365 download does not resume and fails when Nomadbranch service is restarted or when machines resume from a restart or shutdown.

A single Office 365 installation leads to multiple Nomad jobs which follows following this sequence:

- Begin Job .. - End Job - Wait For Next Job - Begin Job .. - End Job - Wait For Next Job ....

If the Nomad service is restarted while waiting for the next job, there is no persisted job (if there is , it picks it up from the WMI). If the Nomad service is restarted between Begin and End, it should pick the persisted job on startup.

NightWatchman may be able to shutdown the machine when an Office 365 job is running.

Office 365 updates comes as a collection of multiple jobs. When a job completes and another is yet to start, there is small time gap. During this gap, In between the job, ByteRange job manager queue is empty. If at this time, "Nomadbranch -canshutdown" is triggered, it will return "TRUE".

Corrupt Content is downloaded successfully, transferred to Office 365 cache and update installation succeeds

As Nomad doesn't receive hashes to validate downloaded contents so user can get the corrupted contents downloaded.

ClickToRun stuck in Cancelling Job.. and further install request from Software centre does not triggers any Office Job

ClickToRun is part of Microsoft office 365 and sometimes it stuck while cancelling a job. Also, each new job is provided and handed over to Nomad by ClickToRun. So if ClickToRun is stuck then user won't be able to proceed further.

While Running cachecleaner command, user faces "Error: CreateInstance-IUIResourceMgr <FAILED> - Class not registered".

It is caused by UIResource.dll getting unregistered. So workaround is to run the following command(Administrator user context): "regsvr32 UIResource.dll"

NomadBranch switches "Activateall" and "Activate=(Content ID)" fails to verify Office 365 content in Nomad Cache.

Office 365 Cache is activated on Nomad service start up. So if, Manually copied some (Valid) data in Nomad Cache, Service needs restart to activate data. - Activate cmd does not impacts office cache.

Nomad Office Job keeps on going even after reserve space got full.

This is happening in a particular scenario and is related to the case when a full file is being downloaded by Nomad office 365 job. As for full file download, the information about content size is not with Nomad so it keeps on downloading.

Nomad Cache refused to clear cache on Peer when other client downloading it from P2P.

The behavior is that the ByteRanges content might or might not get deleted depending on whether it's content is being accessed at that point in time or not. If it does get deleted, the Peer move next available peer and if not then move to DP for downloading.

Intermittent issue: Non office job is not cancelling with command line properly.

This issue is a randomly occurring one and sometimes when user tries to cancel a job using nomad command line(Nomadbranch -cancel) then sometimes(randomly) the job is not cancelled.

User can rerun the command or in rare case restart the nomadbranch service and then rerun the Cancellation command.

Office 365 Update might fail if during download of Office 365 update SMSAgent service is restarted.

Office 365 Update might fail if during download of Office 365 update SMSAgent service is restarted. When download of failed job is re-initiated from Software Center the job download fails. Again ClickToRun being stuck in cancelling is causing this issue.

Office 365 Update will sometimes fail if during download of Office 365 update requests a file which does not exist or folder reference does not exist.

This issue is specific to "Office 365 Client Update - Current channel(1609-4)" update. Here it is observed that wrong path is being generated in manifest file from Office 365 which results in update failure due to resources not found. All updates prior to this update were generating correct content path in the manifest file but this specific(Latest update by the time of writing this information) the content path is wrong in manifest file. Also this issue is not limited to Nomad alone but even the CM software center triggered and CM managed update download is also failing.

Nomad failed to delete cache with Percent Available disk space value.

This issue has two parts to it:

  • Only one content is deleted to reserve the space and not all, whereas it should delete all to make sure percentavailabledisk is 10%.

  • dummyAutoDelete gets added to cache and 1 byte is reserved for it. So when you again run, it won't' even delete one content.

Nomad office updates doesn't support failover to BITS.

Nomad is not supporting "Failover to BITS" scenario in this release.

Tachyon Platform




Content Distribution and Nomad app




After setting a new pre-set, a user cannot switch between the default columns and the columns chosen in the new pre-set.

Users have an option to select columns to be displayed in the list at different places in the Nomad Application.

When using the Nomad application, the user may want to choose which columns they want to see in the detail tables. This provides consistency with other Tachyon applications.

After setting a new pre-set, a user cannot switch between the default columns and the columns chosen in the new pre-set. There is no option to go back to the default view unless by refreshing the browser.

The workaround would be to either create a default preset or again refresh the browser.

Task Sequence Details page - multiple registration entry for a single device.

Content shows multiple registration entries for a single device.

Devices Page - Arrow keys are not giving hint "Expand" for main Pages while it is giving hint "Expand" for other chart and items.

When a user opens the Nomad app, for example the Devices page and they move the mouse cursor to the double arrow expand button in the right hand top corner of the page, there is no 'Expand' hint shown.

If the mourse cursor is moved to other page tiles like Content Type, then the 'Expand' hint is then displayed.

Installation/Upgrade - Installation/Upgrade fails when .mdf file already exists on the database server.

Case 1: When ActiveEfficiency (AE) is upgraded to ContentDistribution (CD). The AE DB got renamed to CD DB but its .mdf and .ldf files didn't get renamed. If an uninstall of CD is tried, and then the AE install is tried again, the attempt fails.

Case 2: When CD was uninstalled and the existing CD DB is renamed. When the CD install is tried again, the attemt fails.

Nomad App - Page expansion is not being retained on Details Pages of Overview, Contents, Task Sequences and Network locations pages.

Open Nomad App Dashboard > Click on Expand arrow key (present in right side top corner), now click on Devices Tab, then:

  • Open Contents Tab > Click on Expand arrow key to expand page now click on any contents from list

  • Open Task Sequence page > Click on Expand arrow key to expand page now click on any TS from list

  • Click on Network Location > Click on Expand arrow key to expand page now click on any Site from list.

Only devices details page is retains the page expansion , rest of the pages do not retain the page expansion.

NomadBranch - SMSNomad could not register to CDC when content is downloaded is a from peer share.

Create a share on peer machine, place some content on it. Uninstall nomad from there.

On a peer machine, download content using standalone cmdline - smsnomad.exe --pp="\\W2004-32\MyNomadCache" --s --prestage

The contents gets downloaded but logs some error regarding Content Distribution Consumer reporting failure.

It should get reported to Content Distribution Consumer.

Preset configuration - Unnecessary spacing on scrolling bookmark bar.

If a user creates multiple bookmarks and then scrolls back and forth, there is some extra spacing on scrolling.

Content page - Missing scrollbar in bookmark preset window.

If a user creates multiple bookmarks, and then opens manage preset, there is no scrollbar.

There should be a scrollbar in the preset window itself than using the application's/browser's scrollbar.

Network location page - Nomad Application - In subnet drawer, Even if no record was available user can also select other options of no. of records on the page e.g. 100, 250

A user accesses the Nomad Application, then navigates to the Network Location page and verifies the subnet drawer window.

Even if no record was available, a user can also select other options for the no. of records on the page e.g. 100, 250-

Nomad Application - In preset window, selected filters values are not identical to ones displayed on the page.

Go to any page where the Preset window is applicable e.g. Contents page and apply all the available filters. Click on the bookmark icon to open the Preset window. Then verify values under selected filters.

Content - When any Software Update is downloaded from WUMU, on the dashboard, the size of the content is showing 0 Bytes.

When any Software Update is downloaded from WUMU, on the dashboard, the size of the content is showing 0 Bytes.

Nomad Application - Content Distributiondoes not display contents details downloaded from sources other than Configuration Manager and Delivery Optimization.

If a share is created on a peer machine, and some content is placed on it, then uninstall nomad from there.

Then on a peer machine, content is downloaded using a standalone cmdline. The 1EClient reports the content but Content Distribution does not display it.

Nomad Application - Nomad App - New Preset - no option to go back to the default view unless by refreshing the browser.

When a user uses the new preset feature on:

  • Content

  • Task Sequences

  • Devices

  • Nomad Sites.

After they select a few columns, there is no option to go back to the default view unless they refresh the browser.

The workaround would be to either create a default preset or again refresh the browser.

Nomad Application - Labels used for the filters disappear on resizing the window.

When the application window is resized, the labels used for the Technology and Time period filters disappear.

Nomad did not raise package deletion event (using -PkgVer=*) and throws an error.

If a version 1 package is download on client-1 device.

The package is updated.

And then version 2 is downloaded on client 2.

When version 1 is deleted from client 1 using cmdline - cachecleaner.exe -DeletePkg=CAS0007A -PkgVer=*

Nomad fails to raise the event for the deleted package.

RBAC - Configuration Manager (CM) Ext - Even after an error message, the paused job was removed from the CM console

When a collection is already paused for the download and a user only has read permission.

In the Configuration Manager console, go to Monitoring > 1E Nomad > Paused Collections

And the user tries to resume the existing paused job.

An error popup is displayed, but the paused job disappears.

Note: A user has to revisit the page to see the existing job.

1EClient installer - Platform features are working even if "Enable 1E Platform features" was not selected during installation.

If the 1E Client is installed with Nomad and "Enable 1E Platform features" checkbox is unselected.

After the installation completes, verify Content Registration, DO Reporting, SSD etc.

The 1E Client was still able to use every feature of the Tachyon Platform.

NomadBranch - Shows incorrect processor details.

Verify NomadBranch log file for the correct OS version and details.

Content state is not getting updated by CDsync if 0 version of the same content is reported in between.

A downloaded event generated for SMSNomad download reports content version 0, which later gets deleted when cdssync run.

But on the server side, the package remains in a cancelled state. Its state did not change although the client has 100% content in its cache. Content Distribution sync is unable to generate an event to correct its state.

Download event gets generated for content version 0 if version is not provided in smsnomad cmdline.

Content downloads successfully and the corresponding event is generated for content version 0.

The event should be generated for the correct version.

Peer-Backup Assistant




Client does not participate in PBA Polling when two clients with the same name exist in two different domains.

If a client machine with same hostname name exists in two different domains, during PBA Polling the client does not participate.

Nomad elections




Peer replying first in election is elected as Master irrespective of start-up time.

When None of the replying peer is current Master for Given Package and all the replying peers have same weight-age, also all the peers have 100% content for the given package.

During download for the given package Elections is triggered and Peer replying first in election is elected as Master irrespective of start-up time of Nomad service

Nomad shows incorrect logging indicating connection limit is over.

When there network disconnection during P2P download over http(s), sometimes incorrect logging appears indicating connection limit is over.

Elections don't correctly honour uptime.

When election weight is same on all peers and one of the peer has greater uptime than everybody else then Nomad may not elect the machine with better uptime as master.

In some cases high election weight peer loses election despite same content percentage.

When all the peers have almost same content percent then sometimes peer with higher election weight does not win elections.

Nomad and Windows Servicing Assistant

Windows Servicing Assistant (WSA) is a feature of the 1E Client (with Shopping client enabled).




WSA deployment may restore data, which was captured by a different user.

When Replace capture WSA deployment is executed on source machine multiple times, different Nomad PBA Hosts can be honored to capture USMT data each time. During replace restore, target machine can restore any captured USMT data. Nomad PBA doesn't have a notion of version.

TS execution fails as Content is not located in Nomad Cache if Nomad Cache was configured on Custom Drive.

If Nomad Cache is configured on the Custom drive then TS execution will fail as content will be searched in the default Nomad location.

WSA Wizard might requests USB drive even when there is enough disk space.

Even though there is enough disk space on users workstation WSA Wizard might request for USB drive.

PBA POLL / FIND fails during WSA TS execution.

If potential PBA host found during WSA prepareness, goes offline during Task Sequence execution, the TS can fail. Enabling HA can reduce the chances of such failures.