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1E 9.x (on-premises)

Summary Report page

A description of the fields on the Summary Report page.

Here you can view the entitlements for a selected entitlements repository. You get to this page by clicking the AppClarity→Entitlements→Summary Report node in the navigation panel.

The fields on the Summary Report page are:

  • Entitlements repository selector

  • Entitlements Records

  • Costs Breakdown

  • Active Entitlements only toggle

  • Action Buttons

    • Export

  • Entitlements table

    • Vendor

    • Title

    • Edition

    • Metric

    • Lic Qty

    • Mnt Qty

    • Total Cost

    • Spend (%)

  • Column actions

    • Column sort

    • Column filter




Entitlements repository selector

This field lets you select the repository where the entitlements data displayed on the page comes from. By default this is set to Default Entitlements.

If you have created your own entitlements repositories, click on the name to select any of these from the drop-down list.

Entitlements Records

This chart shows the percentage of the total number of Entitlements Records in the selected Entitlements repository that are currently being displayed on this page as a result of the applied filters. The figures below the chart show the number of Entitlements Records being displayed over the total number of Entitlements Records in the selected Entitlements repository.

Costs Breakdown

These charts show the costs breakdown for various aspects of the Entitlements in the currently selected Entitlements repository.



Entitlement Type

This chart shows the breakdown and numbers for the Entitlements Records in the selected Entitlements repository according to their Entitlement type: Perpetual, Subscription or Maintenance.



This chart shows the breakdown and numbers for the top 5 Vendors according to their total Entitlements costs in the selected Entitlements repository.



This chart shows the breakdown and numbers for the top 5 software Titles according to their total Entitlements costs in the selected Entitlements repository.


Renewal Due (In Days)

This chart shows the number of entitlement renewals that are due within certain numbers of days in the selected Entitlements repository.

Active Entitlements only toggle

The Active Entitlements only toggle adds a filter when it's turned on that filters the table to only display the entitlements that have been published and not the ones that are in draft.

Action Buttons

The following table describes the action buttons displayed on theSummary Reportpage.




Exports all the entitlements currently displayed in the Entitlements table as a TSV file. This button takes the filters currently applied to the table into account, but not the sorting or the current selection.

Entitlements table

The following table describes the columns displayed in the Entitlements table:




The vendor portion of the vendor, title, version and edition attributes that are used to identify which software products the entitlement or agreement is for. For example, Microsoft Corporation or 1E.

You can sort and filter on this column.


The title portion of the vendor, title, version and edition attributes that are used to identify which software products the entitlement is for. For example, Visio or Nomad.

You cansortandfilteron this column.


The edition portion of the vendor, title, version and edition attributes that are used to identify which software products the entitlement is for. For example, Standard or - (where no edition is specified or exists).

You cansortandfilteron this column.


The metric type for a license or maintenance entitlement. This may be one of:




The metric for the license is related to the number of cores present on a device. For example, licenses for Microsoft SQL database are related to the number of cores on the server where Microsoft SQL is installed.


The metric for the license is for devices. For example licenses for Microsoft Visio are on a per device basis. This is the default type.


This can be used to reference your own license metric type.


The metric for the license is related to the number of processors for a device. For example, licenses for certain Oracle products are related to the number of processors on the server where the Oracle product is installed.


The metric for the license is related to the Processor Value Unit present on a device. For example. licenses for IBM products are related to the Processor Value Unit (PVU) for the device where the IBM product is installed.


The metric for the license is related to the users for the product. For example, Microsoft Office 365 licenses are related to users and not the devices the software is running on.

You cansortandfilteron this column.

Lic Qty

The Lic Qty column shows the number of licenses related to each Entitlement in the table.

You can sort and filter on this column.

Mnt Qty

The Mnt Qty column shows the number of maintenance licenses related to each Entitlement int the table.

You can sort and filter on this column.

Total Cost

The Total Cost column displays the total cost for the number of licenses and maintenances covered by each entitlement in the table.

You can sort and filter on this column.

Spend (%)

The Spend (%) column shows the percentage of the overall spend for each Entitlement in the selected Entitlement repository. The complete bar represents the overall spend, the blue bar indicates the % spend for this Entitlement and the grey bar shows the % remainder.

Column actions

The following column actions are available on some columns in the table.

Column action


Column sort

Using column sorts

The picture opposite shows an example taken from AppClarity. In our example we want to sort the table on the Cost column from the highest cost at the top to the lowest at the bottom.To sort the table on the Cost column:

  • Click on the sort icon S06_-_The_sort_icon.png just beneath the header row in the Cost column.

  • The sort popup is displayed.

  • Now select the sort direction. In our example this will be Sort descending.

  • After selecting this the data in the table is now sorted on the Cost column from highest to lowest and the sort icon has changed to a sort descending icon S05_-_The_sort_descending_icon.png



Clearing the sort

You can clear the sort by clicking on the sort icon again and selecting the Clear sorting menu item from the sorting popup.

Column filter

Using column filters

The picture shows an example taken from AppClarity. In our example we want to filter the table to show only those items where the Edition contains the text Prof.


To filter the table on the Edition column:

  • Click on the filter icon F07_-_The_filter_icon.png just beneath the header row in the Edition column.

  • The filter popup is displayed.

  • Now select the operator. In our example this will be contains.

  • Then type the text Prof into the text field.

  • Click Apply and a new filter will be added to the table.

  • The table will be filtered to just those items whose Edition contains the text Prof.


Adding another filter

You can add another filter by clicking on the filter icon F07_-_The_filter_icon.png for any of the columns. The picture opposite shows another filter added selecting table rows where the Type also contains the text License. The table will also be filtered accordingly.


Removing filters

You can remove filters by clicking on the filter close icon F09_-_The_filter_close_icon.png at the end of the filter.