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1E 9.x (on-premises)

Agreements page

A description of the fields on the Agreements page.

Here you can view, edit, copy, create, publish and delete agreements. You can also export all the agreements in the selected repository to a TSV file. You get to this page by clicking the AppClarity→Entitlements→Agreements node in the navigation panel.

The fields on the Agreements page are:

  • Report RefreshReport Refresh

  • Active Agreements only toggle

  • Status filters

  • Column Picker

  • Agreements table

    • Vendor

    • Name

    • Number

    • Start Date

    • End Date

    • Cost

    • Management Group

    • Identifier

    • Links

    • Status

    • ...

  • Column actions

    • Column sort

    • Column filter

  • Action Buttons

    • New Agreement

    • Edit

    • Publish

    • Clone

    • Move to Draft

    • Delete

    • Export

Agreements page



Report Refresh

You can refresh reports from individual AppClarity screens as well as using the Settings App. Where this is available you can do this by using the refresh icon next to the Last Refreshed box:

Report refresh control
Active Agreements only toggle

The Active Agreements only toggle adds a filter when it's turned on that filters the table to only display the agreements that have been published and not the ones that are in draft.

Status filters

The Status filters are displayed in the top-right of the page and let you filter the table according to the status of the items in the table.


Clicking on an icon filters the table to display only items with that status, as described in the following table.




Filters to show only items in Draft.


Filters to show only items in Draft with errors.


Filters to show only items in Draft with warnings.


Filters to show only items that are Published.

Column Picker
Agreements table

The following table describes the columns displayed in the Agreements table:




The vendor portion of the vendor, title, version and edition attributes that are used to identify which software products the entitlement or agreement is for. For example, Microsoft Corporation or 1E.

You can sort and filter on this column.


The name used for the agreement. For example, you might want to define an agreement that covers all your Microsoft Office and related products, so you could name the agreementMicrosoft Office Agreement - 2018.

You can sort and filter on this column.


Corresponds to the contract number, usually supplied on the customer contract.

You can sort and filter on this column.

Start Date

When the agreement starts to be applicable.

You can sort and filter on this column.

End Date

This is the last date the agreement is applicable until.

You can sort and filter on this column.


The cost of the agreement as arranged with the Vendor.

You can sort and filter on this column.

Management Group

Displays all of the management groups the software reclaim policy is associated with.

You can sort and filter on this column.


Displays the Identifier information configured for the entitlement or agreement.

You can sort and filter on this column.


Displays the Parent, Associations and Children Links to other entitlements, agreements or contracts configured for the entitlement or agreement.


The icon indicates the status of the entitlement or agreement:






Draft with errors.


Draft with warnings.



Column actions

The following column actions are available on some columns in the table.

Column action


Column sort

Using column sorts

The picture opposite shows an example taken from AppClarity. In our example we want to sort the table on the Cost column from the highest cost at the top to the lowest at the bottom. To sort the table on the Cost column:

  • Click on the sort icon S06_-_The_sort_icon.pngjust beneath the header row in the Cost column.

  • The sort popup is displayed.

  • Now select the sort direction. In our example this will be Sort descending.

  • After selecting this the data in the table is now sorted on the Cost column from highest to lowest and the sort icon has changed to a sort descending icon




Clearing the sort

You can clear the sort by clicking on the sort icon again and selecting the Clear sorting menu item from the sorting popup.

Column filter

Using column filters

The picture opposite below an example taken from AppClarity. In our example we want to filter the table to show only those items where the Edition contains the text Prof.


To filter the table on the Edition column:

  • Click on the filter icon F07_-_The_filter_icon.png just beneath the header row in the Edition column.

  • The filter popup is displayed.

  • Now select the operator. In our example this will be contains.

  • Then type the text Prof into the text field.

  • Click Apply and a new filter will be added to the table.

  • The table will be filtered to just those items whose Edition contains the text Prof.


Adding another filter

You can add another filter by clicking on the filter icon F07_-_The_filter_icon.png for any of the columns. The picture opposite shows another filter added selecting table rows where the Type also contains the text License. The table will also be filtered accordingly.


Removing filters

You can remove filters by clicking on the filter close icon F09_-_The_filter_close_icon.png at the end of the filter.

Action Buttons

The following table describes the action buttons displayed on the Agreements page.



New Agreement

Creates a new agreement. See New Agreement page for more details.


This button is only enabled when there is a single selection in the Agreements table.

Edits the selected agreement and opens the Edit Agreement page. SeeNew Agreement pagefor more details.


This button is enabled when there is at least one selection in the Agreements table.

Publishes the selected agreements.


This button is only enabled when there is a single selection in the Agreements table.

Clones the selected agreement and opens the Edit License or Edit Maintenance page, depending on the type of the selected agreement, with a clone of the details from the agreement. SeeNew Agreement pagefor more details.

Move to Draft

This button is enabled when there is at least one selection in the Agreements table.

Moves the selected agreements to Draft.


This button is enabled when there is at least one selection in the Agreements table.

Deletes the selected agreements.


Exports all the agreements currently displayed in the Agreements table as a TSV file. This button takes the filters currently applied to the table into account, but not the sorting or the current selection.

New Agreement page

A description of the fields in each section of the New Agreement page. This also covers the Edit Agreement page.

An agreement entitlement type in AppClarity provides a structure to license and maintenance entitlements. Agreements can be used to model the contractual structure an organization uses for their purchasing process, or their internal software disbursement process.

The sections on the New Agreement or Edit Agreement page are:

The Summary panel

The Summary panel on the right-hand side of the entitlement displays a summary of the settings that have been made in the entitlement so far. It's always visible on screen and can be used to navigate between the various sections of the entitlement.

The panel also contains the following buttons:




Publishes the entitlement so it becomes active.

Save Draft

Saves the current settings in the entitlement to a draft. This can be used to save edits if you are part way through creating or making changes to the entitlement. It can also be used to inactivate an entitlement by removing its published status.


Cancels the current edits and closes the page.

Basic Information

This section deals with the basic information for the entitlement, such as details of the product, the coverage and term of the entitlement.




Management Group*

Here you can associate the entitlement with Management Group of your choice.

Custom Identifier

An optional field. You can specify any alpha-numeric value to help identify the entitlement in theDraftandPublishedpages and when linking to other entitlements.


Enter text here to store any comments you have related to the entitlement.


This sub-section defines the basis of the agreement.





The vendor portion of the vendor, title, version and edition attributes that are used to identify which software products the entitlement or agreement is for. For example, Microsoft Corporation or 1E.In the New Agreement page this must be filled out before any other fields. Suggested suitable vendors that match your text are displayed as you type into the field, which you can select to auto-complete the entry.


The name used for the agreement. For example, you might want to define an agreement that covers all your Microsoft Office and related products, so you could name the agreementMicrosoft Office Agreement - 2018.


Corresponds to the contract number, usually supplied on the customer contract.

Entitlement Term



Start Date

When the agreement starts to be applicable.


How long in months the agreement is applicable for after the start date.Setting the Duration sets the End Date. Setting the End Date sets the Duration.

End Date

This is the last date the agreement is applicable until.Setting the Duration sets the End Date. Setting the End Date sets the Duration.


This section lets you control how the entitlement is costed and how it can be considered within the overall spend.





The currency applied to the entitlement. Clicking on the Currency field displays a list of currencies to choose from.


Total Cost

The cost of the agreement as arranged with the Vendor.Here you enter the total cost of the agreement corresponding with the currency field.

Audit & Exclusions

This section lets you control how the entitlement is audited.




Auditor Details

Organizations that are allowed to perform the audit including (if appropriate), the licensor organization and any third-party organizations, according to what was agreed in the contract.

Audit Clause

Provides additional information on what could trigger the audit.

Auditor Frequency

Definition of the highest agreed frequency of the audit expressed in months.

Auditor Notice period

Notice period in days.

Audit Tool

Name of the tool(s) which are approved for use in the audit.

Audit Scope

Defines what part of the software customer organization is allowed to be audited.

Additional information (Optional)

This section lets you enter additional information related to the entitlement that may come from a Vendor agreement or contract.



Field Details

Business Unit

Specifies the Business Unit the agreement will be applied to. This may correspond to your management groups, depending on how you have those configured.


Name of the person who manages the budget associated with an agreement (this field is likely to be used only on agreements, but could be extended to other entitlements)



The invoice number, usually specified in the customer contract.

Line Item Number

This optionally identifies the line number (if provided) on the customer contract that pertains to the invoice.


The date for the invoice.

Purchase Order


The purchase order number, usually specified in the customer contract.

Line Item Number

This optionally identifies the line number (if provided) on the customer contract that pertains to the purchase order.


The date for the purchase order.

Direct Supplier


The number that identifies the direct supplier. For example, in some organizations this may be the same as the contract number.

Line Item Number

This optionally identifies the line number (if provided) on the contract that pertains to the direct supplier.


The date for the contract.

Internal Order


The ITARS or similar internal identifier for the order as specified in the customer contract.

Line Item Number

This optionally identifies the line number(if provided)on the contract that pertains to the internal order.


The date for the contract.

Licensor Details


The number (or name) of the licensor, could be the vendor or a VAR.

Line Item Number

This is intended as a reference to a licensor source other than an invoice, e.g. to an on-line portal of license purchases.


The date for the contract.

FOSS Details


This value is true only if the granted rights fulfill the requirements of both definition of the Free software maintained by the Free Software Foundation.

Copy Left

This value provides information on whether derivative works (which are always allowed for open source software) are themselves required to be open source software. There are three allowed values: “strong” means that all kinds of derivative works are required to be open source software themselves, “no” means that for all kinds of derivative works, it is allowed to distribute the derivative work as proprietary software. The intermediate value of “weak” means that there are some restrictions and the details are to be checked in the license.

Trademark restrictions

FOSS trademark restrictions.
