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1E 9.x (on-premises)

Microsoft Core License Demand - Detailed Report page

A description of the fields on the Microsoft Core License Demand - Detailed Report page.

This page displays the data for a selected software title on the Microsoft Core License Demand page. You get to this page by navigating to the AppClarity→Licence Demand node in the navigation panel, selecting a row in the table and then clicking on the Show Detailed Report button.

The fields on the Microsoft Core License Demand - Detailed Report page are:




Management Group selector

Certain pages in AppClarity have a management groups selector. This drop-down lets you select the management group you are interested in. By default this is set to Global.

Compliance Repository selector

This field lets you select the repository where the compliance data displayed on the page comes from. By default this is set to Default Compliance.

If you have created your own compliance repositories, click on the name to select these from the drop-down list.

Report Refresh

You can refresh reports from individual AppClarity screens as well as using the Settings App. Where this is available you can do this by using the refresh icon next to the Last Refreshed box:

Report refresh control
Column Picker

Where the column picker control is shown Column Picker UI control icon you can choose which columns are displayed. In the following example on the Microsoft Core License Demand page we hide the Unknown Installs column and move the License Demand column to the left of the page.


To pick the displayed columns:

  1. Click on the Choose columns icon Column Picker UI control icon to the right of the header row to view the visible columns.

  2. To exclude Unknown Installs, select the Unknown Installs row and click Exclude columns button.

  3. The Unknown Installs column is now hidden.

  4. To move the License Demand column to the top of the list, hover your mouse over License Demand and using the direction control drag it to the top of the list.

  5. The Microsoft Core License Demand page has now been automatically updated with our changes.

Action buttons

The following table describes the action buttons displayed on the Microsoft Core License Demand - Detailed Report page:




Exports all the entries currently displayed in the Microsoft Core License Demand - Detailed Report table as a TSV file. This button takes the filters currently applied to the table into account, but not the sorting or the current selection.

Microsoft Core License Demand - Summary table

This table displays a summary of the rows displayed in the Microsoft Core License Demand - Detailed Report table. The following table describes the columns displayed in the Microsoft Core License Demand Summary table:



Licensed Software

Displays software titles that are part of the License Demand report, where that software also has installations present in the inventory.


This column shows the number of installs for the software titles that are part of the License Demand report.

License Demand

This column shows the license demand for the software titles that are part of the License Demand report.

Unknown Installs

This column provides a count of the installations for the software titles that are part of the License Demand report where there are details that are unknown, thereby implying a risk for compliance calculation.

Microsoft Core License Demand - Detailed Report table

The following table describes the columns displayed in the Microsoft Core License Demand - Detailed Report table:



Cluster Name

The Cluster Name, if any, where the software in the License Demand report is installed.

Physical Host

The Physical Host, if any, where the software in the License Demand report is installed.

Machine Name

The device name, if any, where the software in the License Demand report is installed.

Machine Type

The type of the device where the software in the License Demand report is installed. This may be one of:

Machine Type



Physical Host



The version portion of the vendor, title, version and edition attributes that are used to identify software products. For example, 11.0.3216.5614 or

Colloquial Version

The colloquial version name for the product. For example, 2003, 2016 etc. This is an additional attribute to the vendor, title, version and edition for a software product that may identify a range of versions.

Licensed Software

Displays software titles that are part of the License Demand report, where that software also has installations present in the inventory.


This column shows the number of installs for the software titles that are part of the License Demand report.

License Demand

This column shows the license demand for the software titles that are part of the License Demand report.

Management Group

Displays the number of Management Groups a device is associated with. Clicking on the number displays a popup listing the Management Groups.


Displays the classification for the device where the software is installed. If set this may be one of:





Displays the number of processor sockets available on the mainboard for the device where the software is installed.


Displays the number of processors available on the mainboard for the device where the software is installed.


Displays the number of processor cores available on the mainboard for the device where the software is installed.


Provides recommendations on how to license the software to achieve the optimum license demand.

Column actions

The following column actions are available on some table columns:

Column actions


Column sort

Using column sorts

The picture shows an example taken from AppClarity. In our example we want to sort the table on the Cost column from the highest cost at the top to the lowest at the bottom. To sort the table on the Cost column:

  1. Click on the sort icon S06_-_The_sort_icon.png just beneath the header row in the Cost column.

  2. The sort popup is displayed.

  3. Now select the sort direction. In our example this will be Sort descending.

  4. After selecting this the data in the table is now sorted on the Cost column from highest to lowest and the sort icon has changed to a sort descending icon S05_-_The_sort_descending_icon.png


Clearing the sort

You can clear the sort by clicking on the sort icon again and selecting the Clear sorting menu item from the sorting popup.

Column filter

Using column filters

The picture opposite shows an example taken from AppClarity. In our example we want to filter the table to show only those items where the Edition contains the text Prof.


To filter the table on the Edition column:

  1. Click on the filter icon F07_-_The_filter_icon.png just beneath the header row in the Edition column.

  2. The filter popup is displayed.

  3. Now select the operator. In our example this will be contains.

  4. Then type the text Prof into the text field.

  5. Click Apply and a new filter will be added to the table.

  6. The table will be filtered to just those items whose Edition contains the text Prof.


Adding another filter

You can add another filter by clicking on the filter icon F07_-_The_filter_icon.png for any of the columns. The picture opposite shows another filter added selecting table rows where the Type also contains the text License. The table will also be filtered accordingly.


Removing filters

You can remove filters by clicking on the filter close icon F09_-_The_filter_close_icon.png at the end of the filter.